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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Hezbollah will simply "call" Hamas after Israel's ground invasion starts and will ask "are you guys alright?" If Hamas says yes, Hezbollah will not join the war, but if Hamas says we need help, Hezbollah will start unloading its inventory of precision guided rockets and missiles on Israel, and Israel is expecting it, thats why it is clearing many settlements in north Israel now. We will never know how many IDF soldiers die in airbases and secret bases attacks by Hezbollah and Hamas (like in 2021 battle against Israel).
If Israeli casualties are high, it will be felt on its forces even if the government suppresses the numbers. The morale will break and weaken its fight. This is exactly what's happening in Ukraine; Ukraine downplays its casualties but the general morale is in the gutter which results in failed operations on the battlefield despite recieving superior equipment in aid.
No, they targeted the Gaza Envelope IDF corps. Dozens of military bases. And captured 200 IDF soldiers of varying ranks. Also, they are lying about civilians. It was almost exclusively soldiers. Even if no civilian died at all, they would respond the same way because they're evil, genocidal and hateful.

It doesnt really do the palestinian course any good that you keep spreading lies.
Seriously, what is Hezbollah doing? 24 fighters sacrificed because of orders to stand down and not escalate.


There are 24 Hezbollah dead in the sand of this column, and it is still standing

I have said this before in this thread and I am saying it again, you cannot and should not expect Hezbollah to fight your war, you have to fight your own war man and in that process of fighting your war you can expect help from Hezbollah or generally Shias or Iran. This is not a Shia war, Sunnis have to stand up man. Hezbollah is doing what they can.

Footage from inside the hospital: The victims in this video all children at 0:13 you see the baby cough out dust from his lungs... Where is the WORLD?
In response to Israeli shelling of Egyptian army base, Egypt allowed 15 aid trucks into Gaza. Now Israeli army is threatening to bomb them because Egypt didn't consult Israel. Major escalation.

The Israeli army: Any attempt to bring aid into Gaza without coordination with us will be destroyed

Egypt getting a taste of blackmailing.

Ministry of Health spokesman: All hospitals in the Gaza Strip received warnings from the occupation

المتحدث باسم وزارة الصحة:جميع مستشفيات قطاع غزة تلقت تحذيرات من الاحتلال
I have said this before in this thread and I am saying it again, you cannot and should not expect Hezbollah to fight your war, you have to fight your own war man and in that process of fighting your war you can expect help from Hezbollah or generally Shias or Iran. This is not a Shia war, Sunnis have to stand up man. Hezbollah is doing what they can.
Is Hezbollah part of the axis of resistance against Israel? Do they operate under assumption that there will never be resistance against Israel? Are you guys scared or what? Just say the truth my friend. You're scared like the Sunni's are scared. So don't claim to be better than them next time. Muslims are so afraid of Jews they'd rather allow Gaza and 3 million Palestinians to be eradicated than intervene.

Fearing people more than Allah(SWT) is gonna bring a big punishment on us.
The last airstike was so huge it was captured from another streamers camera in Ashdod:

Israel is openly threatening and calling every hospital in Gaza. Will MSM claim it's Hamas rockets? If MSM do this. Fox news and CNN headquarters needs to be stormed tonight. Everyone that's against genocide needs to take the streets now and protest outside CNN headquarters if you live near it.
Director of the Indonesian Hospital for Al Jazeera Mubasher: We received short messages and a phone call from the occupation army requesting that the hospital be evacuated of patients and displaced persons.
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