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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The zionists are itching for WW3. Pax Americana needs to fall to make way for Pax Judaica. They're getting the Arab world triggered so they can launch the Samson option and bring about the Malhama/WW3 which would make the previous World War look like peanuts.....but they plan, and Allah plans and verily Allah is the best of planners. The day will come when They'll have no place to hide.

Apartheid state doesn't know where the tunnels are. How do you think Gazans get access to weapons and ammunition?

What I was saying is the difficulty entailed once inside Gaza. How to create an effective distribution process that won't get destroyed by the zionists. Smuggled weapons and booty is one thing because that stuff is quickly hidden. Providing the amenities you were referring to is a whole other ball game.
It would, you're right. Not sure how long it would take to get all that going and how and what existing utilities are available to connect to? A lot is blown to hell from the zionists and no one can get into Gaza to deliver the aid, let alone construction workers & materials to build a temporary "kitchen/bathroom" for 1.1 million people. The logistics are almost impossible. And the zionist threats to bomb them.

I doubt that type of arrangement already exists since the understanding is that the apartheid state is responsible for providing all those necessities.
Whatever is already available on the inhabited Egyptian side. Just extend a pipeline and transmission line underground.
The zionists are itching for WW3. Pax Americana needs to fall to make way for Pax Judaica. They're getting the Arab world triggered so they can launch the Samson option and bring about the Malhama/WW3 which would make the previous World War look like peanuts.....but they plan, and Allah plans and verily Allah is the best of planners. The day will come when They'll have no place to hide.

In their doctarine. Their messiah will rule from jerusalem therefore they wont use nuclear warheadd on any area of the middle east because it will turn it to a waste non habitant land probably for hundreds of years.
Maybe this a Euro-colonial concept and not universally true.
I gave you an example, you can counter me. Give me an example, post 1945, when a country joined a war purely to be on another country's side, where it had no interests. I am open to correction.
What I was saying is the difficulty entailed once inside Gaza. How to create an effective distribution process that won't get destroyed by the zionists. Smuggled weapons and booty is one thing because that stuff is quickly hidden. Providing the amenities you were referring to is a whole other ball game.
Water can be distributed just as weapons are: manually.

Electricity, either by additional lines that probably already exist, or worst case scenario, in mobile battery form.
Whatever is already available on the inhabited Egyptian side. Just extend a pipeline and transmission line underground.
Doing anything for 2+ million people is a logistical nightmare. The Berlin airlift of 1948 consumed most of the capacity of US + U.K. at that time. USSR was not even threatening anything.
The MIT educated psychopathic narcissist posits that to make peace with Palestinians, they need to abandon their rights for self-determination and give up aspirations of the establishment of a state. Once Zionist terrorist and always will be deceitful Zionis terrorist.
Where is the outrage?

Doctor reporting patients will full or partial body fourth degree burns.


Gaza: A Surgeon performs emergency surgery under the flashlight of mobile phone due to a lack of power in Hospitals

The Gaza Strip’s health-care system stands on the brink of collapse as bombings damage hospitals and ambulances and as generators run out of fuel, highlighting how quality medical care is a casualty of war.

This child survivor of a bombing simply asks "Will I still be alive?"

A doctor breaks down after discovering the body of his father among those brought into Shifa Hospital

Palestinian doctor in Gaza mourns his grandchild who was killed in the lsraeli air attacks.

Another Palestinian doctor breaks down finding his own children were among the causalities

Another injured Palestinian child in hospital exhibiting symptoms of CPTSD:

A Palestinian Doctor Breaks Down While Describing Situation In Gaza "Our blood is no different from any other"
Tragically, an unborn also lost its life in one of Israel's attacks on Gaza. Reports indicate that the lifeless body of the murdered Gazan baby, no larger than a doctor's palm, was placed next to its martyred mother.

More voices of suffering from Gaza:

Palestinian children in Gaza writing their names on their arms with the to help doctors identify their corpses in case if they are killed in an Israeli airstrike.

Move voices of suffering from Gaza:

This is what it is like to be a mother in Gaza:

Yousaf, aged 7 was one of the latest causalities. So many dreams ended, so many lives ended... Where is the voice for these souls?

“We are watching the result of your silence.”A woman at the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Palestine’s Gaza confronts a CNN correspondent over the West’s biassed media coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict










Hiba Abu Nada, a Palestinian poet from Gaza, who was killed in an Israeli raid two hours ago, wrote in her timeline: ”we are at the upper skies now, building a new city, doctors without patients, without blood. Teachers without crowding nor shouting at their students, new families without pain and sorrows, reporters filming heaven. Poets singing the eternal love, all of them are from Gaza, all of them. In heaven, there's a new Gaza being formed now, a Gaza without siege ”
In their doctarine. Their messiah will rule from jerusalem therefore they wont use nuclear warheadd on any area of the middle east because it will turn it to a waste non habitant land probably for hundreds of years.

They'll have no hesitation in using tactical nukes on the sleeping Arabs. They just need a reason to do so. If only the Arabs had a deterrent, but they've been too busy eating mutton and rice whilst Israel has been armed to the teeth.
I gave you an example, you can counter me. Give me an example, post 1945, when a country joined a war purely to be on another country's side, where it had no interests. I am open to correction.
1968-1973 UK ethnically cleansed the Chagos People from Diego Garcia and handed the land over to the US for a permanent naval base. UK gained nothing out of it except association with genocide.
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