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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Clear picture of Merkava tanks with cope cages

View attachment 963444
I must say,credit where credit is due,these do look very professionally made,and seemingly all to the same design too.
The russian ones by comparison seemed a bit more...,shall we say,...variable...when it came to both quality of design and construction.
I honestly have to wonder if perhaps the israelis had these things pre made just in case they had to go up against top attack capable weaponry,but didnt really want to have to install them without a good reason,you know,just in case people laughed at them for using "cope cages".😏
Personally I think cope cages will be the next must have item on tanks,I fully expect to see the abrams,the challenger 2,the leclerc etc all using them in the near future.

I swear,I must be fvcking prescient,or something...👁️

It does look a bit like someone just nicked a crab pot and stuck it on top of the damn thing tho`. 🤔
The West has been attacking Muslim countries for decades but it has failed to wake up the rulers. Whole countries have been destroyed and millions have been killed, but the rulers continue to act like it’s not happening.
Muslims have attacked Christians for centuries,
so Allah finally sent the USAF as punishment.
Then Muslims started killing the millions you refer to.

The Muslim public has, however, woken up to a large degree. If free and fair elections were held in their counties most of the existing treacherous dictators should be thrown into the dustbin of history. Which is why the upholders of democracy in the West cannot tolerate democracies in Muslim countries.

When Muslims get a chance, they tend to elect people that immediately abandon democracy.

The people of Muslim countries need to start working actively to overthrow unrepresentative rulers, especially in Arab countries. If they want to do something for Islam then every single Muslim should be working towards overthrowing dictatorships and bringing representative government.
The mark of a democrat is not that he gets power through elections, but that he resigns when his popularity is below that of competition. Assad, Saddam and Gadaffi should have resigned.
Sadly, Iran will only talk and Hezbollah will only do what they are doing right now - do not expect much. This ain't a Shia war anyway - People from Sunni World should stand up and fight for their own cause.

Honestly I think Iran will sacrifice Hamas for Hezbollah and not get involved

They will only activate Hezbollah of Iran comes under threat

They won’t do it for Hamas unfortunately

Sunni are nonexistent Arab world died decades ago expect nothing

Only Al Azhar in Egypt can do this which is under tight control
The problem is of course the invasion of Russia by your people creating the Golden Horde etc.
Russians behave like your people since then.
The invasion was done by non Muslim Mongols. Moscow Russia was a little country then, not close to Crinea. Kiyev Russia was there but it is debatable how much influence they had before Mongols.
But at the end if the day as soon as Tatar Muslims influence vaned, all Christians became the surfs , which wasn't the case under Tatars. Considering the Russian mentality, being a serf or slave was almost the same.
Once upon time , there were I think I Ostrogoth kingdoms there and Greek cities, also Genoves , I think. All if that disappeared, after the " liberation ".
Taters are my people in a sense that they are Muslims but racially, me and you are " our" people. Theere is nothing none European about Bosnians in the matter of race.
It is really strange that Europeans who not religious at all , look at some conflicts in a religious manner. Bulgarians or Hungarians who are not if European stock are more Europeans then me? Because I was Cathar then Muslim????
What beheading? If your referring to one's carried out by terrorists then your argument falls apart again.
It is about the behaviour of the West vs Muslims.

Terrorists don't represent a state just as I guess Anders Behring doesn't represent Norway. Try again.
And the Russian Army does not represent us, but people here just blame each European for what Russians are doing.
Terrorist believe they are fighting for Islam.
Largest donor palestine aid: EU
Also seperately we spent aid
As well as “speaking out”

And that is for a people we have nothing in common with.

We are striving for some two state solution.
That is hard when so many of the pro-palestinians think that “drive the jew in the ocean” is the only way to go.
Why don't you take back your jews?
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Israel-Hamas war: State Department official resigns, citing Biden administration’s ‘destructive’ decisions - POLITICO

@RescueRanger @LeGenD @waz

This is an interesting development that was overlooked. I don't think anyone in the past high-up resigned over this in the past.
another development that has not gained traction in the media:


The problem is of course the invasion of Russia by your people creating the Golden Horde etc.
Russians behave like your people since then.
Oh yes I forgot, didn't Russians before Mongols fought Teuton Crusaders? Or Vikings ?
So what's your historical basis that Russians learned cruelty from Golden Horde. If anything, it was Ukrainians. No?
Civilians can be killed in war through
  • War Crimes
  • Collateral Damage - killed in an attack on a valid military target
  • Mistakes - the target appeared to be a valid military target even if it was not.
Collateral Damage and Mistakes can and will happen during war but war crimes can always be criticized once there is evidence.

"The classification of a military act during conflict as a war crime depends on whether the act was justified. So the bombing of a school (or hospital) building may not be considered a war crime if it was deemed militarily necessary."

"The difficulty of making this distinction from afar has already arisen in the current conflict: One of the most densely populated areas of the world, Gaza is so crowded that most experts say it is impossible to bomb it without killing some of the 2.2 million civilians who live there. In such circumstances, determining the intended target of an attack is key to determining whether a war crime occurred."


The IDF is forcibly squeezing 2.5-3 million people within 30 kilometers. The largest concentration camp in human history. If the Nazis had seen it, they would have bowed down to Israel.

Then it shoots 2.5 million civilians in their schools, hospitals and residences, without any regard for their vulnerability, in the hope that there will be a few terrorists in them.

The IDF claims (there is no evidance, the IDF claims) that terrorists are hiding in these areas, so we should classify civilian deaths as collateral damage. Therefore we cannot conclude that it is a war crime.

However, if it was the Russian army and not the IDF, it would be a war crime. OK.
Muslims have attacked Christians for centuries,
so Allah finally sent the USAF as punishment.
Then Muslims started killing the millions you refer to.
😂 😂 Don't bring Christians almost killed each other in
I guess you forgot the European Christian Christmas of 1700's
Just add these number of Christianity vs Christianity....
No Muslim countries fought on that level....
God sent USAF and tanks to bomb Europe too.
Gernany, France and most of Europe got plenty of USAF...
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