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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The currency was the PALESTINIAN pound,tho the zionists stole that too along with everything else.

The coins,well see for yourself....
And who are isrealis??

Is there a genetic test for that?
Surely Americans or Europeans settlers can't be Israelis
That's what I meant. The Arabs sold their land. But it was the British who printed the money.

There is a little fact people seem to be missing out. The British White Paper forbade selling land and limited Jewish migration to British Mandate Palestine. The Jewish-American Committee worked on removing those conditions for American support to the U.K. in World War II. Not to forget the British promise to Arabs for their own country and not the mess we see today. So, overall, the broken promises and talking with a forked tongue have caused more misery than good.

However, I will say the Arabs are also at fault for not accepting the UNSCOP proposed in the 1940s by the UN. The other side of the argument is that the Europeans killed Jews, which should have been offering apiece of European soil as a homeland, not the Arabs who supported the British in WWI.

In all this mess, the U.S. should have never gotten the role of mediator because the problem practically stemmed from the U.S. arm-twisting the British. Hence, I'm dumbfounded how these clowns in the GCC and Asia think the U.S. is some neutral arbitrator; it's not.
Nobody attacked Turkey in Libya. Nobody attacked Turkey in Nagorno-Karabakh. Why did Turkey go there? ;)

1-- Turkiye protect our maritime agreement with Libya which is very important for Turkish EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean

Turkiye entered game in Libya and saved Libyan government from France , Russia , HAFTAR , etc

2-- Armenia attacked Azerbaijani citiy TOVUZ which is key point for energy-tranportation projects between Turkiye and Azerbaijan

also Azerbaijan is TURK

Therefore Turkiye helped Azerbaijan to liberate occupied land Karabakh from Armenia

btw bad news for Greece-France
Turkiye and Israel will explore joint drilling in East Mediterranean

23 september 2023

Has anyone admonished Iran about consequences in the region? But only on US?

Why do you think no one has?

1- The Arab world is right now as we speak trying to dissuade Iran from getting into this conflict. When will Iran stay out? When the US stays out and stops propping up a blood thirst Israeli war machine from massacring thousands of people. Just yesterday Israel bombed the Rafah crossing and a UN warehouse. That was Hamas as well then?

2- You renege on a deal you had with Iran and stop them from getting their money, and then you want Iran to sit this conflict out as well? As I posted in another thread, or maybe this one, Iran will definitely look to get it's own concessions from this situation.

Stop looking at the world from the lens of 'We are right, everyone else is wrong so they either submit to us or they die'. There's humans on the other side of the world, who you want to bend down to your will no matter what.

Was what Hamas did right? No. It should not be killing civilians. Is what Israel is doing right? Hell no. An hour ago, Israel bombed a hospital and 500 people were killed. But of course that does not figure in your discourse because it's just brown poor Muslims who died.

A long time ago, but still applicable. The US failed in VN, but saved most of Asia. Wonder if we can do the same for the ME -- from Iran.

I'd say you can't. Because the nature of the conflict is VASTLY different. Some days I think the US and the Western world is still stuck in that Capitalism vs communist mindset, and does not truly appreciate the nature of the conflicts in the Middle East and it's religious connotations. There was a CIA analyst I believe who is a fierce critic of US policies in the region, there's a few Youtube videos of him too, I forgot the name. That guy nailed the issue on the head.

You think Israel taking over Gaza or killing 2 million people would resolve this issue?
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Has anyone realised why the Israelis still haven't started their ground offensive yet?

Israel knows that on the orders of Iran Hezbollah will open another front and that will truly test the Zionists. No, the Israelis didn't halt the ground operation because the weather was bad.

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