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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

It's funny coming from you,when you used to mock Israel as "tiny" and "pathetic" all the time and telling us how easily Turkey could invade Israel.

invade Israel ? I never said anything about invading tiny Israel

and Israel is nothing without American protection

even only HAMAS + HEZBOLLAH are enough for tiny Israel
Netenyahu and the organization he represents are enemies of the American people. When the Americans realize this, it will be too late.
Why is Daily Telegraph blasting about babies beheading by Hamas when the news is fake?
invade Israel ? I never said anything about invading tiny Israel

and Israel is nothing without American protection

even only HAMAS + HEZBOLLAH are enough for tiny Israel
I think you've said something about easily invading or destroying Israel and I disagreed with you.
Why Dailly Telegraph is blasting the lies? Because, they want to creat a massive psychosis for in coming Crusades. Because they are Jews also. Very simple matter why they do it . Nothing new
Aren’t they going inside Gaza? What is going on? What’s the reason for the delay?

Using air strikes first to clear the areas?
We have time. It's not fast operation but a war. Let's see how much time hamas leader can stay in there tunnels without oxygen and water
Besides,the Leopard 2A4s and M60s are there as a proof. So don't come and say that you kicked them easily.

What about Israeli Tanks which were hit by HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH ?

A few Turkish Tanks were hit by ISIL in Syria ... nothing else

Turkish Army fought against 10.000+ ISIL Terrorists with tons of ATGMs and suicide bomb vehicles

Turkish Army killed over 3.000 ISIL Terrorists

We lost 72 soldiers
but only 5 soldiers against fighting 10.000+ ISIL Terrorists in urban warfare

we lost 67 soldiers against unknow air strikes and artillery strikes ( from SAA and Iran backed groups )

3 MONTHS TO TAKE AL BAB. You know what Al Bab is? A town. It's not a huge city like Mosul or Aleppo.

Outsiders with no ethics can't understand Turkish sensivity towards civilian life

Turkiye will never leave tens of thousands of innocent deads behind us just like Russia or USA

Turkiye did not use UCAVs - F-16 Fighter Jets against ISIL in AL BAB
Turkish Army ( max 3.000 soldiers ) fought like real men against 10.000+ ISIL Terrorists in urban warfare

on the other hand American-French Fighter Jets bombed MOSUL day and night for 18 months and killed over 10.000 civilians in MOSUL

and over 150.000 troops from Iraqi Army , Canadian-French forces and Kurdish PESHMARGE fought against 12.000 ISIL terrorists in MOSUL

Your noob Armies including Israeli Army is nothing to compare with Turkish Army
They shot down an ANKA and you didn't know how to react! You wouldn't say a word to condemn it for a whole day!

after losing ANKA UCAV
Turkiye sent dozens of F-16s to hit USA backed PKK-YPG terror targets which were in many Syrian Cities

Turkiye lost only 1 UCAV .. but USA lost hundreds of millions of USD
( PKK-YPG oil facilities , energy-electricty power plants , headquarters and ammunition depots )

good job Turkish Air Force
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