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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

There is great unease in a significant part of the Orthodox and Catholic world. Much of Europe is now a hopeless case, but the world is not just western Europe and the US. I hope that this unbearable suffering of the Palestinian people will be an awakening for humanity.
Because the majority of the population want the EU and US to stop supporting Israel when it bombs and abuses Palestinians,
while also is angry and disgusted by Hamas atrocities. Every legitimacy of "resistance" was lost by Hamas and every legitimacy of an operation against terrorism was lost by Israel after they started their usual "bomb everything and keep bombing until they're gone".
So many posters were cheering for russia which attacked HUNDREDS of medical facilities in ukraine.

I assume they have no problem if Israel does the same?
Atleast Israel gave a warning to evacuate the north.

“One of the Hamas main command-and-control centres is believed to be located beneath Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital”
Very disturbing news

My intention is not to make everyone mad on here.


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No I am not derailing, I am focusing on a very important topic of why countries aren't supporting Palestine and Muslim Unity. But enemies of Unity are nefariously at work undermining Muslim strength. The biggest question in terms of Islam is why large Countries like Egypt, Pakistan and Turkey aren't helping to militarily settle the matter. They have the logistics , they have the weapons technology and the manufacturing base, the people support Palestinians but the will of the people is being blocked by the corrupts.
What is your strengths? 80 k British controlled 100s of millions of you? Where my forefathers ever sow yours? Why would I need to be with you? What you can offer? Couple of slogans and your tedious drivel? What the **** you can do or you can achieve?
What? You want me to send zekat to your uncle who has 17 children because you can't due to the fact that you have 12 , oh it is my duty. Sorry for failing in that duty. If you **** then pay for it
What a stupid comment. If the immigrants population hadn't come over it is very likely that the NHS would not have survived and likewise transportation. Many people of colour fought and died in the war too. Educate yourself ignorant fool
If u cant make a comment without personal attacks then there is no point discussing. 🤷🏾‍♂️
I know you guys are emotional about this conflict, you all gotta calm down. Venting on others wouldn't change anything on the ground. 😁
That was so fvcking savage to watch,he kicked those zionists right in the truth....and he didnt do it just once either,he kept right on kicking them there too.🫣
They`ll definitely be screaming blatant "anti-semitism" over that,didnt he know its against the rules to even mention the truth within earshot of a zionist?.😏

Oh and a very big :enjoy: to the 🇮🇪 mp,good to see that not every western politician is a craven zionist tokhes licker.
I went to Istanbul long time ago and came across a bad Turk who was a pimp. He was trying to give me cheap dirty Russian girls, sexy white girls and expensive but clean Turkish girls, that's when the word Basturk: a bastard Turk.
This happens in the entire Balkans. Turkey,Greece,Bulgaria,Romania,FYROM,wherever you go. There are bad people in all countries. There is mafia in all countries.
Six BBC reporters taken off air as probe launched over pro-Palestine tweets

Guardian decides not to renew contract of veteran cartoonist Steve Bell after image featuring Israeli PM was pulled The BBC Arabic website on Monday October 16 2023 © BBC Arabic

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The BBC has taken six reporters in the Middle East off air and launched an investigation into posts on social media that seemed to support activities of Hamas against Israel. The broadcaster has strict rules on impartiality, which cover its reporters’ activities on social media. Posts that were tweeted or liked by BBC News Arabic reporters, including those based in Egypt and Lebanon, appeared to support Palestine or criticise the position of Israel.

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The BBC has now taken all six off air, though they have not been formally suspended, pending an urgent investigation into their activities as BBC employees. In a statement, the BBC said: “We are urgently investigating this matter. We take allegations of breaches of our editorial and social media guidelines with the utmost seriousness, and if and when we find breaches we will act, including taking disciplinary action.” All the posts have been taken down, but media reports suggest that one reporter liked a message that appeared to describe Hamas, the Palestinian militant movement that attacked Israel nine days ago, as “freedom fighters”. The move to name the journalists by some media outlets has raised concerns over their safety while the investigation is carried out. The broadcaster has already faced questions over its position on Hamas from politicians demanding changes to its editorial policy on calling the group militants rather than terrorists. Downing Street on Monday again questioned the BBC’s stance, saying the word “terrorists” was appropriate given that the group’s recent attack on Israel was the third most deadly terrorist attack since the 1970s. A spokesperson for Number 10 said the BBC had used the word “terrorists” in relation to other attacks including 9/11 and the Bataclan massacre in Paris. “A number of reporting organisations are accurately describing Hamas as a terrorist group, I think accuracy is important in all circumstances,” he said. The BBC said its reporting had explained that Hamas was proscribed as a terrorist organisation by many western governments, including the UK, and featured contributors who had described them as terrorists. But the broadcaster has insisted that as an editorially independent organisation, its role is to explain what is happening so that the public can make their own judgments. Cartoonist Steve Bell last week complained on X after a cartoon featuring Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was pulled © Heathcliff O’Malley/Shutterstock Separately, when asked whether the Football Association should show the Israeli flag at Wembley Stadium, Downing Street said: “We think there is . . . much more they can be doing.” He added: “We think it is important for every part of society to show support for the Jewish community.” England play Italy in a European Championship qualifying match at Wembley on Tuesday. The Guardian newspaper has also said it would not renew the contract of its veteran cartoonist Steve Bell, who last week complained on X after a cartoon featuring Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was pulled. He criticised the decision on X, saying “it is getting pretty nigh impossible to draw this subject for the Guardian now without being accused of deploying ‘antisemitic tropes’.” The Guardian said: “The decision has been made not to renew Steve Bell’s contract. Steve Bell’s cartoons have been an important part of the Guardian over the past 40 years — we thank him and wish him all the best.” Separately, the BBC said a member of BBC News Arabic team in Tel Aviv was stopped and assaulted at the end of last week by Israeli police in a vehicle marked as media. “Journalists must be able to report on the conflict in Israel-Gaza freely,” the broadcaster said.

Wow I didn't know it was that bad.
Bosnia doesn't have any debt but it has a problem regarding its serbs and croats.
Yeah bro,Bosnia is Switzerland. It rains candy and you find diamonds on the ground,but you don't even pick them up,no need.
Most spewing bile on here are just using it as an excuse to vent their nationalism, religious bigotry and racism. Even got to the stage where a bunch of sexist guys were talking about which 'people' they thought had more beautiful women. That's got **** all to do with caring about Palestinians, most of this thread has little to do with a genuine interest in the issue. See the same thing on here with anything related to India and some other issues. It's exactly the same as other hyper-nationalistic forums used to be. And its the kind of rubbish you see constantly on other social media. It's pathetic.
Agree. We'll that's wht ultr nationalism does I guess. To be honest I find it funny when such people vent their frustrations and anger on strangers or people they don't even know online . I just laugh it off. Couldn't care less. Afterall, it doesn't affect my life or that of my family at all. So who gives a ****? 😆
Just tell them to calm down and move on . No need to get to their level. 😆 me I just see this conflict like the dozens or hundreds others around the world. Nothing special here. Some seem to act like Palestinians and Israel are special human beings. They are just humans like everybody in a conflict zone around the world. So if you care so much about them then you should care the same way for those going through similar things or even worse in Africa, Asia, South america etc. I guess for most on here it's more abiut religion than genuine care for human lives. If Palestinians/Israelis were say Buddhist they wouldn't be so passionate or emotional..🤣

Let's get back to topic anyway. 😁
A US carrier group would easily handle 30 missiles. 900 vertical launch cells are heading to the Eastern Mediterranean. Also decoys, electronic warfare etc.

An US air defense is incredibly capable as proven by Patriot in the defense of Kyiv.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Destruction of Patriot systems in Kiev by two Kinzhal missiles after it launched 32 missiles and failed to intercept anything :lol:

Turkish Army easy kicked ISIL in Syria
We killed over 3.000 ISIL terrorists and Turkish Army cleaned Syrian cities Jarablus , Rai , Dabiq , Azaz and Al Bab from ISIL terrorists
Listen,you are getting everyone tired with your boasts of invincible and superior Turkish Army.

You forget that in Syria,you had a lot of cannon fodder to send,your TFSA(SNA),which was supported by a number of your army and air force. At the same time,the SAA and SDF were also fighting with the black caliphate barbarians. So don't boast about your super-amazing victory.

Besides,the Leopard 2A4s and M60s are there as a proof. So don't come and say that you kicked them easily.

3 MONTHS TO TAKE AL BAB. You know what Al Bab is? A town. It's not a huge city like Mosul or Aleppo.

USA can not stop Turkish Armed Forces in Syria
They shot down an ANKA and you didn't know how to react! You wouldn't say a word to condemn it for a whole day!
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