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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I didn't ask about your wet dreams, I just asked to write down exactly what the word you used means. Istanbul is a city of 16 million people, 70 nationalities. You can encounter all kinds of filth. But you can also find some of the most wonderful people you will ever meet in your life. So everyone can find what they are looking for, if you are a shit you will find shit, if you are a person with self-esteem you will find people like you. As yo write you have been to Istanbul once in your life, and while your experience during that time gives an idea about your life and ideals, I think it would be more moral to question your own life instead of insulting a nation based on isolated incidents.

So, Don't act like a cunt, if you are a super racist asshole just like the Zionist Nazis you should write about it openly without word games, if you can't, you are putting yourself in an even more pathetic position than the Zionist racist assholes.
Truth hurts doesn't it? I haven't generalised it is a third person singular term. Glad that you have accepted there are bad Turks and it reflects in your foreign policy , but this isn't a time for petty squabling , but time to refrain from watching cheap belly dancing and cheap beer, and to do what Allah has ordained and an opportunity for the Turkish people to undo their past failings. Palestine was part of the Turkish Empire until you gave it up/lost it and failed in your duties to uphold Islamic values. There is nothing racist in my post but then it could be because you guys have a lot of Mongol blood within you.
Because of traitor Arabs during WW1

Arabs including Palestinians were allies with the British to fight against the TURKS ( Ottoman Empire )

and now British supports Israel to kill Arabs in GAZA-Palestine
enjoy with your MASTER ( British )

after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire
USA,The UK,France,Israel,Russia killed millions of Arabs in Algeria , Iraq , Syria , Libya , Palestine , etc

We TURKS are not stupid to fight Israel for traitor Arabs
Their MASTER USA and The UK should save Palestine from Israel

shut up and go to fight Israel you ugly smelly bastard
Fu(k off you cowardly Turk go and do some belly dancing that is all you are good for.
Truth hurts doesn't it? I haven't generalised it is a third person singular term. Glad that you have accepted there are bad Turks and it reflects in your foreign policy , but this isn't a time for petty squabling , but time to refrain from watching cheap belly dancing and cheap beer, and to do what Allah has ordained and an opportunity for the Turkish people to undo their past failings. Palestine was part of the Turkish Empire until you gave it up/lost it and failed in your duties to uphold Islamic values. There is nothing racist in my post but then it could be because you guys have a lot of Mongol blood within you.
If your purpose for coming to Istanbul was spiritual serenity and Islamic enrichment, you could have a wonderful experience. On the other side who seeks shit finds shit.

Most of my life, 32 years of it, has been spent in Istanbul. As I am writing this now, I am also residing in Istanbul. I know every nook and cranny of Istanbul well. All its filth and all its beauty. I was in the nightlife for about 10 years because my main profession and academic background is sound engineering. I didn't continue that life because I believe that life is not for me, but I continue the acoustic design business. Half of my family is a Balkan immigrant and the other half is from Black Sea, these parts are usually the regions of Istanbul where mafia families belong, and my family has been in the maritime sector in Istanbul for 4 generations. Anyway, when someone tries to tell me about Istanbul, I can't help but laugh involuntarily.

You can write anything you want about me. Even if they are childish reactions, it doesn't matter, I laugh it off.

BUT It is unacceptable to call a nation a b*stard, this is the same type with Zionist racism. A mental illness that understands everything you encounters in life on racial grounds. I see such posters as pathetic people who have failed to become individuals and I report them regardless of their nationality, you can also ask the moderators for confirmation.

By the way, I have not used any bad words against your precious family or your nation, which I respect very much. Although I have been provoked by many people here, the expressions I have used against them have remained within individual limits. Therefore, my above post is not the product of any racism or a sick world of thought. I wrote directly and clearly, you are a cunt, and a hopeless one at that. May God give patience to your family and relatives.
As I told you from day one about U.S. intervention, now it will get more severe from what I'm hearing. The French are now asking for a permanent station in Israel.

He's also mentioned that a contingent of U.S. Marines is being prepped for permanent stationing in Israel in the Golan Heights region.

I have a feeling they will sandwich Syria (they already have a hold on Eastern Syria); with the Western front secured, they may finish off Asad. This will kill two birds with one stone, Assad, and remove Russia from the region.
Seems like the crusades round 3 has started.
Precisely what the EA-18G (preceded by the EA-6B Prowler/Intruder) was designed to do. Not only does it spoof and jam, but also carry & fire AGM-88 HARM missiles to destroy radar stations during those initial interdiction missions. This exact, dedicated military tactic was primarily developed during the Vietnam war with USAF Wild Weasels squadrons. Which ironically is how the apartheid state learned how to perform the same missions in 1982 against Syria.

The trick is early detection at long distances which the Russians & Chinese have been developing with their OTH radars.
This wouldn't work because I am mostly positive EA-18G would run with Spoofing now, which mean you can detect something, but since it's OTH, unless you send fighter to verify those contact, you won't know it's a Growler until you made visual contact. So the issue now being can you send bird up every time you run into spoofing.

We have come a long way from Operation Bolo and flying Iron Hand (which is the Navy version of Wild Weasel) even during vietnam, we would still send out other E-Dub like EB-66 to make the NVA/Viet Cong chase ghost, and in Desert Storm when those Raven was riding shotgun with attack squadron, you now not only have to be able to detect a strike, you need to also able to identify a strike and have means to deal with it, and China and Russia is probably still a long way off if they are depending on OTH radar for these incoming. They may have other things to counter this tho. I don't know
Seems like the Israel/Lebanon border is heating up:-

7h ago
(22:40 GMT)

Israeli army says striking Hezbollah targets in Lebanon​

The Israeli military says it is “currently striking Hezbollah terrorist targets in Lebanon”.
It did not provide additional details but we will bring you more information as soon as we have it.
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