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Gaza as a Military Testing Ground for Iran

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I have never said such things, I have pushed for end of Iran-Saudi rivarly which will require big concessions from both sides, and direct all efforts against Israel. Which is position of Hamas....
I am not talking about you but some of your cronies who think murdering Iranians/Shias is right act, and why you're focusing only on Hamas, there is another organization called HisbullAllah which is also fighting against Israel, and why Arabs killing Muslims of Yemen
There is no assumption or lies fool, if your friend has nothing to hide who would disable his vpn to show mods his real location(which is in USA), and his other username on forum, which is Aspen.
You make a claim about a post and it was lie..
By the way fool is the one who make a claim that any persian speaking school kid from , Iran , Afghanistan or Tajikistan can prove is falsehood not the one who show the truth. You cant understand persian and you made some assumptions and made complaint to mods based on that assumption which was clearly a wrong assumption. You claimed he insulted you while infact it was you who insulted many members here and not only them in some cases you insulted their female relatives.
This guy is using vpn to circumvent rules of forum
Exactly which rule point us to that rule.
You are a Jewish takfiri, you are not fooling with your taqiyah. We know who you guys are and will permanently end your culture and books to give way for permanent Caliphate of the Mahdi (AS). You are soon going into garbage bin of history.

You claim you have nothing to hide but using vpn to hide your real location. And your excuse is 'internet issue'. :rofl::rofl:

You live in Flordia you lying takfiri subject. Takfirism and Zionism is your religion and ideology. No wonder you lie so much.

Who's 'we'? I am not Jewish takfiri who argue against Jihad against Israel on 24/7 basis like Salar does. While urging war on Muslim nations. Any such people are not Muslim and are Zionist takfiri fifth columinsts and they gonna be dealt with permanently. There will be no tolerance for them while paving way for Al-Masih(AS).
Reported both you for seeking genocide of Muslims and arguing vehemently against jihad against Israel.

@krash @Foxtrot Alpha @LeGenD @waz @Irfan Baloch @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Arsalan @WebMaster

Gentlemen, once again this person is harassing me, badly slandering by attributing imaginary statements to me, and spreading delirious falsehoods about my person. Namely:

- Calling me "Jewish" when I am Muslim ("you are a Jewish takfiri", he wrote). This is akin to making 'takfir i.e. excommunicating a Muslim from his faith.

- Claiming I am practicing "taqiyah". A religious type of attack.

- Claiming I live in Florida, USA, when in fact I live in western Europe.

- Claiming I "argue against Jihad against Israel on 24/7". This isn't true.

- Claiming I "seek genocide of Muslims". Another blatant form of slander.

- Suggesting I am not Muslim ("any such people are not Muslim").

This is perhaps the tenth time in a row that this subject is violating rules in this manner. Moderators received multiple reports in this regard, and not just from me. Based on past experience, if one the regular posters of the Iranian section was to direct the mildest of these attacks against another member, they would probably not get away with it without a ban.

As an example, on June 10, user Pan-Islamic-Pakistan complained about @Xerxes22 implying that him and Falcon29 are one and the same person. As a result, Xerxes22 was instantly banned. See:

Now, Falcon29 has not just been committing the exact same offense by claiming I am the same person as another user (which is nonsense), he has done even worse by implying I am not Muslim, and by attributing grave declarations and actions to me which I am absolutely not guilty of.

Also, in the Middle Eastern section of the forum, he recently started a long rant in which he qualified Shia Muslim practices as "kufr". Moderator @waz had to intervene and lock the thread.

Then just a few days ago, the person insulted the mother and possible sister(s) and spouse of user Stryker1982 by calling the latter a "dayooth" (which in Arabic means "a person who is apathetic or permissive with regards to so-called unchaste behaviour by female relatives or a spouse"). In addition to which he called Stryker1982 a "majoos", a racist term that calls into question the sincerity of the Iranian people's belief in Islam. See here please:


As you can witness from the reaction of neutral users such as White and Green with M/S in this very thread, decent readers are collectively fed up with these massive and repetitive abuses. They also seriously lower the quality of the forum and make proper discussion impossible.

I will be grateful if appropriate action could now be taken to put a definitive end to this. Many thanks in advance.
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@krash @Foxtrot Alpha @LeGenD @waz @Irfan Baloch @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Arsalan @WebMaster

Gentlemen, once again this person is harassing me, badly slandering by attributing imaginary statements to me, and spreading delirious falsehoods about my person. Namely:

- Calling me "Jewish" when I am Muslim ("you are a Jewish takfiri", he wrote). This is akin to making 'takfir i.e. excommunicating a Muslim from his faith.

- Claiming I am practicing "taqiyah". A religious type of attack.

- Claiming I live in Florida, USA, when in fact I live in western Europe.

- Claiming I "argue against Jihad against Israel on 24/7". This isn't true.

- Claiming I "seek genocide of Muslims". Another blatant form of slander.

- Suggesting I am not Muslim ("any such people are not Muslim").

This is perhaps the tenth time in a row that this subject is violating rules in this manner. Moderators received multiple reports in this regard, and not just from me. Based on past experience, if one the regular posters of the Iranian section was to direct the mildest of these attacks against another member, they would probably not get away with it without a ban.

As an example, on June 10, user Pan-Islamic-Pakistan complained about @Xerxes22 implying that him and Falcon29 are one and the same person. As a result, Xerxes22 was instantly banned. See:

Now, Falcon29 has not just been committing the exact same offense by claiming I am the same person as another user (which is nonsense), he has done even worse by implying I am not Muslim, and by attributing grave declarations and actions to me which I am absolutely not guilty of.

Also, in the Middle Eastern section of the forum, he recently started a long rant in which he qualified Shia Muslim practices as "kufr". Moderator waz had to intervene and lock the thread.

Then just a few days ago, the person insulted the mother and possible sister(s) and spouse of user Stryker1982 by calling the latter a "dayooth" (which in Arabic means "a person who is apathetic or permissive with regards to so-called unchaste behaviour by female relatives or a spouse"). In addition to which he called Stryker1982 a "majoos", a racist term which calls into question the Islamic faith of Iranians. See here please:


As you can witness from the reaction of neutral users such as White and Green with M/S, decent readers are fed up with these massive abuses. They seriously lower the quality of the forum and make proper discussion impossible.

I will be grateful if appropriate action could now be taken to put an definitive end to this.Thank you.

You are not fooling anyone, there are plenty of Zionists in Iran. You are encouraging genocide against Muslims and Muslims nation's on this forum along with your other Zionist friends here. Opening threads all the time to invite violence against Muslims and Muslim nation's. And pleading for war against them. Then when Israeli attack on Jerusalem and Gaza happened, you were pleading against jihad against Israel and pleading to not fire one rocket into Israel by Iranian led militias. Everyone here has right to be suspicious of such takfiri Zionists, especially when there are plenty in Iran. And everyone knows very well why you are using vpn for. If you have courage put your real location flag up and stop talking down and doing takfir on US Muslims.

@WebMaster @waz

This guy is a Zionist Iranian falseflagger. He is not Pakistani and lives in the US. All I see from this guy is incitement of violence against Muslim nation's but when it came to Jerusalem and Gaza he pleaded against Hezbollah fighting. He is okay with them fighting in Syria , Saudi Arabia and Iraq. This is Zionism.
You are not fooling anyone, there are plenty of Zionists in Iran. You are encouraging genocide against Muslims and Muslims nation's on this forum along with your other Zionist friends here. Opening threads all the time to invite violence against Muslims and Muslim nation's. And pleading for war against them. Then when Israeli attack on Jerusalem and Gaza happened, you were pleading against jihad against Israel and pleading to not fire one rocket into Israel by Iranian led militias. Everyone here has right to be suspicious of such takfiri Zionists, especially when there are plenty in Iran. And everyone knows very well why you are using vpn for. If you have courage put your real location flag up and stop talking down and doing takfir on US Muslims.
@WebMaster @waz

This guy is a Zionist Iranian falseflagger. He is not Pakistani and lives in the US. All I see from this guy is incitement of violence against Muslim nation's but when it came to Jerusalem and Gaza he pleaded against Hezbollah fighting. He is okay with them fighting in Syria , Saudi Arabia and Iraq. This is Zionism.

@krash @Foxtrot Alpha @LeGenD @waz @Irfan Baloch @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Arsalan @WebMaster

Several grossly slandering falsehoods are repeated yet again.

Of course this person will be totally incapable of backing any of these allegations with links. I have reported his abusive comments, and posted links. This person however, does nothing but throw around baseless claims, such as that:

* "encourages genocide against Muslims".

This is so ridiculous I don't know what to say. Of course, no evidence, no link, nothing is provided by this person to at least try and substantiate the nonsense.

By contrast, this user himself is on the record for advocating genocide of Iranian males:


The subject was challenged to provide proof for the crazy claims he makes. But instead of complying, he keeps churning out baseless slander after baseless slander.

* "Opening threads all the time to invite violence against Muslims and Muslim nation's. And pleading for war against them."

That's a lie. And of course, no examples are provided, nothing. Just a slandering, cheap accusation.

* "Then when Israeli attack on Jerusalem and Gaza happened, you were pleading against jihad against Israel and pleading to not fire one rocket into Israel by Iranian led militias."

This is a very gross misrepresentation of my standpoint. Which is, that the rules of engagement of other Resistance groups in this regard are no different from Hamas' rules of engagement. All of these groups will launch attacks on zionist forces if and when their territory is occupied by Isra"el". When it comes to Hamas, they do not even fight Isra"el" on a permanent basis, even though some 90% or more of Palestine is presently occupied by zionists - they will only launch rockets when Isra"el" commits a major provocation or massacres scores of Palestinian civilians. That's all I said, and I very proudly stand by it.

By the way, how is this a violation of forum rules? So now users are allowed to call others "non-Muslim" and to harass them only because they express a perfectly logical and legitimate view?

* "Everyone here has right to be suspicious of such takfiri Zionists, especially when there are plenty in Iran."

No ordinary person has a right to label Muslims as "Jews" and "non-Muslims". No user has a right to harass other users. No user has a right to repeatedly spread falsehoods about other forum members by attrubuting fictitious places of residence or false statements to them.

We're not discussing opinions here, but violations of forum rules. I quoted and reported multiple violations of rules by this person. This person however is yet to show where exactly I am supposed to have broken a rule.

- "Stop talking down and doing takfir on US Muslims."

Another pure lie. And once again, this subject is failing to corroborate his lie with evidence.

- "This guy is a Zionist Iranian falseflagger. He is not Pakistani and lives in the US."

More harassment by claiming I live in the US when I don't.

- "All I see from this guy is incitement of violence against Muslim nation's but when it came to Jerusalem and Gaza he pleaded against Hezbollah fighting. He is okay with them fighting in Syria , Saudi Arabia and Iraq. This is Zionism."

I have never advocated violence against a "Muslim nation". This is yet another lie. Fighting a war one deems to be defensive against specific organizations or armed groups that happen to be staffed by Muslims, like Pakistan did in Bangladesh, like Pakistan is doing in Balochistan and KPK, is not "inciting violence against Muslim nations."

When it comes to Syria, the opposition there was supported by the entire NATO, Isra"el" and every pro-western Arab regime of the Persian Gulf. It also integrated tens of thousands of volunteers from 80+ countries around the world. Which the quoted member seems not to have any issues with. In the face of such an onslaught, I believe it is only fair that the Syrian government used any help it could receive from its allies. But most importantly, the sole reason Iran assisted Syria, other than the fact that Iran has a mutual defence treaty with Damascus, is the fact that Syria is Iran's land bridge to Lebanon, where Iranian-supplied Hezbollah are the ones to have kept zionists out of the country.

I never said Hezbollah should be "fighting in Saudi Arabia".

As for Iraq, Lebanon's Hezbollah did not participate in combat there. And it was no other than "I"SIS which pro-Iranian groups fought in Iraq. Apparently the subject here will find fault with fighting "I"SIS.

Please take care of these abuses. Many thanks.
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@Foxtrot Alpha @The Eagle @krash

This thread is Israeli propaganda, please go ahead and close it. Palestinians in Gaza do not take orders from anyone, and Hamas is responsible for its achievements and decisions, which all Iranian militias with their combined firepower, will never come close to. This is Israeli propaganda to suggest Palestinians are acting as mercenaries, which is not true, we never allow Iran to get involved in any of our policies. And it is Iranian propaganda trying to discredit Hamas for its smuggling expertise, decision making, culture of Jihad, and its own funding(75% of which don't come from Iran). Hamas is responsible for what happened for sake of Jerusalem. Iran and Iran-led militias that are participating in 6+ regional conflicts, all with Muslims, do not deserve any kind of credit at all for courage, blood, sweat and tears of Hamas soldiers.
* "encourages genocide against Muslims".

This is so ridiculous I don't know what to say. Of course, no evidence, no link, nothing is provided by this person to at least try and substantiate the nonsense.

You support genocide of Muslims in all following nations:

-Saudi Arabia

You have supported assassination's of Iraqi journalists and activists in Iraq. You support chemical weapons use against Syrian's by Assad regime. You support collective torture and rape against Syrian women and civilians by Assad regime. You support killing Saudi's, Yemeni's, and anyone else who oppose Iranian nationalism. You support deaths of millions of Muslims, and continue to support their genocide.

By contrast, this user himself is on the record for advocating genocide of Iranian males:

View attachment 759323

Iranian terrorists, just like Israeli's, will pay a price for organizing and partaking in genocide against Muslims. Iranian atheist nationalist regime along with Israeli atheist Zionist regime will both pay and dead Muslim children will get justice delivered for them. This is God's promise and what will happen to people seeking genocide against Muslims.
I never said Hezbollah should be "fighting in Saudi Arabia".

As for Iraq, Lebanon's Hezbollah did not participate in combat there. And it was no other than "I"SIS which pro-Iranian groups fought in Iraq. Apparently the subject here will find fault with fighting "I"SIS.

You are a serial liar, Iranian led terrorist groups have been fighting Muslims forever. They first began war against Iraqi Muslims, than murdered Muslims in Hajj:

Ever since have only been killing Muslims and nobody else. They aren't going to be made out as warriors against Israel. Warriors against Israel are Hamas, as they actually fight Israel. And not kill Muslims on 24/7 basis, without firing a single rocket at Israel, and expect to be made out as warriors against Israel.
You are a serial liar, Iranian led terrorist groups have been fighting Muslims forever. They first began war against Iraqi Muslims, than murdered Muslims in Hajj:

Ever since have only been killing Muslims and nobody else. They aren't going to be made out as warriors against Israel. Warriors against Israel are Hamas, as they actually fight Israel. And not kill Muslims on 24/7 basis, without firing a single rocket at Israel, and expect to be made out as warriors against Israel.

We are not discussing political opinions, nor history. We are discussing violations of forum rules, which this person has clearly committed multiple times in this thread alone.

There is no rule that prohibits me or anyone else from disagreeing with the claims the subject made in the above quote about the Iran-Iraq war, hajj or the situation in Palestine.

There are, however, rules against abusively qualifying Muslim members as non-Muslims, against repeatedly implying nonsense about a user's identity or place of residence, against insulting a user's female relatives, against suggesting that Shia Muslim practices amount to "kufr" and against repeatedly attributing false statements to someone.

Hence, the quoted subject has been breaking rules over and over again for the past several days. Whether or not they agree with my comments does not entitle them to resort to any of these abuses and obviously, decisive action is called for to put a definitive end to this.
We are not discussing political opinions, nor history. We are discussing violations of forum rules, which this person has clearly committed multiple times in this thread alone.

There is no rule that prohibits me or anyone else from disagreeing with the claims the subject made in the above quote about the Iran-Iraq war, hajj or the situation in Palestine.

There are, however, rules against abusively qualifying Muslim members as non-Muslims, against repeatedly implying nonsense about a user's identity or place of residence, against insulting a user's female relatives, against suggesting that Shia Muslim practices amount to "kufr" and against repeatedly attributing false statements to someone.

Hence, the quoted subject has been breaking rules over and over again for the past several days. Whether or not they agree with my comments does not entitle them to resort to any of these abuses and decisive action is called for to put a definitive end to this.

This guy has been spamming the thread trying to get me banned for refusing to legitimize this Israeli propaganda thread, and for refusing to give credit of Hamas's hard work and courageous Jihad to Iran and Iran-led militias who fighting in 6 regional conflicts, all exclusively leading to bloodshed of Muslims, while not firing one rocket at Israel.

In the process, he has done takfir of Muslim for living in the US, even though he lives in the state of Florida and is hiding this with his vpn. He has done takfir, used narcassistic language and insults such as 'creature', 'subject', and so forth.

And he still wonders why mods not taking him seriously. He is an extremist Zionist who is pushing hard for Iranian nationalism and prevention of Jihad against Israel, and expects people who don't submit to be banned. I think he should go create his own forum somewhere else or find a place better suited for him. I know he is frustrated he and his regime can't use Palestinians to narrative build in Muslim world and justify conflicts in Muslim nations, due to my presence here. Without Palestinians, this regime is just bunch of Muslim baby killers and will be universally despised in Muslim world.
Palestinians in Gaza do not take orders from anyone, and Hamas is responsible for its achievements and decisions, which all Iranian militias with their combined firepower, will never come close to. This is Israeli propaganda to suggest Palestinians are acting as mercenaries, which is not true, we never allow Iran to get involved in any of our policies.

This is not exactly what the opening article is saying.

And it is Iranian propaganda trying to discredit Hamas for its smuggling expertise, decision making, culture of Jihad, and its own funding(75% of which don't come from Iran). Hamas is responsible for what happened for sake of Jerusalem. Iran and Iran-led militias that are participating in 6+ regional conflicts, all with Muslims, do not deserve any kind of credit at all for courage, blood, sweat and tears of Hamas soldiers.

Iran never discredited Hamas.

And it is Hamas and PIJ officials themselves who credited Iran for its massive assistance.

Why should an anonymous user be allowed to censor views which conform to the statements of Palestinian leaders themselves?

You support genocide of Muslims in all following nations:


There is no "genocide" happening in Iraq. No serious source has ever claimed it.

-Saudi Arabia

Link to where I am supposed to have made such a statement. This is a lie.

Again, no serious source has ever claimed there is genocide going on in Syria.

I can't "support" something I know has no basis in reality.

Same as above. Plus, if anything, then it's the Saudi-led coalition, which this subject supports, that has caused most civilian deaths in Yemen.


Lie. I never "supported" any sort of a crime against civilians, no matter where they reside.

You have supported assassination's of Iraqi journalists and activists in Iraq.

That is a lie. I shed doubt on the mainstream media narrative attributing these assassinations to pro-Iranian forces.

You support chemical weapons use against Syrian's by Assad regime.

Lie. I question the truth of these allegations.

You support collective torture and rape against Syrian women and civilians by Assad regime. You support killing Saudi's, Yemeni's, and anyone else who oppose Iranian nationalism. You support deaths of millions of Muslims, and continue to support their genocide.

Where's the link to me saying so?

Mods, how long are you going to allow this person to lie about my views without ever posting a link to where I am supposed to have said these things?

This is while this person himself is on the record for advocating genocide. I posted hard proof in form of a screen shot. This subject however spews lies and ignores requests to substantiate his crazy slander.

Iranian terrorists, just like Israeli's, will pay a price for organizing and partaking in genocide against Muslims. Iranian atheist nationalist regime along with Israeli atheist Zionist regime will both pay and dead Muslim children will get justice delivered for them. This is God's promise and what will happen to people seeking genocide against Muslims.[/QUOTE]
This IR supporters here are trying to credit for Hamas's Jihad. This will not be allowed. The IR regime are not even religious people. They don't want to sacrifice their militias in Jihad against Israel, because they don't believe in God or life after death. They want to preserve their life and business empire in region, so they only fight against weak Muslims in 6+ Muslim nations across region, as they face minimal casualties that way and can continue enjoying dunya life of money, women, extravagant food and luxury. They don't follow some strict religious code or advocating for oppressed Muslims. They are no different than any other regime which look out for their nationalist interests, except in that they, like few others, use religion to advance means. Here is some examples:

India likely to start full operations at Iran's Chabahar port by May end

Iranian drone shot down by PAF, confirms FO

Syria war: Alarm after 33 Turkish soldiers killed in attack in Idlib

Exclusive: U.S. probe of Saudi oil attack shows it came from north - report

Iran: Halt Execution of 33 Sunnis
This guy has been spamming the thread trying to get me banned for refusing to legitimize this Israeli propaganda thread, and for refusing to give credit of Hamas's hard work and courageous Jihad to Iran and Iran-led militias who fighting in 6 regional conflicts, all exclusively leading to bloodshed of Muslims, while not firing one rocket at Israel.

This is a lie. I simply responded to this person's repeated abuse. Nothing more.

Everyone can see how it is him who started abusing me on page 1 of this thread by mentioning me in post 14 and attributing me some imaginary place of residence. Since then, all i have been doing is to respond to his never ending harassment and falsehoods.

In the process, he has done takfir of Muslim for living in the US, even though he lives in the state of Florida and is hiding this with his vpn. He has done takfir, used narcassistic language and insults such as 'creature', 'subject', and so forth.

That is a baseless lie. Everyone has eyes to read and see that I never even remotely performed 'takfir' on any Muslim.

I do not live in the USA but in western Europe.

And he still wonders why mods not taking him seriously.

Mods, why is this person allowed to speak for you? Does he enjoy a mandate to this effect?

He is an extremist Zionist who is pushing hard for Iranian nationalism and prevention of Jihad against Israel,

Lies with no evidence to back them up.

and expects people who don't submit to be banned.

I expect serial violators of forum rules to get banned. I expect users who use this platform to commit crimes, namely issuing multiple death threats against members as well as threats of sexual violence, to get banned.

I think he should go create his own forum somewhere else or find a place better suited for him. I know he is frustrated he and his regime can't use Palestinians to narrative build in Muslim world and justify conflicts in Muslim nations, due to my presence here. Without Palestinians, this regime is just bunch of Muslim baby killers and will be universally despised in Muslim world.

Bla bla bla. Serial violators of forum rules will not get away by trying to derail the issue at hand.

This IR supporters here are trying to credit for Hamas's Jihad. This will not be allowed. The IR regime are not even religious people. They don't want to sacrifice their militias in Jihad against Israel, because they don't believe in God or life after death. They want to preserve their life and business empire in region, so they only fight against weak Muslims in 6+ Muslim nations across region, as they face minimal casualties that way and can continue enjoying dunya life of money, women, extravagant food and luxury. They don't follow some strict religious code or advocating for oppressed Muslims. They are no different than any other regime which look out for their nationalist interests, except in that they, like few others, use religion to advance means. Here is some examples:

India likely to start full operations at Iran's Chabahar port by May end

Iranian drone shot down by PAF, confirms FO

Syria war: Alarm after 33 Turkish soldiers killed in attack in Idlib

Exclusive: U.S. probe of Saudi oil attack shows it came from north - report

Iran: Halt Execution of 33 Sunnis

Mods, this person is trying to turn your attention away from his documented and proven abuses, which are right here in front of your eyes. He is starting random political discussions all over the place, which have nothing to do with the issue at hand, namely his repeated violations. I am confident you will not let yourselves be distracted by this.
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There is no "genocide" happening in Iraq. No serious source has ever claimed it.

Of course, like the Zionist terrorist you are, you could care less about Muslims being killed, and actually enjoy it. There is plenty of incidents of genocidal acts by Iranian led militias, that exclusively kill Muslims:

One of Baghdad's most deadly sectarian pogroms, which saw at least 40 people, apparently all Sunnis, killed by Shia militants in a rampage in a Baghdad suburb last weekend, has further damaged sectarian relations in Iraq.

Witnesses said gunmen, some masked, set up roadblocks and stopped motorists in the mainly Sunni suburb of Jihad, near Baghdad airport, demanding to see identity cards. Those with Sunni names were shot dead; Shias were released.

Lie. I never "supported" any sort of a crime against civilians, no matter where they reside.

Liar, you support Assad's genocidal war on his own people, and rule of minority over majority in Syria. Like the Zionist takfiri monster you are, you support and enjoy Muslims being killed, and dismiss their murders as lies.

No, there are plenty of assassination's in Iraq by Iran -led takfiri militias in Iraq:

A movement demanding a new kind of Iraq struggles to carry on, despite intimidation from Iranian-backed militias that are believed to have murdered dozens of activists.

Lies with no evidence to back them up.

Stop lying takfiri, your whole post history is pushing Iranian nationalism and culture all over the forum. Not one post about Islam or any general interests or anything. All pro-Iranian propaganda.

I doubt you even believe in God. You are just a nationalistic person. People that believe in God don't lead life the way you do or develop attachment to a specific civilization. People that believe in God won't be scared and arguing against Jihad against Israel.
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