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Gaza as a Military Testing Ground for Iran

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God you keep using the word coward, you've never been in combat before. Please stop it. Nobody wants Yemen to be bombed, no one asked for that at all. You can ask SA why they engaged directly in a inter-yemeni conflict that is decades old.

Iran did respond to the Soleimani killing. Iran demonstrated it's technological progress in creating supersonic, and near hypersonic precision guided weapons, while remaining cautious into escalating against the Americans, frankly I'm sure you know, Iran cannot confront US, not now, probably not for many many years, if ever. Here's the thing I've noticed, you want Iran to directly confront the world greatest superpower in human history AND it's allies to satisfy you? It does not take a genius to know how that would work out.

When Israel was created, Iran didn't even have a railroad yet, while at the same time the UK has an enormous naval fleet, submarines, rails, and were producing high altitude bombers. Do you not see how far nations of the middle east have come? This is only specific to Iran, but you can see the same progress in Turkey as well. Iran built it's first mini submarine in the 2000s, while Germany had built their Uboat before 1914. UAE was also desert during this time. While Mossad has decades of training and infrastructure provided by western intelligence, Iran is very new relatively in playing the game against sophisticated intelligence agencies in Europe, NA, and Israel.

Do you see what has been happing over the decades? This enormous gap is slowly being filled by all nations. I'm sorry, but we do not live in that era where a middle eastern nation can confront an Israeli F-35I. Nation states, have to be more cautious and less haphazardly engaging in confrontation (i.e. Saddam).

Surely you must understand that you are asking Iran to directly attack a nuclear armed state with 200 nuclear warheads. If Iran launched MRBMs into Tel Aviv, the damage of a 600kg warhead at Mach 5 would provoke a nuclear response. I'm sure of it. Do you see that it takes times to develop when we are 40 or 30 years behind in many high-tech domains or infrastructure? This includes many other nations in the region as well. I'm sure you know this. It takes patience, vision and planning.

I get what you mean, IR wont end the Israeli Gov right this second either. I believe that the IR is first and foremost, interested in protecting the nation naturally and ensuring it does not get attacked like the Israeli reactor strikes in Syria and Iraq. It needs to develop the needed high-tech weapons to ensure that it can deter an attack and retain a latent nuclear capability. I don't think Iran will ever initiate a war with Israel unprovoked because it plays right into their hands, what I do see however, is technological developments in Iran would and have proliferated to organizations that can fight, and we've seen this in real time among other things like demographic shifts. Maybe their will be one big war to determine the next 50 years, or maybe not. Who knows.
Just put him on ignore list. He is nuts. We already explained to him that it is not wise for Iran to enter a direct military conflict with the US and the Israeli regime. Either he is too naïve and simply overstating Iran's military capabilities vis a vis the US/Israel or he just wants to see Iran attacked and bombed. I am leaning towards the latter.
@WebMaster @waz

This is extremist is doing takfir on Muslims living in the US, by nullifying their opinions and perspectives on matters in Muslim world, even though this takfiri himself lives in the state of Florida and is double user Aspen. Please stop this takfiri Zionist from harassing people on thread because they oppose Israeli propaganda that Palestinians are some sort of slaves to Iran. He is using vpn, and once moderators force him to comply with forum rules, you will see he is resident of the US and lying with straight face to everyone here.

@WebMaster @waz

Gentlemen, I trust your reading skills unlike this person's are flawless, which is why you'll have readily noticed that there's not the slightest trace of 'takfir' in any of my posts, including in the present thread.

Likewise, we are yet to see evidence for these wild allegations about me criticizing people for living in the US, which is something I haven't done. Repeating the same gibberish over and over again will not change the facts, which I explained in my previous post.

As for me "harassing" people in this thread, me being a "zionist" (lol), or me commenting on "Israeli propaganda about Palestinians being some sort of slaves to Iran" (?), readers know how hollow these slanderous contentions are.

He is making a bunch of stuff up and keeps crying

When projection gets this obvious, crude and self-defeating, shaking one's head in disbelief is the only thing left to do.

thinking moderators will force everyone to bow down to Muslim baby killer regime. All after he said he put me on ignore, lol.

More insane ravings from this character. Someone really seems to have forgotten to take their pills today. I said I had ignored him over the past six weeks (not "put on ignore" as in using the ignore function of the website), until he started mentioning me, spreading falsehoods about my place of residence, and until he insulted a good user's female relatives. That's when I reported the subject to moderators. And that's also why I could not have "harassed" in the run up to these events. Not really difficult to understand now, is it.

Desperately trying to mix political considerations into what is meant to be a strictly technical reporting of forum rule violations, is not going to change the facts about who has violated said rules and who hasn't.


Ok if he is Aspen than what's your problem??

I am not Aspen, brother. Any observer with elementary analytical skills spending a few minutes on comparing contributions and posting behaviours between user Aspen and me, will immediately notice unmistakable differences. Only a dull person and/or someone with an irrational grudge will keep rehashing this sort of a falsehood. The fact that he's not even capable of telling the difference between user Aspen and me, makes me smile.

As far as VPN's are concerned, the funny part about the character repeating this same tired old line like a broken record, is that he knows full well administrators took up the issue with me, both when I first registered here, and then when moderator The Eagle a few weeks ago instructed me to open a related thread at the GHQ section, which I complied with.

So as you can see, I passed every test in this regard and if there was a concern with my internet connection, I'd have been barred from participating a very long time ago. The subject here is simply frustrated, because his violations of forum rules are actually clear as day, while he for his part proved to be incapable of providing a single link, a single screenshot to an instance of me violating a forum rule. Whereas his own offenses are here for everybody to see (as well as on external storage devices, in the form of screen captures I keep). Hence the delirious rants with no substance you see him make: he's just seeking to save face by covering up his wrongdoings.

Nor are a bunch of frenzied projections going to discourage me from reporting future abuses from this user.

Problem (for him) is that none of my posts are worthy of being report to the mods, so instead, look at the endless drama he's staging. It's all a compensatory coping mechanism.
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Are you against Jihad against Israel and for war against Muslim nation? Are we supposed to take your takfiri rhetoric of Saudi Arabia seriously? You, as Pakistani, want Iranians to kill Saudi Muslims and other Muslims in region for what reason exactly? Why are you diverting from Israel? Why are you against Jihad against Israel? Do you find something in common with the Jews or what is reason? Keep your hatred of Saudi Arabia to yourself. No one in region wants to fight Muslim nations besides the Muslim baby-killer takfiri regime in Iran.
LOL we supported ànd supporting Palestinian struggle against Israel but can SA supports at least morally Palestinian cause?? You're just pathetic troll nothing else, ànd why SA killing innocent Muslims in Yemen?? Whether they are sunni or shia its doesn't matter, in to this war no one is innocent, Iran killing sunnis in Syria , Arabs killing Shia in Yemen you all have bloody hands in middle east conflicts
It's against forum rules to use vpn and have more than one username per person.
Ànd almost All Chinese members are using VPN so what's the problem??
Ànd looks its flag he is from Europe why he needs to use VPN WiFi and network data is All around the EU

Ànd why you so confirmed that he is Aspen?? Do you have any proofs about that??? Ànd Aspen was from USA he is from Europe, don't blabber baselessly without any proofs ànd stop your pathetic troll
@WebMaster @waz

Gentlemen, I trust your reading skills unlike this person's are flawless, which is why you'll have readily noticed that there's not the slightest trace of 'takfir' in any of my posts, including in the present thread.

Likewise, we are yet to see evidence for these wild allegations about me criticizing people for living in the US, which is something I haven't done. Repeating the same gibberish over and over again will not change the facts, which I explained in my previous post.

As for me "harassing" people in this thread, me being a "zionist" (lol), or me commenting on "Israeli propaganda about Palestinians being some sort of slaves to Iran" (?), readers know how hollow these slanderous contentions are.

When projection gets this obvious, crude and self-defeating, shaking one's head in disbelief is the only thing left to do.

More insane ravings from this character. Someone really seems to have forgotten to take their pills today. I said I had ignored him over the past six weeks (not "put on ignore" as in using the ignore function of the website), until he started mentioning me, spreading falsehoods about my place of residence, and until he insulted a good user's female relatives. That's when I reported the subject to moderators. And that's also why I could not have "harassed" in the run up to these events. Not really difficult to understand now, is it.

Desperately trying to mix political considerations into what is meant to be a strictly technical reporting of forum rule violations, is not going to change the facts about who has violated said rules and who hasn't.


I am not Aspen, brother. Any observer with elementary analytical skills spending a few minutes on comparing contributions and posting behaviours between user Aspen and me, will immediately notice unmistakable differences. Only a dull person and/or someone with an irrational grudge will keep rehashing this sort of a falsehood. The fact that he's not even capable of telling the difference between user Aspen and me, makes me smile.

As far as VPN's are concerned, the funny part about the character repeating this same tired old line like a broken record, is that he knows full well administrators took up the issue with me, both when I first registered here, and then when moderator The Eagle a few weeks ago instructed me to open a related thread at the GHQ section, which I complied with.

So as you can see, I passed every test in this regard and if there was a concern with my internet connection, I'd have been barred from participating a very long time ago. The subject here is simply frustrated, because his violations of forum rules are actually clear as day, while he for his part proved to be incapable of providing a single link, a single screenshot to an instance of me violating a forum rule. Whereas his own offenses are here for everybody to see (as well as on external storage devices, in the form of screen captures I keep). Hence the delirious rants with no substance you see him make: he's just seeking to save face by covering up his wrongdoings.

Nor are a bunch of frenzied projections going to discourage me from reporting future abuses from this user.

Problem (for him) is that none of my posts are worthy of being report to the mods, so instead, look at the endless drama he's staging. It's all a compensatory coping mechanism.

You are a Jewish takfiri, you are not fooling with your taqiyah. We know who you guys are and will permanently end your culture and books to give way for permanent Caliphate of the Masih(AS). You are soon going into garbage bin of history.

You claim you have nothing to hide but using vpn to hide your real location. And your excuse is 'internet issue'. :rofl::rofl:

You live in Flordia you lying takfiri subject. Takfirism and Zionism is your religion and ideology. No wonder you lie so much.
LOL we supported ànd supporting Palestinian struggle against Israel but can SA supports at least morally Palestinian cause?? You're just pathetic troll nothing else, ànd why SA killing innocent Muslims in Yemen?? Whether they are sunni or shia its doesn't matter, in to this war no one is innocent, Iran killing sunnis in Syria , Arabs killing Shia in Yemen you all have bloody hands in middle east conflicts

Who's 'we'? I am not Jewish takfiri who argue against Jihad against Israel on 24/7 basis like Salar does. While urging war on Muslim nations. Any such people are not Muslim and are Zionist takfiri fifth columinsts and they gonna be dealt with permanently. There will be no tolerance for them while paving way for Al-Masih(AS).
You are a Jewish takfiri, you are not fooling with your taqiyah. We know who you guys are and will permanently end your culture and books to give way for permanent Caliphate of the Masih(AS). You are soon going into garbage bin of history.

You claim you have nothing to hide but using vpn to hide your real location. And your excuse is 'internet issue'. :rofl::rofl:

You live in Flordia you lying takfiri subject. Takfirism and Zionism is your religion and ideology. No wonder you lie so much.

Who's 'we'? I am not Jewish takfiri who argue against Jihad against Israel on 24/7 basis like Salar does. While urging war on Muslim nations. Any such people are not Muslim and are Zionist takfiri fifth columinsts and they gonna be dealt with permanently. There will be no tolerance for them while paving way for Al-Masih(AS).
Reported for insulting other member
Who's 'we'? I am not Jewish takfiri who argue against Jihad against Israel on 24/7 basis like Salar does. While urging war on Muslim nations. Any such people are not Muslim and are Zionist takfiri fifth columinsts and they gonna be dealt with permanently. There will be no tolerance for them while paving way for Al-Masih(AS).
When Pakistanis or me that we or i am against the freedom struggle of Palestine???

@The Eagle @krash @Foxtrot Alpha @LeGenD @waz please banned this troll permanently from PDF thanks
Reported both you for seeking genocide of Muslims and arguing vehemently against jihad against Israel.
And you're blind that's you're not seeing Indian barbarism in Kashmir, reported again for your trolls
When Pakistanis or me that we or i am against the freedom struggle of Palestine???

We are not talking about Pakistani's but Iranian's, who forwarding Israeli propaganda to feel better about their own coward regime. And disrespecting Palestinian blood and sacrifice with this thread. Then using propaganda to further seek genocide against Muslims and argue against Jihad against Israel.
And you're blind that's you're not seeing Indian barbarism in Kashmir, reported again for your trolls

You gonna have to try harder than hiding behind Kashmiri's to cheerleader and defend Israeli propaganda forwarded by Iranians. And advocate for genocide against Muslims. Very telling. You guys are all over forum encouraging against Jihad against Israel and encouraging for genocide of Muslims.
We are not talking about Pakistani's but Iranian's, who forwarding Israeli propaganda to feel better about their own coward regime. And disrespecting Palestinian blood and sacrifice with this thread. Then using propaganda to further seek genocide against Muslims and argue against Jihad against Israel.
What Iranian doing/forwarding Israeli propaganda lol they are supporting freeom struggle supplying weapons and giving $$$ bto them what are you doing, sleeping with Israel, we are not against the Jihad on Israel, do you have a mental problem/disease???
What Iranian doing/forwarding Israeli propaganda lol they are supporting freeom struggle supplying weapons and giving $$$ bto them what are you doing, sleeping with Israel, we are not against the Jihad on Israel, do you have a mental problem/disease???

This thread is Israeli propaganda, and this pointed out by numerous members here. Why is Iranians try to discredit Hamas and make Palestinians appear as proxy slaves for them? Iran funding/weapons don't make up even 25% of Hamas military budget. Vast majority of funding and smuggling expertise, and weapons are all collected by and purchased by Hamas. Iran does not play any big role in Gaza. It is instead using its budget to kill Muslim babies in Syria, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, etc..... Iran gives Hamas .0000001% of what it gives to it's militias used to exclusively kill Muslims. Iranians and their cheerleaders like you are all over forum, always encouraging against Jihad against Israel. And begging Iranian militias to not get into any confrontation with Israel. We see it here all over the forum, and see million justifications for it. But never one excuse or justification to not kill Muslim babies.

Such people are Zionist takfiri fifth columnists who will be dealt with permanetely. They had to beg Russia, US, and Israel(Israeli lobby in US) to intervene to protect them in Syria/Iraq. And price was making peace with the Zionist enemy. And Iranians gladly took on offer, on condition they allow them to colonize Muslim nations and kill Muslim babies. But, now you are screwed, Lebanon is screwed, Iran is screwed, Afghanistan is not going your way, everything is gonna flip on you and your Zionist buddies.
@Falcon29 You already know the thread is baseless why you even going further on discussion with it.. It doesn't make sense you just leave it
This thread is Israeli propaganda, and this pointed out by numerous members here. Why is Iranians try to discredit Hamas and make Palestinians appear as proxy slaves for them? Iran funding/weapons don't make up even 25% of Hamas military budget. Vast majority of funding and smuggling expertise, and weapons are all collected by and purchased by Hamas. Iran does not play any big role in Gaza. It is instead using its budget to kill Muslim babies in Syria, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, etc..... Iran gives Hamas .0000001% of what it gives to it's militias used to exclusively kill Muslims. Iranians and their cheerleaders like you are all over forum, always encouraging against Jihad against Israel. And begging Iranian militias to not get into any confrontation with Israel. We see it here all over the forum, and see million justifications for it. But never one excuse or justification to not kill Muslim babies.

Such people are Zionist takfiri fifth columnists who will be dealt with permanetely. They had to beg Russia, US, and Israel(Israeli lobby in US) to intervene to protect them in Syria/Iraq. And price was making peace with the Zionist enemy. And Iranians gladly took on offer, on condition they allow them to colonize Muslim nations and kill Muslim babies. But, now you are screwed, Lebanon is screwed, Iran is screwed, Afghanistan is not going your way, everything is gonna flip on you and your Zionist buddies.
You should name yourself Vulture29 instead of Falcon29, I asked you should backup your claims with proper links and sources, and your rants are nothing the whole world knows better than you who is openly supporting Jihad on Israel, reported again
You should name yourself Vulture29 instead of Falcon29, I asked you should backup your claims with proper links and sources, and your rants are nothing the whole world knows better than you who is openly supporting Jihad on Israel, reported again

Buddy, look at what your Nasrallah is saying: "The real Jihad is against Saudi Arabia and not Israel" .

This takfiri is diverting attention away from Israel and inciting violence against Muslims. There is much more than this. Whole world, except IR cronies on PDF, knows truth about Iranian regime and its militias.

Buddy, look at what your Nasrallah is saying: "The real Jihad is against Saudi Arabia and not Israel" .

This takfiri is diverting attention away from Israel and inciting violence against Muslims. There is much more than this. Whole world, except IR cronies on PDF, knows truth about Iranian regime and its militias.

And you have also that type of cronies which say murdering the Shias/Iranians is right so what's the difference between you and them, nevertheless Muslims killing Muslims, we are all cronies of west and Jews for killing Muslims, unfortunately
And you have also that type of cronies which say murdering the Shias/Iranians is right so what's the difference between you and them, nevertheless Muslims killing Muslims, we are all cronies of west and Jews for killing Muslims, unfortunately

I have never said such things, I have pushed for end of Iran-Saudi rivarly which will require big concessions from both sides, and direct all efforts against Israel. Which is position of Hamas....
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