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Gautam Adani becomes richest Indian; net worth touches $100 billionAdani is at 10th position in the Index, while Mukesh Ambani is just behind him.

Gautam Adani Conglo. is in all sorts of business, but his biggest business is his closeness with Modi and BJP, and indirectly with RSS and Hindutva. His fin. support of Modi's BJP in elections campaigns, in rallies, and in Media, bought up by Adanis and Ambani.

People can be controlled by the media, the perception games.

And this doesn't adds up...

These three Hindutvadi Capitalist anti-humans who laughed at your post - @koolzberg @Syama Ayas @Sudarshan - don't get the utter inhumanity in India where the Hindutvadi middle class feed its street "doggos" daily while millions of humans have to suffer hunger and this is not something that Nature dictated but is dictated by the 3000-year-old extremely Capitalist, unscientific and irrational socio-economic system of India. These three don't see the incongruity of a few living in mansions ( Mukesh Ambani has a two-billion-dollar 27-storey "house" ) while most live in lower class slums or middle class slums.

@INS_Vikrant, here's another effect of historic Indian Capitalist.
These three Hindutvadi Capitalist anti-humans who laughed at your post - @koolzberg @Syama Ayas @Sudarshan - don't get the utter inhumanity in India where the Hindutvadi middle class feed its street "doggos" daily while millions of humans have to suffer hunger and this is not something that Nature dictated but is dictated by the 3000-year-old extremely Capitalist, unscientific and irrational socio-economic system of India. These three don't see the incongruity of a few living in mansions ( Mukesh Ambani has a two-billion-dollar 27-storey "house" ) while most live in lower class slums or middle class slums.

@INS_Vikrant, here's another effect of historic Indian Capitalist.

You are such anti human who passed his time discussing here instead of doing some service to fellow human being.
You are such anti human who passed his time discussing here instead of doing some service to fellow human being.

So you, a Hindutvadi, will teach me, a Communist, what is anti-humanity ? :) Every change in local society and among humanity begins with discussion so you too should discuss. Secondly, how should I be doing some service to fellow human beings ?
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These three Hindutvadi Capitalist anti-humans who laughed at your post - @koolzberg @Syama Ayas @Sudarshan - don't get the utter inhumanity in India where the Hindutvadi middle class feed its street "doggos" daily while millions of humans have to suffer hunger and this is not something that Nature dictated but is dictated by the 3000-year-old extremely Capitalist, unscientific and irrational socio-economic system of India. These three don't see the incongruity of a few living in mansions ( Mukesh Ambani has a two-billion-dollar 27-storey "house" ) while most live in lower class slums or middle class slums.

@INS_Vikrant, here's another effect of historic Indian Capitalist.
There’s nothing else except laugh reactions on those stupid indices, even if we improve our GDP per capita to 3 times more than what we’re today by end of this decade these western racist peeps would still be equating India with war torn countries because they’ve spend decades on making India the posterboy of poverty in Asia and still shamefully do so.

Atleast Ambani employs lakhs of people directly and indirectly, how many does your communist organisations do?
There’s nothing else except laugh reactions on those stupid indices, even if we improve our GDP per capita to 3 times more than what we’re today by end of this decade these western racist peeps would still be equating India with war torn countries because they’ve spend decades on making India the posterboy of poverty in Asia and still shamefully do so.

You speak of war-torn countries so let me tell you - and I have posted that reference on PDF - that the same UNO which imposed an illegal war on Syria in 2011 had some years ago made admission in its annual list of Human Development Index that the war-torn Syria was placed higher in HDI factor than India. The socio-economic situation in war-torn Syria was much better than the atrocious socio-economic situations faced by Indians every day and which are imposed on the citizens by the Indian governments. And the reason is that the Syrian system is Socialist and the Indian system is extremely Capitalist. Yes, there is war in India but one imposed by the government on the Indian people on daily basis.

Atleast Ambani employs lakhs of people directly and indirectly, how many does your communist organisations do?

Do those "lakhs of people" earn in two years what Ambani earns in one day ?
Adani got coal mines in Australia. Modi influenced Australia too.
I can get coal mines in Australia too as long as money ensured. What's the problem of having a license on mining the coal?

Modi gave national assets to Adani, and Adani shop around.

To those Indians:
There is no way to jump to 100 billions wealth from 20 billions in 1 years, unless you have Modi in your pocket.
Knowing south asians this is impossible without some sort/kind of corruption..
Cultural difference and ambition :

A few American millionaires and billionaires : Spend on building spaceship design companies to take humanity to Mars.

Usual Indian millionaires and billionaires : Spend on building ugly 27-storey "houses", spend on arranging lavish "traditional Indian" weddings for their children and spend on supporting criminal right-wing political parties for mutual benefit.

@Sudarshan @Suriya @Surya 1 @bababho @Syama Ayas @koolzberg
Cultural difference and ambition :

A few American millionaires and billionaires : Spend on building spaceship design companies to take humanity to Mars.

Usual Indian millionaires and billionaires : Spend on building ugly 27-storey "houses", spend on arranging lavish "traditional Indian" weddings for their children and spend on supporting criminal right-wing political parties for mutual benefit.

@Sudarshan @Suriya @Surya 1 @bababho @Syama Ayas @koolzberg
wow selective disclosure and discussing random details instead of main points
I did not expect that you would take discussion to such a low where you have one data point to prove your view

- Was Jio not good for India ? How many small scale business lifted off after internet wave ? Has it not opened up opportunities to gain knowledge, democratize education
- Do you know Jio has Jio gennext which invests in emerging technologies
- Do you know OLA is working on electric vehicles ? Ather team is woking from 2014 on that scooter ?
- Do you know how platforms like Ninja cart are benefiting farmers ?

Most of the millionaires / billionaires are working 12-14 hrs a day to create value, to do good for humanity and here you are comparing two extreems to prove your point
Mukesh Ambani and Elon Musk are two different DNAs,
Cultural difference and ambition :

A few American millionaires and billionaires : Spend on building spaceship design companies to take humanity to Mars.

Usual Indian millionaires and billionaires : Spend on building ugly 27-storey "houses", spend on arranging lavish "traditional Indian" weddings for their children and spend on supporting criminal right-wing political parties for mutual benefit.

@Sudarshan @Suriya @Surya 1 @bababho @Syama Ayas @koolzberg

Isha Ambani wedding: Beyoncé and Hillary Clinton jet to India for celebration

Modi is both corrupt and incompetent.

The only skill he has in being able to manipulate the Hindu population to vote for him with his hatred of Muslims and other minorities.
Hitler was even more good at it. Hitler just make soap by human body in concentration camps.

There wasn't so much hatred of Muslim in India before 2014 when Modi was not in charge.
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So even the British-establishment-aligned The Guardian was forced to say :
Many in India, where millions live in dire poverty, have closely followed the preparations, including the couple’s engagement at the luxury Villa D’Este hotel on Italy’s Lake Como, attended by more than 600 guests, and featuring a private performance by singer John Legend.
Now there are two things about this wedding :

1. Three years before this wedding in 2018, the twenty year period of 1995 to 2015 saw 350,000+ Indian farmers suicide because of socio-economic reasons because of India's Capitalism yet we see in this wedding lavish spending on just a bloody wedding, a slap in the face of all those India's poor and the middle class poor who suffer on daily basis.

2. The wedding saw the attendance of the war criminal and genocider Hillary Clinton and the singer Beyonce. In 2011 Hillary launched a regime change war against the Libyan Jamahiriya which did not have poverty in the Capitalist sense, in the Indian sense, yet Hillary did not launch a regime change war against the government in India that maintained dire poverty. In 2011 Beyonce publicly regretted having performed in the Libyan Jamahiriya prior to the invasion and she regretted because of social and government pressure but did she regret performing in India where so many people die or suffer or suffer and die because of the system ?

wow selective disclosure and discussing random details instead of main points
I did not expect that you would take discussion to such a low where you have one data point to prove your view

I only made simple comparisons.

- Was Jio not good for India ? How many small scale business lifted off after internet wave ? Has it not opened up opportunities to gain knowledge, democratize education

1. I say again, telecom ( including internet ) should be free because telecom is a human right where information and knowledge cannot be exchanged for money. The UN General Assembly too agreed to this :
In 2016 the UN General Assembly passed a non-binding Resolution that “declared internet access a human right.” This created inspirational headlines around the world, but the Resolution did not address governmental responsibility to provide access to all.26-May-2020

COVID-19 exposes why access to the internet is a human right​

https://www.openglobalrights.org › covid-19-exposes-wh...
So how can a human right be taxed by a private company ? The government should have provided internet / telecom access to everyone for free.

2. What is this thing about "democratize education" ? Education too is a human right that the government must make available for free.

Is nothing available for free in India except misery ?

- Do you know Jio has Jio gennext which invests in emerging technologies

What "emerging technologies" ?

- Do you know OLA is working on electric vehicles ?

Good. :tup: Intra-city transportation should only be via taxis or buses. But again this is subject to the type of transport vehicle. Ground vehicles are an obsolete technology. Airships and cyclorotors are the emerging transportation technologies.

Ather team is woking from 2014 on that scooter ?

Personal cars and two-wheelers should be banned.

- Do you know how platforms like Ninja cart are benefiting farmers ?

So Indian farmers have stopped suiciding ?
Cultural difference and ambition :

A few American millionaires and billionaires : Spend on building spaceship design companies to take humanity to Mars.

Usual Indian millionaires and billionaires : Spend on building ugly 27-storey "houses", spend on arranging lavish "traditional Indian" weddings for their children and spend on supporting criminal right-wing political parties for mutual benefit.

@Sudarshan @Suriya @Surya 1 @bababho @Syama Ayas @koolzberg

You need to have money to spend it. Zahil communist mentalty brings poverty, gurbat and zahiliyat everywhere and then envy the persons who has the money. Losers talks about communisam and socialism so that they can loot the money from people who has got the. with efforts.
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You need to have money to spend it. Zahil communist mentalty brings povert, gurbat and zahiliyat everywhere and then eny the persons who has the money. Losers talks about communisam and socialism so that they can loot the money from people who has it.

1. LOL, Communists and Socialists want to loot money from the people ? Looting is what Capitalists do. What Communists desire is ultimately to end the system of money itself and Capitalist profit. I quote from part 2 of Muammar Gaddafi's Green Book :
The final step is for the new socialist society to reach a stage in which profit and money disappear. Society will become fully productive; the material needs of society will be met. In this final stage, profit will disappear, as will the need for money.

The recognition of profit is an acknowledgment of exploitation, for profit has no limit. Attempts so far to limit profit by various means have been reformative, not radical, intending to prohibit exploitation of man by man. The final solution lies in eradicating profit, but because profit is the dynamic force behind the economic process, eliminating profit is not a matter of decree but, rather, an outcome of the evolving socialist process. This solution can be attained when the material satisfaction of the needs of society and its members is achieved. Work to increase profit will itself lead to its final eradication.
Before that stage in humanity there can be a stage where there is a money system but an evolved money system yet the socio-economic classes maintained by Capitalism ( rich, middle, poor ) have been abolished and all citizens potentially have equal access to all goods and services in society. I propose such a system in this thread.

2. If Communism produces jaahils then you should for example ask Rakesh Sharma to denounce his going to space aboard a Communism-experiment-society's spaceship and staying aboard a Communism-experiment-society's space station for days. He lived for the very next second because of that. But you should ask him to denounce all that.
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