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Garga Chatterjee speech | Your Empire and My People


Feb 4, 2014
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United States
Please listen to the speech in its entirety. BJP and RSS is trying extremely hard to convert W. Bengal to BJP rule. Garga Chatterjee is an educated academician who makes some interesting points to counter this and against the deliberate planned expansion of the Hindi Gangu racist empire. Friends - we are witnessing the first step to the Balkanization of the Hindi empire.

Totally a waste, Calls biharis gutakhor while guta has invaded lot in Bengali population.

Well You can't call this man uneducated, he has a Ph.D. from Harvard.

You may disagree - but he has his points.
Well You can't call this man uneducated, he has a Ph.D. from Harvard.

You may disagree - but he has his points.
So was Osama and Zakir Naik. I am following him closely, has hs valid points. But he is a joker and trying to fulfill his political ambition.
So was Osama and Zakir Naik. I am following him closely, has hs valid points. But he is a joker and trying to fulfill his political ambition.

West Bengal folks need to realize that letting workmasters from Delhi control their lives is not what one would call self-determination.

Be your own masters and deciders, for a change.....
Frankly saying he is no better than the people he criticize vehemently. One group has an ideological utopia based upon religion and hatred for everyone who doesn't subscribe them while the other one is doing same thing based upon language. The kind of derogatory things he says about who doesn't follow his language is despicable to say the least. It is a sick kind of racism and it is trying to replace the values of religion holds which transcends race ethnicity language.
Frankly saying he is no better than the people he criticize vehemently. One group has an ideological utopia based upon religion and hatred for everyone who doesn't subscribe them while the other one is doing same thing based upon language. The kind of derogatory things he says about who doesn't follow his language is despicable to say the least. It is a sick kind of racism and it is trying to replace the values of religion holds which transcends race ethnicity language.

The time when BJP empirists can use religion (Hindutva) as a tool to placate individual states in furthering their agenda is gone. People in India (especially in WB and the Southern States) are too smart for this. States are states in India for a reason, they have distinct identities and cultures. Disrespecting those factors will be the bane for BJP.

Feeding hundreds of different Indian ethnicities with one single KOOL-AID called 'Hindutva' will not cut it, unless they're stupid. They aren't buying it. Which explains why Hindutva today is the domain of the goondas, the stupid and the ignorant.

The question is not trying to find fault with his sometimes fiery oration - it is the existing situation in WB which is untenable.

What state in India will tolerate a company coming in to do business in their state and not hire locals? There were several companies in Kolkata who were openly doing this and Garga made an issue of it (there were some YT videos on this).

Can you imagine doing this in Maharashtra, i.e. Mumbai? The company will be told to pack up the next day, or else.

Bengalis in Kolkata are too polite and meek as a rule. Garga is right in pointing out these discrepancies and fighting for his cultural identity that some in his state have so easily sacrificed.

There are hardly any Bengali roadsigns or even Billboards left in Kolkata that is posted in Bengali anymore - which really strikes us Bangladeshis as odd (and shameful) when we go over there to shop etc. And WB is the birthplace of Bangla Culture and Intellectualism. 'What Bengal thinks today, India thinks tomorrow'. Bengali culture is in no way less rich than Hindi culture. The contribution of WB to India's cultural scene is undeniable.

Yet when WB folks go over to Delhi or other large towns for employment they get treated like lazy, over-sensitized and other type-casting and disrespectful behavior. The irony is that WB contributes funds to the center to enable this Hindi-centered racism, which in turn takes away resources for making WB economy stronger.

Garga is fighting for greater self-determination for WB as a state and his identity as a Bengali as opposed to being the lapdog for Hindi-speakers (especially fund their racist empirist policies in states like WB). That is 100% justified by any measure of civility.

BJP has sensed this and is trying to establish WB as a bulwark of the BJP as soon as possible. BJP Hindi empirists are using funding taken from WB itself to enable BJP propaganda and media onslaught. Some of these BJP websites are not only anti-TMC, they openly advocate anti-Muslim thoughts, lies and propaganda.



I say more power to Garga, as he is also encouraging other states (especially in the South like TN and Kerala) to establish greater self-determination and to break the shackles of the Hindi-speaking empirists.

The time when WB folks will lie down and take it for Delhi's every whim is over. If Modi fails to see this or tries to force a prohibition on this, the results will not be good, things will get worse.

So was Osama and Zakir Naik. I am following him closely, has hs valid points. But he is a joker and trying to fulfill his political ambition.

Look at the message - not the messenger. Is the message valid - or not?
Frankly saying he is no better than the people he criticize vehemently. One group has an ideological utopia based upon religion and hatred for everyone who doesn't subscribe them while the other one is doing same thing based upon language. The kind of derogatory things he says about who doesn't follow his language is despicable to say the least. It is a sick kind of racism and it is trying to replace the values of religion holds which transcends race ethnicity language.

Think again.

So was Osama and Zakir Naik. I am following him closely, has hs valid points. But he is a joker and trying to fulfill his political ambition.

PhDs from Harvard? Please get serious.

It should be apparent from even a cursory check that except when flogged to life the religious urge does not have as much attraction as ethnic or linguistic ties. Only serious and protracted propaganda can restore religion to some kind of ascendancy over people's views, even more important,people's actions.


Seriously the name "Bangladesh" doesn't ring a bell with him? The irony of kool-aid.... :D

Chhagoley ki na khaye (since Kool-aid is involved, 'ki na pan kore....')......
It should be apparent from even a cursory check that except when flogged to life the religious urge does not have as much attraction as ethnic or linguistic ties. Only serious and protracted propaganda can restore religion to some kind of ascendancy over people's views, even more important,people's actions.

Chhagoley ki na khaye (since Kool-aid is involved, 'ki na pan kore....')......
Not always, religion also can be a cement . In place where religion becomes fragmented these ties becomes stronger.

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