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Gang of women working for BLA/BLF caught by CTD!

and on top of that they all look ugly and hideous looking.

Doesn't matter who they are but they are your mum age and that's how you refer to women?
Looks like your upbringing has been a but more hideous than anyone can be compared in looks to it...

If only this country had a little bit less of the asshole minded folk, it would be doing much better.


I hope "Last starfigher" is banned for this remark below

"Last starfighter said:
Shag em then bag em lol"

We are a people of honor and respect, and childish folk with perverted brains whose parents were a failure in their upbringing can't be representing us on the Internet.
Awaran’s arrested women released from Khuzdar jail

Balochistan government on Monday released three Baloch women arrested from Awaran district after a strong reaction from political parties and rights organisations. The officials of District Jail, Khuzdar confirmed the release while Balochistan National Party-Mengal (BNP-M) Chief Sardar Akhtar Mengal and Sanaullah Baloch, a member of Balochistan Assembly, also took to Twitter to announce their return.

Their arrest sparked outrage among Baloch nationalist parties and human rights organisations who vehemently condemned the step and expressed displeasure over the attitude of the provincial government towards Balochistan’s norms and traditions.

Sakina, Sayad Bibi, Nazal and Hameeda were picked up by security forces last week under the anti-terrorism act. The forces claimed that the women had been delivering arms and explosives to armed groups who were targeting forces and government installations in the restive Awaran.

The BNP-M chief had warned that his party would pull out of its alliance with the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) if the women were not released.

“This wouldn’t be for the first time for us to quit the ruling alliance. We will not compromise when it comes to our dignity,” Mengal said while delivering a fiery speech in the National Assembly last week.

“Dictators have failed in the past when they tried to run Balochistan at gunpoint and the present government won’t be able to do either,” he added.

BNP-M lawmakers and MNAs from tribal districts then staged a token sit-in in front of speaker’s dais and staged a walkout from the House.

The deputy speaker, who was chairing the session, summoned the interior minister to the assembly to explain why the women were arrested.

Later, Interior Minister Brig (retd) Ijaz Shah assured the Balochistan National Party-Mengal delegation of the federal government’s full support in getting released four women arrested in Awaran last week.

“We respect the culture and sentiments of the people of Balochistan,” said the interior minister while addressing a BNP-M delegation at the Parliament House on Friday.

Deputy Speaker Qasim Khan Suri, members of the BNP-M delegation, headed by Akhtar Mengal, and others were in attendance.

Balochistan National Party-Mengal protested against the arrest of four women in Awaran district on charges of terrorism and described the move as an attack on Baloch traditions.

Addressing a press conference at the Quetta Press Club, the BNP-M Acting President Abdul Wali Kakar said the way four Baloch women were picked up from their homes in Awaran district is unequivocally condemnable.

“It is beyond comprehension as to why the provincial government has not taken any step to address the concern over these arrests,” he had said.

The BNP-M leader had said their party would stage a protest across the province against the said incident. “This is an unconstitutional and inhuman act which we cannot tolerate at any cost. This incident can worsen the situation in Balochistan,” Kakar added.
Pakistani State should do what it deems to be correct and stop giving a damn about what "west" will say, "west" are not rishtaydar of Pakistan, they don't give a damn about Pakistan or what Pakistani state do to a POS so-called this jabran nasar. It is like a jahal village mentality, oh I should do this or that bold thing, after all what will the people in the village think about me, this is just a bloody cultural burden that even runs in many Pakistani institutions, oh we have to be "morally superior", who gives a f*** about moral superiority in this age of complex warfare.

Doesn't matter who they are but they are your mum age and that's how you refer to women?
Looks like your upbringing has been a but more hideous than anyone can be compared in looks to it...

If only this country had a little bit less of the asshole minded folk, it would be doing much better.


I hope "Last starfigher" is banned for this remark below

"Last starfighter said:
Shag em then bag em lol"

We are a people of honor and respect, and childish folk with perverted brains whose parents were a failure in their upbringing can't be representing us on the Internet.
You are right, we should give these women Tamga-e-imtiaz since they are of your mum age. They look poor to me. Million $$ each will suffice them for rest of their natural life’s. I say, arrange them US visa since their face has been exposed and now these women of your mum age will feel embrace living in their terrorist infested village.

Awaran’s arrested women released from Khuzdar jail

Balochistan government on Monday released three Baloch women arrested from Awaran district after a strong reaction from political parties and rights organisations. The officials of District Jail, Khuzdar confirmed the release while Balochistan National Party-Mengal (BNP-M) Chief Sardar Akhtar Mengal and Sanaullah Baloch, a member of Balochistan Assembly, also took to Twitter to announce their return.

Their arrest sparked outrage among Baloch nationalist parties and human rights organisations who vehemently condemned the step and expressed displeasure over the attitude of the provincial government towards Balochistan’s norms and traditions.

Sakina, Sayad Bibi, Nazal and Hameeda were picked up by security forces last week under the anti-terrorism act. The forces claimed that the women had been delivering arms and explosives to armed groups who were targeting forces and government installations in the restive Awaran.

The BNP-M chief had warned that his party would pull out of its alliance with the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) if the women were not released.

“This wouldn’t be for the first time for us to quit the ruling alliance. We will not compromise when it comes to our dignity,” Mengal said while delivering a fiery speech in the National Assembly last week.

“Dictators have failed in the past when they tried to run Balochistan at gunpoint and the present government won’t be able to do either,” he added.

BNP-M lawmakers and MNAs from tribal districts then staged a token sit-in in front of speaker’s dais and staged a walkout from the House.

The deputy speaker, who was chairing the session, summoned the interior minister to the assembly to explain why the women were arrested.

Later, Interior Minister Brig (retd) Ijaz Shah assured the Balochistan National Party-Mengal delegation of the federal government’s full support in getting released four women arrested in Awaran last week.

“We respect the culture and sentiments of the people of Balochistan,” said the interior minister while addressing a BNP-M delegation at the Parliament House on Friday.

Deputy Speaker Qasim Khan Suri, members of the BNP-M delegation, headed by Akhtar Mengal, and others were in attendance.

Balochistan National Party-Mengal protested against the arrest of four women in Awaran district on charges of terrorism and described the move as an attack on Baloch traditions.

Addressing a press conference at the Quetta Press Club, the BNP-M Acting President Abdul Wali Kakar said the way four Baloch women were picked up from their homes in Awaran district is unequivocally condemnable.

“It is beyond comprehension as to why the provincial government has not taken any step to address the concern over these arrests,” he had said.

The BNP-M leader had said their party would stage a protest across the province against the said incident. “This is an unconstitutional and inhuman act which we cannot tolerate at any cost. This incident can worsen the situation in Balochistan,” Kakar added.

so their traditions justify blood of police and other security forces. Their terrorist women smuggling weapons are as guilty as the terrorist using them.

If prophet (s.a.w) said, he will cut of his daughter hand if she committed the crime. Are these 4 degenerates are more special than Fatima (r.a)?
Technically, if Whole blochistan assembly decided to go against federal govt. Not only legally but islamically govt will be justified to hunt each and everyone of them down.

Whoa guys relax, These are women we are talking here, yes they are with enemy doesn't means we should become more like ISIS or Taliban, we have moral code to abide by , they are in custody , the best way forward is to extract information from them, try to understand why they join BLA/BRA , why they are anti State, Re-educate them , teach them some skills and once and if they become responsible citizen than send them back to the society where they can become better humans . We did rehabilitation with TTP fighters, BLA surrendered fighters so why extreme measures with women ?
You cannot rehabilitated 40 and 50 yr old women. Hang them and hang them high so those who are in pipeline and those who are sending them both get the message loud and clear.
yes we can, and we have did it TTP and BLA fighters, so i don't see why not these women .
They were in teens or early 20s and they were not caught while committing the act. Many of them surrendered. You don’t rehabilitate grown men and women who get caught in a crime. If you start playing this game than every terrorist will wait to get caught n than be pampered.
They were in teens or early 20s and they were not caught while committing the act. Many of them surrendered. You don’t rehabilitate grown men and women who get caught in a crime. If you start playing this game than every terrorist will wait to get caught n than be pampered.

Nope you are wrong, lots of Fighters caught were of old age , check reports of surrendered BLA/BRA fighters . If there is a chance for these people to come back to society than we should use it .
You are right, we should give these women Tamga-e-imtiaz since they are of your mum age. They look poor to me. Million $$ each will suffice them for rest of their natural life’s. I say, arrange them US visa since their face has been exposed and now these women of your mum age will feel embrace living in their terrorist infested village.

so their traditions justify blood of police and other security forces. Their terrorist women smuggling weapons are as guilty as the terrorist using them.

If prophet (s.a.w) said, he will cut of his daughter hand if she committed the crime. Are these 4 degenerates are more special than Fatima (r.a)?
Technically, if Whole blochistan assembly decided to go against federal govt. Not only legally but islamically govt will be justified to hunt each and everyone of them down.

You cannot rehabilitated 40 and 50 yr old women. Hang them and hang them high so those who are in pipeline and those who are sending them both get the message loud and clear.

Indians are far better than us in this regard.

Crushed Sikhs , Kashmiris and every other ethnicity that tried to dismember Indian Union. Our government and forces failed in suppressing Bengalis... Had they been successful , Baloch and Pashtun nationalist movement would have been killed there and then. Now all of them have been emboldened. Pakistan is a banana republic.
What a stupid banana republic this country truly is...unbelievable. Letting go of terrorists and enemy of the state just because they have different genitals. Shameful.

Just when you thought the day couldn't get any better after that whole lawyer fiasco in Lahore....
Our establishment is continuing "Naraz Baloch" policy for a long time. Due to which BLF gets enough propaganda material to recruit. Balochistan cannot see peace unless this appeasement policy ends
Compare the crime of these b****** for abetting the terrorists in Balochistan by smuggling explosive weapons for terrorists in Balochistan with "Afya Sidiqi case", compared to these b****** the crime/accusation of Afya Sidiqi of snatching a gun from a US troop during investigation seems to be benign yet Afiya sidiqi was awared 80 years of solitary prison by US courts. Pakistani state is just too much p**** and lenient in awarding severe and exemplary legal punishments to the criminals involved in the heinous crimes of terrorism. Yeh zaroorat sey bhi ziyada reham dil sabat hotay hain har case mein.
You are right, we should give these women Tamga-e-imtiaz since they are of your mum age. They look poor to me. Million $$ each will suffice them for rest of their natural life’s. I say, arrange them US visa since their face has been exposed and now these women of your mum age will feel embrace living in their terrorist infested village.

Really? One moron after another to project their animalistic views and feeling so patriotic to talk shit about a bunch of women?
When was the last time you stepped out to do something for your country?
Are these women willing participant or just useful idiots ?
Really? One moron after another to project their animalistic views and feeling so patriotic to talk shit about a bunch of women?
When was the last time you stepped out to do something for your country?
Ok, so anyone who disagrees with you is a moron. That enlightening. When you done sucking on the female feeder and carton network. How about you ask your mum to get you an appointment with good endocrinologist, I think you suffer from hormonal and developmental issues.
Ok, so anyone who disagrees with you is a moron. That enlightening. When you done sucking on the female feeder and carton network. How about you ask your mum to get you an appointment with good endocrinologist, I think you suffer from hormonal and developmental issues.

No Mr. little childish adult whose mum failed to teach him to respect elderly women and grow him into a man instead of a child in the skin of a man.
It's not about disagreeing with me. It's about one asshole hurling abuse at elderly women, and another one joining in to support him.
Why don't you go out and watch yourself in the mirror and see how you fix yourself into a person who actually respects the elderly and in particular the women regardless of what they were arrested from.

And do ask yourself in the mean time, if these women are whatever you want to talk about them. Who are you? How many flaws and sins of yours Allah is hiding and what will be your face like if he was to reveal them to the world? So do think before speaking low of others who get caught for a crime while your ugliness is hidden inside you.
An they might look poor, but I find you more poor and I don't need to explain in what.
Fix yourself, before you get fixed the hard way.

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