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Gandhi clan blamed for keeping India in poverty

Countries that are ruled by "one family" often lose out from it.

I don't want to flame by mentioning any other country that is ruled by one family.
dont know how after failing to lead the country since independence does the congress(nehru-gandhi party) party still wins elections,maybe rigging

These two Italians should be replaced by Narenda Modi.
dont know how after failing to lead the country since independence does the congress(nehru-gandhi party) party still wins elections,maybe rigging
They win election due to their welfare programs MGNREGA,free subsidies on oil,food Act etc.The reason is indian masses are lazy they will vote anyone even china or pakistan to rule india if they get free everything.It doesnt matter for them who rules Delhi .
They win election due to their welfare programs MGNREGA,free subsidies on oil,food Act etc.The reason is indian masses are lazy they will vote anyone even china or pakistan to rule india if they get free everything.It doesnt matter for them who rules Delhi .

The biggest case against the Gandhis is their lop sided socialistic licence raj type of development which benefitted only a small group of corrupt businessmen, bureaucrats and politicians and not the common man. It ultimately bankrupted the nation in early 1990s. This socialistic growth basically strangulated the Indian industrial sector. Its said that when TATA made their first truck Mr. Honda was still fixing bicycles in Japan, but when TATA came out with their first car in 1990s, Honda was already a well known car brand all over the world. Imagine the wasted potentional.

---------- Post added at 10:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 AM ----------

They win election due to their welfare programs MGNREGA,free subsidies on oil,food Act etc.The reason is indian masses are lazy they will vote anyone even china or pakistan to rule india if they get free everything.It doesnt matter for them who rules Delhi .

Not to mention sops targeted at a particular community like the recent 4.5% reservation for Muslims. When it comes to votebank politics, Congress is the undisputed king.
i really dont understand..every self dependent and literate Indian hate Congress then how come they r ruling the country since 1947?
i really dont understand..every self dependent and literate Indian hate Congress then how come they r ruling the country since 1947?
you have very rightly hit the nail at the head!
every sane/literate/nationalist/sincere/honest Indian HATES Congress...

The problem is that this total number amounts to some 10% of population.. The remaining 90% are looking for reservations/caste names/religion/freebies/cash etc etc...
The problem is that this total number amounts to some 10% of population.. The remaining 90% are looking for reservations/caste names/religion/freebies/cash etc etc...
Once you rig the election you can always invent theories to explain the result.
you have very rightly hit the nail at the head!
every sane/literate/nationalist/sincere/honest Indian HATES Congress...

The problem is that this total number amounts to some 10% of population.. The remaining 90% are looking for reservations/caste names/religion/freebies/cash etc etc...
and this 10% dont even vote in elections coz they know they wont get anything from govt except extra tax burden
Congress Bastards Should be Burned to Death... Deport the Gandhi Family or Kill each member Systematically... Like in Bangladesh they killed Mujib Family... as long us This Rascals are alive they will never allow India to Progress... They r making Indians fight Indians... Dividing Indian on religious on caste Basis... They r the Only reason y Muslims & Kashmir are not properly amalgamated in Indian society with rest of Indians ...
The problem in india, that I have noticed is, is the division - you lot get united in times of crisis - such as wars, natural disasters etc, but in normal times, there is no one india, people feel more for their local caste, ethnic, regional, religious affiliation.

The Congress knows this and exploits this truth ruthlessly, the recent reservation for Muslims will ensure that they will retain their votes in the general election, also other measures will probably allow them to retain considerable support which will translate into major seats in the assembly's.
It would appear that democracy has not served india well. This is one of the reasons i say that western versions of democracy as a way forward for young countries is just a sham. Popularity is important but we need in our respective countries concentrate on education for the masses and look at ways of including merit and probity when we choose our leaders.
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