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Galwan Valley. China got India by the neck?

Or for those who claim that their people invented the internet some 10,000 years ago........:lol::


You are in a thread discussing an article from Indian media that you vehemently claim as fake. What gives????
I will take the pleasure to highlight your hypocrisy :omghaha: by pasting the links from you:


There is definite coordination going on between Pakistan and China over this. Indian establishment was having verbal diarrhea recently about Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Balistan region of Pakistan, hope these actions will cure them.
India knows Pakistan doesn't have any will left to attack India. If it did, it would have. Save the lollywood stories and show us it can happen. Until then, anybody can write stories.
You are in a thread discussing an article from Indian media that you vehemently claim as fake. What gives????
I will take the pleasure to highlight your hypocrisy :omghaha: by pasting the links from you:


India knows Pakistan doesn't have any will left to attack India. If it did, it would have. Save the lollywood stories and show us it can happen. Until then, anybody can write stories.

More like 7× india that has the full backing of the West and Russia is too weak, powerless and frightened to fight Pakistan.........:azn:If they weren't, indians would have attacked by now. If what I am saying is false, let 7× bigger india come and fight Pakistan........:azn:
More like 7× india that has the full backing of the West and Russia is too weak, powerless and frightened to fight Pakistan.........:azn:If they weren't, indians would have attacked by now. If what I am saying is false, let 7× bigger india come and fight Pakistan........:azn:

Common sense is not very common on this board. Why would India attack Pakistan? India's only problem with Pakistan is Islamic terrorism which Pakistan uses against India since its 7 times smaller and fears to war like real warriors. India was ready to call truce along the LOC. Our priorities have now changed.
India is under pressure against China right now but that does not mean we can't handle the 7 times smaller Pakistan. You are free to try and see how it ends.
Common sense is not very common on this board. Why would India attack Pakistan? India's only problem with Pakistan is Islamic terrorism which Pakistan uses against India since its 7 times smaller and fears to war like real warriors. India was ready to call truce along the LOC. Our priorities have now changed.
India is under pressure against China right now but that does not mean we can't handle the 7 times smaller Pakistan. You are free to try and see how it ends.

india is too weak, powerless and frightened to fight against Pakistan. 7× smaller Pakistan continuously slaps, humiliates and beats india like a dog. india and indians can do nothing but talk rubbish and blow hot air on the internet. Nothing else.......:lol:......barking dogs seldom bite......... ..:azn:
You are in good company. The Sanghis also have the same doubts about me. Amazing how some types of mentality think alike.

Stupidity, as a trait, is part and parcel of your kind, it does not discriminate between Sanghi, liberal, secular or however one wants to self classify.

Does it make any material difference to substitute Pakistani for Indian? Just putting insulting verbiage together doesn't add up to analysis; it adds up to an immature keyboard fiend trying his hand at strategy.

It's a perfect analysis of the current situation India find itself in, trying to put this thread back to intelligent conversations and save from your gibberish.

Please feel free to liken our situation to whatever you please. It has nothing to do with reality, after all, so there is no harm in indulging the young and green.

Oh yes, one more trait I forgot to mention earlier, I guess it's a DNA thing. The blatant denial of the obvious.

DBO has been an airstrip right through the period.

A good blogger will atleast attempt to read the thread from the start.

If this is a prelude to an offer to scratch my behind for me, I must decline on aesthetic grounds. As far as the education is concerned, I doubt that the blind have anything to offer to the sighted.

I got home work for you.


For all the countries having issues with China currently, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Australia, Americas of this world, why they choose you for public humiliation?

A) are you the biggest nuisance of them all?

B) are you the weakest link? A whipping boy?

C) they just felt the itch to spank you anyway?

Extra marks for your own innovative answer.

India knows Pakistan doesn't have any will left to attack India. If it did, it would have. Save the lollywood stories and show us it can happen. Until then, anybody can write stories.

Are you genuinely stupid or trying to act like one. I am confused

We got plenty of souvenirs from last year 27th feb to show. If you are interested.
All the PLA needs to do- is line up in a straight row and unzip their trousers

Are you genuinely stupid or trying to act like one. I am confused

We got plenty of souvenirs from last year 27th feb to show. If you are interested.
You wish big but then I ain't you. 27th was a show for the audience of Pakistan and had no real intent. We all know what was the next step after 27th. We are still waiting for a response. Kashmiris have lost confidence in the ability of Pakistanis. They feel used right now.

All the PLA needs to do- is line up in a straight row and unzip their trousers

Are you a Pakistani? Never heard a Singaporean speak this way and I have many friends from there

india is too weak, powerless and frightened to fight against Pakistan. 7× smaller Pakistan continuously slaps, humiliates and beats india like a dog. india and indians can do nothing but talk rubbish and blow hot air on the internet. Nothing else.......:lol:......barking dogs seldom bite......... ..:azn:
Everything I said is true about the MO of Pakistan's war on Kashmir. There are several non-Indain sources that corroborate what I said. For the rest of your rant - its from deep frustration that you couldn't counter my post--doesn't warrant a reply. See ya!
there u go- found it. this quote was in my head for a veyr long time, - juut couldnt remember where i read it from. also it was said by zhou enlai, not mao zedong:



looks like Zhou Enlai' s prophecy would be fullfilled:

All the PLA needs to do- is line up in a straight row and unzip their trousers


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There were several reports from random media outlets overlapping and at times entirely conflicting from each other. Most outlets quote "anonymous" or unnamed sources

There never will be factual reporting in the Indian media circuits. Their entire narrative is based on their bias towards or against government of the day. Their narrative will ignore facts or in the worst case will show opinions as facts. So don't read too much into them.
Stupidity, as a trait, is part and parcel of your kind, it does not discriminate between Sanghi, liberal, secular or however one wants to self classify.

This from the genius who thinks that DBO threatens the Karakorum Highway.

It's a perfect analysis of the current situation India find itself in, trying to put this thread back to intelligent conversations and save from your gibberish.

Of course. Perfectly tailored to bring hope to a situation where one side has an overwhelming superiority over the other. So now Big Brother gallops up to save the situation, and suddenly, according to this hopeful prayer come true, all the pressure is off the LOC and on the LAC.

How utterly ridiculous can these keyboard warriors get? Yes, there is a temporary occupation of the heights flanking the DBO road where it crosses the Shyok River, but of what value is it? The PLA has had these temporary encampments before, it has had its problems with Indian infrastructure building before - even waterlines for a civilian settlement were strenuously objected to, because the Chinese object to any and every bit of infrastructure built. The infrastructure remains, water lines remain, the patrols remain, the road remains - the only difference is in the minds of those watching the situation.

So Pakistani fanboys think that their day in the Sun has come, that now is the beginning of the end, that soon there will be a link-up between the two military forces across the Aksai Chin to Baltistan line, and there will be a serious and permanent effect on Indian military capabilities in the region. Chinese fanboys are now proving their military sagacity by showing how effective video games have shown light tanks to be, and how therefore deploying light tanks in the region is now a game changer (apart from pissing into the Shyok). Who else? Indian fanboys are absent; this is a military topic and delicate darlings do not comment on military matters, but confine their fire and brimstone to social and political topics, usually to justify horrible developments that show them and their Indian political faction in a bad light.

Oh yes, one more trait I forgot to mention earlier, I guess it's a DNA thing. The blatant denial of the obvious.

Noted with appreciation. First, create a purely fantastic situation out of the reality that there there is a troop build-up and additional troops are assigned to reinforce an existing Army Corps. Then show that this was to have happened anyway, and it is just a question of today being the right time for implementation. Finally, extend the fantasy to a famous victory and a ticker-tape parade for the victors.

Which part of this Maula Jat equivalent in military terms is obvious? All that is obvious is wishful thinking.

A good blogger will atleast attempt to read the thread from the start.

This is not a blog. The thread from the start says NOTHING of importance except that the DBO road is now potentially vulnerable to interdicting fire from Chinese positions. The earlier posts have no bearing on the location of DBO, and have nowhere talked in a silly vein about Indian positions making the Karakorum Highway vulnerable.

I got home work for you.


For all the countries having issues with China currently, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Australia, Americas of this world, why they choose you for public humiliation?

Yes, the old chestnut: How often do you beat your wife?

Let us play the game.

So far there has been no humiliation, except what feverish Pakistani imaginations have wished had happened. There are additional troops on both sides. There has been no military action; there has been none since Nathu La in 1967, and scuffles between the soldiers of both sides have none of them resulted in shots being fired. During the Doklam difference of opinion, Indian troops crossed their boundary line, physically halted the construction activity that was going on, and then retired to their original positions once there was an agreement. The Chinese have saved face by claiming that their road-building plant and equipment remain where they were, and their troops remain where they were, turning attention away from the fact that they stopped construction work.

Here, too, nothing has happened. It is increasingly clear that this is an episode, one that was created by Chinese frustration on an alarmingly large number of issues that have occurred to bother their top leadership elsewhere, and that this is not in any way a direct intervention on behalf of Pakistan, but something that China would have done out of her own autonomous motives. Only the wildly excitable fanboys from Pakistan and China see any collusion.

The second thing that you need to think about (keep an icebag ready) is that the PRC shares a land boundary with only one other of the countries you mentioned. The last time they met in battle, the Vietnamese handed the PLA its head on a platter. In contrast, the last exchange of bullets between China and India was in 1967, and the setback to the Chinese was twelve years earlier.

A) are you the biggest nuisance of them all?

Of course. None of the others can pose a military threat to the PRC, except for Vietnam.

B) are you the weakest link? A whipping boy?

So, the same hopeful question, a second, then a third time. The answer remains, yes, India is the biggest potential threat. Also, no, it is not a weak link, and no,it is not a whipping boy. All these are situations in wildly unrealistic Pakistani projections of their own fanboy military wet dreams using Chinese troops and positions on the boundary line with India.

C) they just felt the itch to spank you anyway?

All this verbiage shows only that there is a desperate need to seek some outlet from the frustration of knowing that the entire scenario in the north is not going the way it was supposed to.

Extra marks for your own innovative answer.

With so much innovative strategic thought on your side, is there any need for anyone else to be innovative?

Are you genuinely stupid or trying to act like one. I am confused

This thread was not needed to establish that.

We got plenty of souvenirs from last year 27th feb to show. If you are interested.

It is almost touching that this incident has become so important in the hearts and minds of a certain class of fanboy.

First, it was the indubitable victory of 1965, where the failure of an effort to subvert an administration by injecting trained special services troops, the loss of a critical strategic feature, the failure to recover the earlier failure by an open and unconcealed armoured attack on Indian military positions, the desperate and successful defence of a major city, a major defeat in another, separate battle, were all combined to prove that it was a victory for the aggressor because the defending side did not punish the aggression sufficiently!

Then there was the justification for losing an entire section of the population on the grounds that the defectors never belonged whole-heartedly to the country in any case - all other signs and hall-marks being deemed irrelevant for the purposes of buttressing this alibi.

There was the third armed infiltration - it being a feature of these and earlier military conflicts that one side always insisted on being detached from the situation because the armed elements fighting their battles were not their soldiers, until that moment of truth when it had to be revealed that all along, it was military people fighting in civilian attire - when an unprepared set of generals facing an unexpected reaction and a determination to reverse the clandestine gains of the aggressors saddled their own political leadership with the indefensible task of retrieving their position for them, the task of erasing military failure by pleading for intervention and settlement.

Now that there is nothing left, every minor border incident becomes the subject of an increasingly incoherent, increasingly hysterical validation of one side's military prowess in spite of being the smaller of the two.

The events at Galwan and several other locations along the LAC have come as oxygen to these parched souls, and gives them an opportunity to spin fantasies around a Sino-Pakistani collaboration to gain what they had failed to gain in several attempts, but there is no reason to wait time on such nonsense, when even the fundamental facts are not known but utterly unrealistic scenarios are reported as if these are live occurrences on the ground.

A total waste of time.
You wish big but then I ain't you. 27th was a show for the audience of Pakistan and had no real intent. We all know what was the next step after 27th. We are still waiting for a response. Kashmiris have lost confidence in the ability of Pakistanis. They feel used right now.

Are you a Pakistani? Never heard a Singaporean speak this way and I have many friends from there

Everything I said is true about the MO of Pakistan's war on Kashmir. There are several non-Indain sources that corroborate what I said. For the rest of your rant - its from deep frustration that you couldn't counter my post--doesn't warrant a reply. See ya!

IF what you are saying is true then post the links to the credible and reliable sources here............:azn:
You wish big but then I ain't you. 27th was a show for the audience of Pakistan and had no real intent. We all know what was the next step after 27th. We are still waiting for a response. Kashmiris have lost confidence in the ability of Pakistanis. They feel used right now.

The 27th real intent was to humiliate India which we did. I can post the pictures of trophies we got from that day if you like?

With regards to Kashmir, you haven't gain a inch of territory with what you already occupied before you made changes to your constitution which is worth the paper it is written on. All you did is to make Kashmiris hate you more, even those who were ok with your occupation.
The 27th real intent was to humiliate India which we did. I can post the pictures of trophies we got from that day if you like?

With regards to Kashmir, you haven't gain a inch of territory with what you already occupied before you made changes to your constitution which is worth the paper it is written on. All you did is to make Kashmiris hate you more, even those who were ok with your occupation.

Pakistan's war history always talks about WINs in terms of losses not in terms of objectives. If it did, it would severely demoralize the nation. As for inches of land, it doesn't matter what we did is take the people of Kashmir who have been mislead. They will take their time to assimilate but when the parents realize jobs, education and oppotunities are not bad in India. Heck even owning an Indian passport is better than having a Pakistani one, they will assimilate and collectively call unification of all Kashmir with India. Pakistan looked at kashmir for land. India will help Kashmiris. Wait and watch!
Pakistan's war history always talks about WINs in terms of losses not in terms of objectives. If it did, it would severely demoralize the nation. As for inches of land, it doesn't matter what we did is take the people of Kashmir who have been mislead. They will take their time to assimilate but when the parents realize jobs, education and oppotunities are not bad in India. Heck even owning an Indian passport is better than having a Pakistani one, they will assimilate and collectively call unification of all Kashmir with India. Pakistan looked at kashmir for land. India will help Kashmiris. Wait and watch!

Check the map son, Azad Kashmir and other northern region were wrestled from India in a war. That's a big win for us.

Whatever you had plans for IOK, they have certainly backfired. Its been months since lockdown, hell, now India itself in a lockdown, economy is doldrums, work force battered and now scattered all over place, natural disasters, and now add Chinese humiliation to India. Atm, you are not the most attractive proposition by the residents of sub Sahara let alone Kashmiris.
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