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Galwan Valley. China got India by the neck?

NOTHING has happened in the Galwan River Valley, other than the PLA being there with temporary infrastructure (tents) and in greater numbers than ever before. The PLA and its BDRs do this drama every year, and every time there is a new unit posted to a particular stretch, as does the Indian Army and the ITBP.

It is a function of time that the earlier manners and protocols have been wearing thin. These date back to 1988 and 1995, so they need renewal.

It is also a function of the pressure under which the current PRC leadership is, for various reasons, the virus being a major one, the US constant scratching the blackboard with their nails in the South China Sea being another, the increased activity by the Japanese, the South Koreans, the Australians, the Vietnamese, the Indonesians, the Malaysians, even, at times, the Thai, being yet another, the sudden return of Taiwan to the consciousness of diplomatic establishments in the world also one, the increasing voices of dissent within the PRC also.....

Please don't waste too much time preparing the flags and bunting; it is a funny thing to see Pakistani hyper-patriots seeing a great opening up of the skies above and a descent of the heavenly hosts to their defence, in these border incidents. The word you should be looking up is 'bathos'.

Read this.

you are drawing a d*ick.
I think the Pakistanis are in for an another heartbreak when the Chinese withdraw after talks later.
PS:Hydroxy chloroquine is not good for heart.

Read the title and explain whats the obsession to bring Pakistan into the discussion?

China has truly got the Indians by the balls. Only a major face saving exercise can now relieve the Indian pressure. China has succeeded in showing India who the regional power is.
Indeed. Thats why I tried to explain to these educated fools like @Joe Shearer, with recent utterences of Indian establishment about Azad Kashmir/GB region of Pakistan, with maps and how the action in Galwan relates to the equation between Pakistan-China and India with regards to OBOR/CPEC, with their own media explain how DBO post is vital to them in their quest to disrupt Karakorum highway between Pakistan and China, their own analyst, their own politicians, yet these people , in their typical denial out of their over inflated egos will not understand as to what is at play here. covid19, past issues, what non sense!

There is a reason why Galwan is not up for debate in tomorrow's meeting between PLA and Indian army. My understanding is that China will tell India to back off towards CPEC and all related issues going all the way to Gawadar port. Indian compliance or lack off will decide the future course of actions.

Isn't being an educated fool rather an improvement over being you, an uneducated fool?

The recent utterances of the Indian establishment remain; they have not vanished, and it is only your self-absorption that persuades you that the universe revolves around you and your desires. In Kerala, they point to the common gecko; it believes, as it hangs from the roof of a hut, that it is actually holding up the roof. Any resemblance to half-baked non-resident heroes who will fight to the last farmer's boy is purely coincidental.

It is of course a matter of wonder and amazement that you have been admitted personally into the counsels of the two countries most worried about the fate of the OBOR/CPEC, to learn from them directly that their worry about the security of these ventures have led to the present friction in Ladakh. There must have been other meetings where the existence of DBO, that has been in Indian control from before the 1960s, has now suddenly become a matter of concern. Perhaps a look at a map will show that the DBO post has little or no oversight of the Karakorum Highway.

For every analyst or commentator seeing problems arising out of these developments, there have been five times that number seeing these as normal or as deliberate creations to allow a showcase reconciliation and impress their constituency, in both countries in the dispute.

Your understanding must, of course, be taken as the last word from the horse's bodily openings (what the even more educated than our hero, the British, see as authentic information from the horse's mouth), and we look forward to your pronouncements on the abolition of poverty in the world, the discovery of eternal life, time travel and perhaps even the true answer to permanent marital bliss.

Go for it; your adoring audience will not notice the absence of education.

you are drawing a d*ick.

Not, I understand, coincidental.

The pure-minded like me failed to see it when I drew the thing.

The blue line is the galwan river, the red circles r where the PLA are encamped.

Do all your doodles come out like this? There are excellent professionals who might be able to help.

Read the title and explain whats the obsession to bring Pakistan into the discussion?

Read #59, and explain to all of us why you are still bumbling around figuring out what is going on.

China has truly got the Indians by the balls. Only a major face saving exercise can now relieve the Indian pressure. China has succeeded in showing India who the regional power is.

Of course.

The long history of these intermittent displays of pique and petulance has no impact on your analysis, but that is something that can be understood in the light of the self-absorption of some people.
Read #59, and explain to all of us why you are still bumbling around figuring out what is going on.

You little "girls with handbag" argument has nothing to do with my post so please dont attempt to rope me into your "tiff".

I was merely pointing out that little Indian trolls that one can recognize from a mile off have a desire to always rope in Pakistan into a discussion when sometimes the obsession should be parked to one side.

One would appreciate if you stop bumbling off topic and stick to the matter in hand.

One does hope the message China has tried to inflict on India has been absorbed and a deescalation results - the sooner the better.
You little "girls with handbag" argument has nothing to do with my post so please dont attempt to rope me into your "tiff".

I thought it was directly relevant, not being a mind-reader. Now that I have been persuaded to be one, the prospects are filled with terror; imagine some of the minds that might have to be read.

I was merely pointing out that little Indian trolls that one can recognize from a mile off have a desire to always rope in Pakistan into a discussion when sometimes the obsession should be parked to one side.

By now, with your balanced understanding of the situation, you would have gathered that it is a mental disease, and infects more than one nationality.

One would appreciate if you stop bumbling off topic and stick to the matter in hand.

How, O sage, was a direct reply to your point 'bumbling off topic'? You felt that Pakistan should not have been brought into the discussion and you were confronted with the reason that it was. Apparently, this is not what you had in mind; unfortunately, the facts fit the situation that you described, so what do we do? Rush around with whitening erasers?

One does hope the message China has tried to inflict on India has been absorbed and a deescalation results - the sooner the better.

One does hope that a de-escalation will happen, and one hopes that there will be no occasion for such a forum-wide demonstration of schadenfreude as has been witnessed, especially with this thread. One also hopes that the frustrations suffered by the nation of another should not bind the ardent supporters of that nation into permanently locked positions, looking yearningly down the road for a deliverer who never turns up.
How come the news are always about india begging china to go back where they came?
Isn't being an educated fool rather an improvement over being you, an uneducated fool?

The recent utterances of the Indian establishment remain; they have not vanished, and it is only your self-absorption that persuades you that the universe revolves around you and your desires. In Kerala, they point to the common gecko; it believes, as it hangs from the roof of a hut, that it is actually holding up the roof. Any resemblance to half-baked non-resident heroes who will fight to the last farmer's boy is purely coincidental.

It is of course a matter of wonder and amazement that you have been admitted personally into the counsels of the two countries most worried about the fate of the OBOR/CPEC, to learn from them directly that their worry about the security of these ventures have led to the present friction in Ladakh. There must have been other meetings where the existence of DBO, that has been in Indian control from before the 1960s, has now suddenly become a matter of concern. Perhaps a look at a map will show that the DBO post has little or no oversight of the Karakorum Highway.

For every analyst or commentator seeing problems arising out of these developments, there have been five times that number seeing these as normal or as deliberate creations to allow a showcase reconciliation and impress their constituency, in both countries in the dispute.

Your understanding must, of course, be taken as the last word from the horse's bodily openings (what the even more educated than our hero, the British, see as authentic information from the horse's mouth), and we look forward to your pronouncements on the abolition of poverty in the world, the discovery of eternal life, time travel and perhaps even the true answer to permanent marital bliss.

Go for it; your adoring audience will not notice the absence of education.

Pardon me, I was giving you the benefit of doubt being educated, a fatal mistake considering kind you belong to, I admit!

Now back to the more important matters. As for the Indian establishment, they can conjure up all their fantasies and hallucinations, as to how American "asherbad" will make them invincible to do as they please, we don't mind at all, they can scratch their behind all day long and burn the midnight oil while smelling their fingers, no one is bothered. It just when the certain threshold are about to be crossed, out of sheer stupidity, these minor actions are needed to , as they say, knock some sense for own good!? We are happy and capable to protect our interests and our commitments towards OBOR/CPEC, Chinese on their part are doing their bits on their side, think of it like this, if it helps you to understand the situation.

I cant help to liken your situation to a monkey with a loaded gun in its hand. These slight nudges are for your own well being, only if you can understand.

Why waste my time arguing about the DBO station. Indeed it was there back in 1960s as part of India, so does Mohenjodaro in Pakistan since 5000 BCE. We haven't been able to revive our past glory yet, but credit where its due, you have brought back your DBO post alive from dead, so much so that your establishment is seeing its role in its conflict with Pakistan more significantly, and to lesser extent China as well. Why are you hell bend on embrassing yourself old timer? Just browse through the thread from start to finish. The questions you seek are there within.

Came back to me if you are still scratching your behind, trying to find some other excuse, rather pathetically to move the narrative away from this Pakistan-India-China equation. I will educate you further, I promise.
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Even the Chinese will not accept her. Her voice is so freaking irritating.

She ruined one of my favorite songs: "tu hi meri shab hai, suba hai" from Gangster. Such a wonderful song wasted on a "muse" like kangna.
Pardon me, I was giving you the benefit of doubt being educated, a fatal mistake considering kind you belong to, I admit!

You are in good company. The Sanghis also have the same doubts about me. Amazing how some types of mentality think alike.

Now back to the more important matters. As for the Indian establishment, they can conjure up all their fantasies and hallucinations, as to how American "asherbad" will make them invincible to do as they please, we don't mind at all, they can scratch their behind all day long and burn the midnight oil while smelling their fingers, no one is bothered. It just when the certain threshold are about to be crossed, out of sheer stupidity, these minor actions are needed to , as they say, knock some sense for own good!? We are happy and capable to protect our interests and our commitments towards OBOR/CPEC, Chinese on their part are doing their bits on their side, think of it like this, if it helps you to understand the situation.

Does it make any material difference to substitute Pakistani for Indian? Just putting insulting verbiage together doesn't add up to analysis; it adds up to an immature keyboard fiend trying his hand at strategy.

I cant help to liken your situation to a monkey with a loaded gun in its hand. These slight nudges are for your own well being, only if you can understand.

Please feel free to liken our situation to whatever you please. It has nothing to do with reality, after all, so there is no harm in indulging the young and green.

Why waste my time arguing about the DBO station.

What a wonderful way to start a whole paragraph.

Indeed it was there back in 1960s as part of India, so does Mohenjodaro in Pakistan since 5000 BCE. We haven't been able to revive our past glory yet, but credit where its due, you have brought back your DBO post alive from dead, so much so that your establishment is seeing its role in its conflict with Pakistan more significantly, and to lesser extent China as well. Why are you hell bend on embrassing yourself old timer? Just browse through the thread from start to finish. The questions you seek are there within.

DBO has been an airstrip right through the period.

Came back to me if you are still scratching your behind, trying to find some other excuse, rather pathetically to move the narrative away from this Pakistan-India-China equation. I will educate you further, I promise.

If this is a prelude to an offer to scratch my behind for me, I must decline on aesthetic grounds. As far as the education is concerned, I doubt that the blind have anything to offer to the sighted.
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