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G-20 Summit: Modi singles out Pakistan for spreading terror in region

Have you voted for him i think no , I did and he is doing good for India ..... majority of Indians more or less agree with him so better take care of your PM who spend millions on houses and sugar mills ..we are pretty much happy with our Poor Chai wala :)
Modi has extreme shortage of Positive energy. He need some good amount of caffeine . Modi is politically failing at home, now using Paksitan for its political failure . He knows well G20 will not pay attention his anti Pak mantra. He sang this song so many time already, nations has lost interest. ....CPEC fever....
Who gives a shit in the west about these claims Modi keeps making, no one come out and said yes we fully back Indian government position regarding Pakistan. Modi chest thumps and it only causes ripples in India, the rest of the world look at what he's saying and it falls on deaf ears.

the world has much more bigger problems to deal right now then Modi crying foul everytime something goes wrong in his country.
That is what I said. World has much more problems and it is too busy to even pay attention when India turns Pakistan inside out. India talks sensible language. If you think world won't pay attention to that then think of your position. Pakistan issues foolish statements and its stand is egoistic and insensible. World looks at Pakistan like it is looking at some filthy thing.
yeah your concern are absoulutely right because yaaar some countries have illusions that they are powers of regions.
yeah you should be concerned about because when dear MODI takes some banana republic`s province name where letters of thanks are sent to,and immediately common peoples come out from their homes & statrt molesting some flags called "Tiranga", raises slogans against that country, isuue patriotic letters to that country`s ambassdor and continue to protest against. so you should be concerned that one dear PM took his time from his precious one to unite some country`spublic. you need to be more concerned that in some`s so called integral part flags are raised of that country which calls that part a disputed area. you should be more concerned that yeah nobody is talking about kashmir but your eastern neighbour is continuing to talk because atleast someone is there who can raise its voice against oppressors. and i think you have become very much informed right now as well what i am trying to say......

yaeh for you it is your internal matter and no reponsible country calls this matter "disputed area" in some agreements and sometimes it backtracks from its words in some agreements.
ohohohoh my goodness yaar i am very delighted to hear that atleast you know what is internal matter and you also know that to intermingle in someone`s internal matter is against the morality of diplomatic rituals. yaar just apprise your pm also that "do not interfere in someone`s internal matter at independence day of yours."

Do not interefere in our internal matter then noone interefere in yours matters also.
okay sir g we will not poke our nose in anyone`s internal matter if and onl if that matter would not be a disputed trilateral matter.
okay i give my words

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