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G-20 Summit: Modi singles out Pakistan for spreading terror in region

Writing letters whenever you sip a tea, sending 22 slaves to unwelcome countries, begging to UN, US, China......won't work. This will just tarnish the image more.

Learn from Modi a bit. Right place, right time....Hit the nail deep so that the ripples are felt from top to bottom....
That should be the approach....

Just bitching around won't help...

What is there to be learnt from Modi? He can't even keep Kashmir quite and the opposition in his own country are scorning him for his failed policies. He walks and talks like he is some superstar. He is nothing, but a schizophrenic personality. A lot of hot air, but nothing substantive.

Says a guy whose country is still struggling to become part of the NSG club... Who is begging here? Checkmated all the way. Beggars don't get billions of dollars in investment.

All Modi and Indians can do is talk and moan. Meanwhile, Pakistan is walking the talk by getting things done. CPEC is a good reminder. You just keep complaining to the Chinese. LOL
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yeah we are offended, you know why, because as i said earlier that our hearts start weaping when we see the application of law"might is right" against poorers and unarmed, which if killed and murdered and lifted and burried into unknown graves called patriots and if carry arms and fight then called terrorist and Burhan wani.

Neither he mentioned any country's name .But somehow Paks are offended .Dont know why?

yeah we are offended, you know why, because as i said earlier that our hearts start weaping when we see the application of law"might is right" against poorers and unarmed, which if killed and murdered and lifted and burried into unknown graves called patriots and if carry arms and fight then called terrorist and Burhan wani.
What is Modi pulling off with his rants? Who is listening to you? USA - yea we know they are freaking your new seat-cushion... who else is giving you an ear? - none? Good! USA is still good enough for you.

The other day somebody told me that when Modi points fingers towards Pakistan, some hen somewhere in the world hatches an egg. I investigated this matter and found it was actually true. At least one hen is laying an egg every second somewhere in the world. Now that was pretty good outcome of Modi's finger pointing towards Pakistan. I was almost amazed.
there is another fun fact for you, if you pull your finger and call out Modi then someone in India is cured of his indigestion problem. this is why suddenly the temperature of India rises very quickly due to massive release of Methane gas in the atmosphere which is 10 times more responsible for global warming and green house effect. it is said that animals that are herbivores (and human who have veneration lifestyle) are biggest contributors of methane release, India being a population of over a billion (with majority of vegetarians) the sudden spike in global temperatures reaches phenomenal proportions and the resulting heat causes the subjects to vent rants against their in-laws, their neighbours and their employers.
there is another fun fact for you, if you pull your finger and call out Modi then someone in India is cured of his indigestion problem. this is why suddenly the temperature of India rises very quickly due to massive release of Methane gas in the atmosphere which is 10 times more responsible for global warming and green house effect. it is said that animals that are herbivores (and human who have veneration lifestyle) are biggest contributors of methane release, India being a population of over a billion (with majority of vegetarians) the sudden spike in global temperatures reaches phenomenal proportions and the resulting heat causes the subjects to vent rants against their in-laws, their neighbours and their employers.

Explains the paranoia and obsession.
G-20 Summit: Modi singles out Pakistan for spreading terror in region
By News Desk
Published: September 5, 2016

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. PHOTO: REUTERS

In a thinly veiled reference to Pakistan, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Monday that a single nation was fomenting terror in South Asia.

Modi’s remarks at the G20 Summit in China were shared by India’s Ministry of External Affairs Spokesperson Vikas Sarup on Twitter. “Indeed, one single nation in South Asia is spreading these agents of terror in the countries of our region,” the Indian prime minister reportedly remarked.

“There are some nations that use it as an instrument of state policy,” he added. Modi went on to claim that “India has a policy of zero tolerance to terrorism,” before adding “for us a terrorist is a terrorist.”

Relations between the neighbouring archrivals have been on the edge since the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani in a shootout on July 8. Wani’s killing sparked mass protests, leaving at least 70 protesters dead and scores injured.

G20 summit: China for constructive talks with India

Earlier on August 12, Pakistan offered to hold discussions with India to calm unrest in Kashmir, but the latter turned the request down. Modi also targeted Pakistan in his Independence Day address, saying the country would have to answer for rights violations in Balochistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

Britain, India to look at ways to retain strong trade ties after Brexit

On September 1, Army chief General Raheel Sharif told India’s premier spy agency RAW that Pakistan’s borders were completely secure and that the country understood the conspiracies being hatched against it well.

This article first appeared on NDTV

Wow. A genocider is speaking against terrorist. You make my day :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Like G 20 leaders are idiots and need mody gees guidance on this subject
Modi went on to claim that “India has a policy of zero tolerance to terrorism,” before adding “for us a terrorist is a terrorist.”

there is another fun fact for you, if you pull your finger and call out Modi then someone in India is cured of his indigestion problem. this is why suddenly the temperature of India rises very quickly due to massive release of Methane gas in the atmosphere which is 10 times more responsible for global warming and green house effect. it is said that animals that are herbivores (and human who have veneration lifestyle) are biggest contributors of methane release, India being a population of over a billion (with majority of vegetarians) the sudden spike in global temperatures reaches phenomenal proportions and the resulting heat causes the subjects to vent rants against their in-laws, their neighbours and their employers.

Haha...in fact I also have fun fact if all Indians piss in western direction of our country, neighbors will get all the water they need, there would be no water problem in the future
yeah we are offended, you know why, because as i said earlier that our hearts start weaping when we see the application of law"might is right" against poorers and unarmed, which if killed and murdered and lifted and burried into unknown graves called patriots and if carry arms and fight then called terrorist and Burhan wani.

yeah we are offended, you know why, because as i said earlier that our hearts start weaping when we see the application of law"might is right" against poorers and unarmed, which if killed and murdered and lifted and burried into unknown graves called patriots and if carry arms and fight then called terrorist and Burhan wani.

Non of your concern .Even if you do ,noone in here cares about it.
G-20 Summit: Modi singles out Pakistan for spreading terror in region
By News Desk
Published: September 5, 2016

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. PHOTO: REUTERS

In a thinly veiled reference to Pakistan, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Monday that a single nation was fomenting terror in South Asia.

Modi’s remarks at the G20 Summit in China were shared by India’s Ministry of External Affairs Spokesperson Vikas Sarup on Twitter. “Indeed, one single nation in South Asia is spreading these agents of terror in the countries of our region,” the Indian prime minister reportedly remarked.

“There are some nations that use it as an instrument of state policy,” he added. Modi went on to claim that “India has a policy of zero tolerance to terrorism,” before adding “for us a terrorist is a terrorist.”

Relations between the neighbouring archrivals have been on the edge since the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani in a shootout on July 8. Wani’s killing sparked mass protests, leaving at least 70 protesters dead and scores injured.

G20 summit: China for constructive talks with India

Earlier on August 12, Pakistan offered to hold discussions with India to calm unrest in Kashmir, but the latter turned the request down. Modi also targeted Pakistan in his Independence Day address, saying the country would have to answer for rights violations in Balochistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

Britain, India to look at ways to retain strong trade ties after Brexit

On September 1, Army chief General Raheel Sharif told India’s premier spy agency RAW that Pakistan’s borders were completely secure and that the country understood the conspiracies being hatched against it well.

This article first appeared on NDTV
What a joke officially openly admitting his terror activities in Afghanistan balouchistan Kashmir and Bangladesh he is fool every one knows who is funding bugti and kalbhushan every one listens his fool stupid stories no one give **** what he says
Google Lists Narender Modi As Worlds Most Stupid Prime Minister Feku


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