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Future of Pakistan and Israel.

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Oct 3, 2014
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Future of Pakistan and Israel. (Part1)
by Ahmad N Khan


14 centuries ago Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. prophecies the defeat of Dajjal (Anti Christ) and his followers (Zionist) Jews. He pointed out the location where Muslim Army will find and kill these (Zionist) Jews. No rock, wall or tree will protect them beside Gharqad (Boxthorn). Interestingly Zionist cultivating Gharqad (Boxthorn) everywhere in Israel.

According to the sayings of Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. Jesus Christ P.B.U.H. will stop Dajjal (Anti Christ)on the gate of Lod and will kill him. Dajjal (Anti Christ) and his ride is described in great details in Ahadith (Sayings of Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H.) if we compile all these Ahadith and compare them with our current world it is easy to sort out that his ride will be an Airplane.
Here you may need to keep few things in mind.
1: Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. described the ride of Dajjal as per the understanding of the people of his time.
2: Jews (Zionist) took over Palestine in 1948 before that there was no Jew in their land.
3: in the time of Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. “Lod” was just a plain field there was no gate.
Whatever Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. prophecies 1400 years ago become the truth of today’s world.
Today the Jews been gathered from all around the world in Israel. The plain field of Lod is been converted to Ben Gurion airport.

One thing is clear from all this that the Airplane of Dajjal will be in Airport and he will be rushing to it but meanwhile Jesus Christ P.B.U.H. will reach their and will kill Dajjal.
According to the Ahadith of Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. Dajjal will be one eyed while the letters Ka. Fa. Ra. (English Phonetics K.F.R.) will be written on his forehead.

Israeli (Zionist) Jews waiting desperately for their Savior and king Dajjal as they believe that he will rule the world. Before his arrival they want to take over all the resources of the world and provide a smooth way to form Greater Israel. they made sure to engage Arabs in orgy so they can't resist against them.
now there is only one hurdle in the path of their dirty ambition and that is only Muslim nuclear state of Pakistan. (to be continued)
14 centuries ago Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. prophecies the defeat of Dajjal (Anti Christ) and his followers (Zionist) Jews.
Zionism is modern invention. No such ideology existed when prophecy was made. There is nothing Jewish about that prophecy of Dajjal.

He pointed out the location where Muslim Army will find and kill these (Zionist) Jews. No rock, wall or tree will protect them beside Gharqad (Boxthorn). Interestingly Zionist cultivating Gharqad (Boxthorn) everywhere in Israel.
LOL. What is this bullshit?

1: Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. described the ride of Dajjal as per the understanding of the people of his time.
Ride of Dajjal? You mean camel?

2: Jews (Zionist) took over Palestine in 1948 before that there was no Jew in their land.
More bullshitting. Population of Palestine, Ottoman Era:
Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hundreds and thousands of Jews lived in Palestine before partition into Israel, Jordan and Egypt.

3: in the time of Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. “Lod” was just a plain field there was no gate.
So? Lod is an ancient Hebrew city known from Biblical times.

Whatever Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. prophecies 1400 years ago become the truth of today’s world.

Today the Jews been gathered from all around the world in Israel. The plain field of Lod is been converted to Ben Gurion airport.
So what? Actually it was British that built that airport. Israelis only enlarged it for international travel:
Ben Gurion Airport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One thing is clear from all this that the Airplane of Dajjal will be in Airport and he will be rushing to it but meanwhile Jesus Christ P.B.U.H. will reach their and will kill Dajjal.
LOL. Nowhere in the Hadith does it say that Dajjal will be using airplanes as ride :D

According to the Ahadith of Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. Dajjal will be one eyed while the letters Ka. Fa. Ra. (English Phonetics K.F.R.) will be written on his forehead.
There have been many one-eyed Jews (Zionists) in the past. Like Israeli General Moshe Dayan that defeated 5 Arab armies in 6 days back in 1967:
Moshe Dayan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israeli (Zionist) Jews waiting desperately for their Savior and king Dajjal as they believe that he will rule the world. Before his arrival they want to take over all the resources of the world and provide a smooth way to form Greater Israel. they made sure to engage Arabs in orgy so they can't resist against them.
But I thought Jews were already ruling the world? World's leading economists, entrepreneurs, scientists, inventors, business owners are Jews :D

now there is only one hurdle in the path of their dirty ambition and that is only Muslim nuclear state of Pakistan. (to be continued)
Hahahaha. Compare Ben-Gurion International Airport at Lod with that fishmarket airport we have in Islamabad. Then let me know if Pakistan is any hurdle in Israeli worldwide ambitions :hitwall:

When will this killing session begin......did your prophet give any specific date??
Unfortunately he forgot to give any dates for this gullible Ummah.

Is this really written in Karan. Or made up stuff to give bad name to muslims
No, this stuff is not written in Koran, thank God!
Future of Pakistan and Israel. (Part1)
by Ahmad N Khan


14 centuries ago Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. prophecies the defeat of Dajjal (Anti Christ) and his followers (Zionist) Jews. He pointed out the location where Muslim Army will find and kill these (Zionist) Jews. No rock, wall or tree will protect them beside Gharqad (Boxthorn). Interestingly Zionist cultivating Gharqad (Boxthorn) everywhere in Israel.

According to the sayings of Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. Jesus Christ P.B.U.H. will stop Dajjal (Anti Christ)on the gate of Lod and will kill him. Dajjal (Anti Christ) and his ride is described in great details in Ahadith (Sayings of Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H.) if we compile all these Ahadith and compare them with our current world it is easy to sort out that his ride will be an Airplane.
Here you may need to keep few things in mind.
1: Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. described the ride of Dajjal as per the understanding of the people of his time.
2: Jews (Zionist) took over Palestine in 1948 before that there was no Jew in their land.
3: in the time of Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. “Lod” was just a plain field there was no gate.
Whatever Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. prophecies 1400 years ago become the truth of today’s world.
Today the Jews been gathered from all around the world in Israel. The plain field of Lod is been converted to Ben Gurion airport.

One thing is clear from all this that the Airplane of Dajjal will be in Airport and he will be rushing to it but meanwhile Jesus Christ P.B.U.H. will reach their and will kill Dajjal.
According to the Ahadith of Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H. Dajjal will be one eyed while the letters Ka. Fa. Ra. (English Phonetics K.F.R.) will be written on his forehead.

Israeli (Zionist) Jews waiting desperately for their Savior and king Dajjal as they believe that he will rule the world. Before his arrival they want to take over all the resources of the world and provide a smooth way to form Greater Israel. they made sure to engage Arabs in orgy so they can't resist against them.
now there is only one hurdle in the path of their dirty ambition and that is only Muslim nuclear state of Pakistan. (to be continued)
Awesome first post.
1: Great you Know Quran can you please Explain how to offer SALAH only from Quran without Ahadith?
2: where dose the article says that Prophet P.B.U.H. used the word Zionists even in the article the word Zionist is in ( ) now if you cant read something properly dose not mean its wrong.
3: Please go to Wikipedia and read about those Jews who were brought from all around the world to form Israel.
4: where dose the article says that Jews build this Airport? you assuming things and thinking that this is what the article says.
5: now coming to the final that how Pakistan is a hurdle for them. please read the History few thousands of Muslims were able to defeat 2 super powers of that time Faras (Iran) and Roman Empire while Muslims had not enough weapons and other sources of communications yet they defeat 5 to 15 times bigger Armies, so for the tinny Israel which is smaller then a small city of Pakistan our Nuclear and missile technology is a threat. Israel can not even get rid of a small group HAMAS.
6: you are an Ahmadi I think? dare to confirm it or even deny it.

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