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Future of Middle East in 15 years: Members' opinion

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I predict a unified Oghuz state.


My prediction is based on 30 million Azerbaijani Turks in Iran, and they gradually start to understand that they are being opressed under Tati yoke. While your just being a retard.
My prediction is based on 30 million Azerbaijani Turks in Iran, and they gradually start to understand that they are being opressed under Tati yoke. While your just being a retard.
my prediction is also based on the Iranic people of Azerbaijan and their pleasure to be part of their mother land,considering their protests in front of Iranian borders in 1991.
"Iranic people of Azerbaijan" is not more than 1% while half of Iran is Turkic, and as always you Ajams disorder the reality in a twisted way. The protestors met with their Azeri Turk bretherns on the other side of Araz our peoples was and still is separated for 2 centuries, the north is free, and its south's turn now. We only have one wish with regards to Iran, or pardon me, Farsistan, and that is the eventual destruction of this fascist state.

This is from Tabriz: Azerbaijan is ours, Afghanistan (referring to you Tajiks) is yours.

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There is no such thing as Persian, they are Tajiks from mountains of Afghanistan. No wonder that we have always referred to them as Tat (foreigner) and Tajik historically. During Safavid period Persians were officialy designated as Tajik. They have no place in the middle-east, they are taking credit for other cultures as so-called Persian culture, which is in reality non-existent. Elamite or Sumerian or Babylonian cultures are not Persian. Persians have no place in the region.

As Turks of Tabriz points out, time for Tajiks to return to the mountains of Afghanistan.
"Iranic people of Azerbaijan" is not more than 1% while half of Iran is Turkic, and as always you Ajams disorder the reality in a twisted way. The protestors met with their Azeri Turk bretherns on the other side of Araz our peoples was and still is separated for 2 centuries, the north is free, and its south's turn now. We only have one wish with regards to Iran, or pardon me, Farsistan, and that is the eventual destruction of this fascist state.

This is from Tabriz: Azerbaijan is ours, Afghanistan (referring to you Tajiks) is yours.

i know due to Russian rulling they have made you unGodly.but it does not mean you have to lie about everything.however,the IR will fix up it as well.
anyway azerbaijan will be shared by armenia and Iran.
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And what about these people from Tabriz? You are the one who is the lier here. You guys are so delusional, you can no longer ignore the awakening of 30 million Turks of Iran.
So what? Present-day north Azerbaijan were called "Albania" once which was transformed into "Arran" by Arab pronouncation, it doesn't mean anything. All these are geographical terms same as Anatolia. I will repeat this again, there is no such thing as "Persian", you are Tajiks from Afghanistan. And all the so-called glory of ancient Persian is fake built on Elamite, Babylonian and Sumerian (a Turkic people btw) heritage.
And what about these people from Tabriz? You are the one who is the lier here. You guys are so delusional, you can no longer ignore the awakening of 30 million Turks of Iran.
so you mongol judge Iranian azeris by one few person's opinion.while ignoring the existense of Azeri Iranian members here who love their country,Iran?or the people who defended Iran during Iran-Iraq war?
Armenia teaches these zionist donkeys a good lesson. I am jealous of Armenians who killed many of that donkey nation. I wish I had participated in the destruction of these Mongols also :lol:

bro.azeris are our brothers.they are Iranic people.not mongol turks.
we should do our best to re-add them to their mother land as well.
bro.azeris are our brothers.they are Iranic people.not mongol turks.
we should do our best to re-add them to their mother land as well.

The ones in Aliyevbaijan are brainwashed for 200 years. That is irreversible damage. We will have to take our lands by force. Won't be too hard, considering how easily Armenia defeated them.
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