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Fund Raising Status for Diamer Basha And Mohmand Dam

Reduce defence budget by a billion and you have your dam within 5 years.
Our defence budget is already minimum compared to other countries w.r.t population & external threats. We are also front line state on war against terrorism, almost giving sacrifices of soldiers on daily basis, and in some cases enemy have better weapon & defense equipment. Look out already poor defence budget & challanges to deal with.
This is very easy to criticise.
Until people start paying direct taxes and stop voting to criminals and corrupts, and understand that corruption is actually robing their pockets, and freebies and subsidies actually go from their own pockets, and understand that the loans which government takes has to be paid by them not politicians.
You definitely have no idea about Pakistan.
if you make life of common man hell he will definitely go for corruption because he had no choice.
Take Out corruption First. Starting from asset beyond means. Huge assets in Pakistan no source of income

I agree with rest of part about subsidies and metro bus / train.

priority should be given to dams.
49MW Chiniot dam would have generated power and money for Punjab + water.
But no we have to waste money on bus/train for which not only we have no money to pay back but also no money to run those project on huge subsidies.
Defense budget is not an unnecessary spending... we are already spending much less than what we must.

We increase defense budget by $700-$800 millions every year. This should be reduce to half. It will save $400-$500 millions in next year budget.
You definitely have no idea about Pakistan.
if you make life of common man hell he will definitely go for corruption because he had no choice.
Take Out corruption First. Starting from asset beyond means. Huge assets in Pakistan no source of income

Pakistani society is already corrupt, Indirect Taxes is only method which is working in Pakistan to make people pay that's why it's largest source of revenues for government. Taking out corruption first is joke, how you will do that when corrupts are sitting in parliament, senate and in every civil department and public sell their votes for petty gains to crooks.
I don't think we can achieve it with just donations. GoP must impose minimum 1% levy on sales of general products and services and 5-10% on luxury products and servies which must be deposited directly to this account.
IMO tax should only be imposed on luxury items...so those who are already struggling to survive are not adversely effected. Inflation has already made it worse for lower income families. The ppl who can afford to buy luxury items can also afford to pay taxes on it. This should be implemented right away

...while simultaneously the government should work on a comprehensive plan to widen the tax net and carry out massive investigations on all the taxes owed by all the tax evading ppl/businesses. The amount of taxes recovered by previous tax evasion and more tax collection going forward will open up many avenues of not just damn funds but also funds for other projects...meaning less need of loans.
IMO tax should only be imposed on luxury items...so those who are already struggling to survive are not adversely effected. Inflation has already made it worse for lower income families. The ppl who can afford to buy luxury items can also afford to pay taxes on it. This should be implemented right away

...while simultaneously the government should work on a comprehensive plan to widen the tax net and carry out massive investigations on all the taxes owed by all the tax evading ppl/businesses. The amount of taxes recovered by previous tax evasion and more tax collection going forward will open up many avenues of not just damn funds but also funds for other projects...meaning less need of loans.

There should be high taxes on products which aren't good for health i.e. Tobacco, Alcohol, carbonated beverages, energy drinks etc.

...while simultaneously the government should work on a comprehensive plan to widen the tax net and carry out massive investigations on all the taxes owed by all the tax evading ppl/businesses. The amount of taxes recovered by previous tax evasion and more tax collection going forward will open up many avenues of not just damn funds but also funds for other projects...meaning less need of loans.

Government must discontinue currency notes of 500, 1000 and 5000 as first step, facilitate and incentivize the digital payments to bring the business on record. only then you can effectively widen tax net.
You do know water is not free here?
Although Govt. should charge based on Unit(Quantity) so that people can reduce water usage.
Secondly it will help in reducing usage but will not solve the issue(Gruond table water is going down).

Most appropriate step will be to charged people/Water Company/Industries/homes using ground water based on Unit and use those funds to improve ground level(Rain water & Car Wash(excluding chemicals) etc should go directly to the ground instead of Sewage Line)

How much more indirect tax you want on poor? Although i support Tax on Luxury & imported products.
How about Corruption Nawaz is not the only one. you have Govt. employees or ex-employees whose assets are beyond their salaries & funny thing is those assets are in Pakistan not abroad recovery will be easy and quick.

One of highest paid singer is not even registered in Tax System.

There should be a water/sewerage bill just like electric gas bills.
There should be a water/sewerage bill just like electric gas bills.

Atleast in Karachi all residents has to pay Water/Sewerage bill even if they don't get these facilities and even if they purchase water from tanker mafia ...... Thats my Karachi.

In short ....... "Maal-e-Ghaneemat (مال غنیمت)"
3.337 Billion rs -15 sept 2018
After update it might cross 4 billion mark IA,
Some big collections this week,
- Around 1 Billion rupees collected from Karachi.
-Car Auction money.

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Atleast in Karachi all residents has to pay Water/Sewerage bill even if they don't get these facilities and even if they purchase water from tanker mafia ...... Thats my Karachi.

In short ....... "Maal-e-Ghaneemat (مال غنیمت)"

Do you mind snapping the image of that bill while hiding your info, I just wanna see how it looks cuz I don't recall seeing one, neither I can find it online.
There should be a water/sewerage bill just like electric gas bills.
You can simple says Unit system(Bill Amount depend on Usage not fixed).
It will delay the inevitable but will not solve the problem.
In short or simple words
Lahore is Feeding River Ravi but how is feeding Lahore. Ground Table water is going down. How long when we realized we have no water to pump.
We also need to deviate Rain Water and other non-contaminated water to UnderGround instead of Sewerage Lines.
Ans Use Modern Technique in Agriculture to reduce water wastage (Dropping technique is the most efficient but expensive too) we can use sprinkler technique to reduce water waste.

3.337 Billion rs -15 sept 2018
After update it might cross 4 billion mark IA,
Some big collections this week,
- Around 1 Billion rupees collected from Karachi.
-Car Auction money.
Pls provide facts instead of general statement.
Maximum Jump was of 0.9 Billion app. in a day.
And that too because of around 0.58 Billion From army & small doantion from private and some Govt. entities.
you can check breakup cost from same site or SBP site for Foreign Donation.
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