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Fudging the population: The missing 90 million Indian Muslims

" Again, according to Indian census data, the Indian Muslim population grew by about 386% in 60 years from 1951 to 2011. If the population had been recorded at 54 million in 1951, it would and should have been about 262 million today (assuming that it grew by 386%, as per India’s data itself). Since the 2011 census reported the number of Indian Muslims as 172 million, there are at least 90 million Indian Muslims who have not been registered by the Indian authorities. This means that in 2011, there were at least 22 Muslims out of every 100 Indians. "

This man didn't attend primary school math class .

Even if i take base population 54 million in 1951 and and if they grew by 386% and rounding up as 400% ,

Their population would be 54 * 4 = 216 Million and not 262 million .

The difference is 216 − 170 = 41 Million and not 90 Million missing .
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They are underdeveloped cause they chose to be.
They enjoy more amount of social concession than any other religion.
Wah wah.
You have to get in to their skin to understand. From my childhood I was fed Muslim are bad. It’s just my education and awareness which changed beliefs.

Nobody wants to be underdeveloped. Go n see their condition their colony.

There are obviously a few privileged ones but most are facing trouble and insecurity.
Wah wah.
You have to get in to their skin to understand. From my childhood I was fed Muslim are bad. It’s just my education and awareness which changed beliefs.

Nobody wants to be underdeveloped. Go n see their condition their colony.

There are obviously a few privileged ones but most are facing trouble and insecurity.
Come on..!!
Muslim children have lowest amount of enrollment in school in India & those who enrolls,mostly up to middle school or secondary.They would rather see religious education in their curriculum.Also they easily get on with appeasement politics."Awareness",Who stops them from getting involved in even at least primary level of education with all those accommodations,concessions provided by govt & political parties? It's not like what we were fed or not but what they prefer to do.
Is it wrong to be
Come on..!!
Muslim children have lowest amount of enrollment in school in India & those who enrolls,mostly up to middle school or secondary.They would rather see religious education in their curriculum.Also they easily get on with appeasement politics."Awareness",Who stops them from getting involved in even at least primary level of education with all those accommodations,concessions provided by govt & political parties? It's not like what we were fed or not but what they prefer to do.
brother Grass is always greener on the otherside.
kind of hardship faced by them is not small. they are only votr banks. thats it.
Wah wah.
You have to get in to their skin to understand. From my childhood I was fed Muslim are bad. It’s just my education and awareness which changed beliefs.

Nobody wants to be underdeveloped. Go n see their condition their colony.

There are obviously a few privileged ones but most are facing trouble and insecurity.

The Muslims are interested in development. Yeah Right!!!

Let us try to understand the "development" orientation of Muslims

1 Population Explosion - As our PM said long ago Hum Paanch Hamare Pachees

They consider their women as baby producing machines. I once saw a report about a buliding collapse. The TV channels were interviewing a pregnant Muslim woman. her brood of children was being treated in the hospital and there were 4-5 children

Another Example


If you think these are just anecdotes lets consider actual data
TFR of Muslims is highest in India at 3.7

2 Lack of Focus on Education - They prefer to send their children to madarsas as opposed to normal schools. And we all know what kind of education the students get in Madarsas. We all know that religious education will only produce imams not engineers, doctors, lawyers, managers

3 Suppressing the rights of half of their population - till a few weeks ago a Muslim Man could divorce his wife just by saying Talaq Talaq Talaq or sending an SMS. It took the might of the Supreme Court of India to iradicate this and the Muslims fought tooth and nail against this. They even got the former union minister from "Secular" party to be their lawyer in defence of their right to exploit their women.

they also prefer to keep their women in a black tent to prevent her from interacting with the outside world


To sum up They produce more children than they can handle, They dont give them proper education so they are forced to do unskilled / semiskilled jobs, They suppress half their population.

Such a highly development minded community
To sum up They produce more children than they can handle, They dont give them proper education so they are forced to do unskilled / semiskilled jobs, They suppress half their population.

I remember a family which had 24 children.

Not one of them passed 10th class. Most of them are now driving autos or doing menial jobs.
That is not the telling fact. I remember the dad killing himself unable to provide for 24 children after having borrowed huge amounts of money from people.
I also saw how this resulted in the family not able to provide education to a single child.

Want to guess the religion of this family?

I can accept 2, 3 or even 4 kids.
Anymore I can't fathom how you are going to bring them up, not just economically but also the emotional investment that goes on in bringing up a child, how in the hell can you cater for so many children?
As of 2015View attachment 433458
according to research, a nation need at 2.2% fertile rate to maintain the growth of the population, so Bangladeshi population is actually in decline mode.
more precisously
A loosely defined goal of Zero Population Growth is to match the replacement fertility rate, which is the average number of children per woman which would hold the population constant. This replacement fertility will depend on mortality rates and the sex ratio at birth, and varies from around 2.1 in developed countries to over 3.0 in some developing countries.

LDC "statistics" sure can be funny.

BD credibility is lagging so badly. Nothing is to be believed verbatim till your institutional and corruption indices improve to at least 33% percentile of the world.
LDC "statistics" sure can be funny.

BD credibility is lagging so badly. Nothing is to be believed verbatim till your institutional and corruption indices improve to at least 33% percentile of the world.
:lol: Nilgiri :lol: please don't make me laugh so loud at this night time, I literally choked with laughter :rofl:
I might get beaten by Parents for laughing out loud because of you :angry:
The Muslims are interested in development. Yeah Right!!!

Let us try to understand the "development" orientation of Muslims

1 Population Explosion - As our PM said long ago Hum Paanch Hamare Pachees

They consider their women as baby producing machines. I once saw a report about a buliding collapse. The TV channels were interviewing a pregnant Muslim woman. her brood of children was being treated in the hospital and there were 4-5 children

Another Example


If you think these are just anecdotes lets consider actual data
TFR of Muslims is highest in India at 3.7

2 Lack of Focus on Education - They prefer to send their children to madarsas as opposed to normal schools. And we all know what kind of education the students get in Madarsas. We all know that religious education will only produce imams not engineers, doctors, lawyers, managers

3 Suppressing the rights of half of their population - till a few weeks ago a Muslim Man could divorce his wife just by saying Talaq Talaq Talaq or sending an SMS. It took the might of the Supreme Court of India to iradicate this and the Muslims fought tooth and nail against this. They even got the former union minister from "Secular" party to be their lawyer in defence of their right to exploit their women.

they also prefer to keep their women in a black tent to prevent her from interacting with the outside world


To sum up They produce more children than they can handle, They dont give them proper education so they are forced to do unskilled / semiskilled jobs, They suppress half their population.

Such a highly development minded community

So what is your solution to the "Muslim" problem?
:lol: Nilgiri :lol: please don't make me laugh so loud at this night time, I literally choked with laughter :rofl:
I might get beaten by Parents for laughing out loud because of you :angry:

Yep its so funny indeed:



BD rank = 145/176 = 18% percentile + stagnant (India = 55% percentile + improving)

Institutions + Freedom:




BD rank = 137/159 = 14% percentile (India = 45% percentile).

So like I said first make it inside the ballpark before you want to play the serious game.

A first personal step in your case may be for you to not live with your parents ;)
As of 2015View attachment 433458
according to research, a nation need at 2.2% fertile rate to maintain the growth of the population, so Bangladeshi population is actually in decline mode.
more precisously
A loosely defined goal of Zero Population Growth is to match the replacement fertility rate, which is the average number of children per woman which would hold the population constant. This replacement fertility will depend on mortality rates and the sex ratio at birth, and varies from around 2.1 in developed countries to over 3.0 in some developing countries.

EXCELLENT figures! Look how it inches up until the mid-70s, and then marches down resolutely. Way to go!

Too many kids is source of poverty

I was strongly tempted to start my post by calling you an idiot, but fortunately preserved myself from such undignified behaviour by not doing that.

If you have been following the work of sociologists, it is precisely the reverse: too many kids is the RESULT of poverty. The poor use their kids to ensure their future, because they have no social security for their old age, and have to depend on their kids. They have many kids, because the survival rate of children among the poorest sections of our population is horribly low; we are murdering them while they are still children.

Maybe I should just go ahead and be undignified.

So what is your solution to the "Muslim" problem?

Where on earth did you dig out that signature? That's Seneca, that old reprobate and brilliant mind. And so true!
EXCELLENT figures! Look how it inches up until the mid-70s, and then marches down resolutely. Way to go!

North Korea produced some excellent development/health figures in the midst of a famine in the 90s too.

Question is how believable are they? It is not really a subject the WHO and others have taken past a few papers of institutional capacity sensitivity (mostly focused on Cuba in the early 2000s I believe)....in the greater goal of being politically correct and "globally understanding" given UN membership. Attitude is its better to value niceties than honesty.

If you have been following the work of sociologists, it is precisely the reverse: too many kids is the RESULT of poverty. The poor use their kids to ensure their future, because they have no social security for their old age, and have to depend on their kids. They have many kids, because the survival rate of children among the poorest sections of our population is horribly low; we are murdering them while they are still children.

Pretty much spot on.
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