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Frustrated Americans on the AFPAK war

About Pakistan:

a) It took us 15 years and 30 billion dollars in aid to say Pakistani government, intelligence, and military support terrorists. Bravo!

b) Let's be liberal and take crap from a country full of inbreds.

c) The Pakis have nukes, which means the US isn't going to do anything but scratch its nuts and blow a bunch of tough-talking gut wind.

d) kick out these 7 11 morons that are nasty and free our country of these traitors, maybe America can have Dairy Queens run by our people!

e) When one goes in bed with dogs one awakes with fleas and much worse... get our boys and girls home, let these atheists rot in hell!

f) WOW! Pakistan supports terrorists. Big news. Havent heard this at all over the last decade

g) Pakistan is the Godfather of all troubles in the middle east. They have played us like idiots, anybody who reads a newpaper has known that for the last 2-3 years.

h) every hour seems a pending atrocity by mooslimbs
About Pakistan:

a) The Pakistanis listen to Leon Panetta, then think about how Obama is his boss, and then bust out laughing.

b) TOWEL HEADS SUCK,, take a bath before you go out you guys stink

c) Now I'm warning you...Your all on Double Secret Probation !!

d) For 10 years, America has been warning Pork-istan. During that same time, they've been taking my taxpayer's money & giving it to the Porki terrorists. God bless America!
About Pakistan:

a) The Pakistanis listen to Leon Panetta, then think about how Obama is his boss, and then bust out laughing.

b) TOWEL HEADS SUCK,, take a bath before you go out you guys stink

c) Now I'm warning you...Your all on Double Secret Probation !!

d) For 10 years, America has been warning Pork-istan. During that same time, they've been taking my taxpayer's money & giving it to the Porki terrorists. God bless America!

Brother please tell me from where you got this?
On Burhanuddin Rabbani getting killed in Afghanistan:

a) Another one bites the dust!

b) Oh well!

c) Bomb inside turban? Now that's using your noggin!!!!!

d) Mission Accomplished! Come Home!

e) Oh Man! He fell for the old exploding bomb in the turbin trick!

f) Another towel bites the dust.

g) 2 less muzzies on the planet. Good.

h) Another drug deal gone bad.
On 42 NATO tankers set ablaze in Pakistan:

a) does that guy have a bra on his head?

b) I wounder if the rockets were payed for with US aid?

c) How many tankers will be torched before the American imbecile in charge changes routes or tactics?

d) "RPG accident. Nothing to see here, move along, infidels"

e) shocking!!! let's give the Pakistanis millions more to stop this violence

f) HUSSAIN OBAMA IN 2012!!!! for Kenyan president....

g) Pakistan, afghanistan and all the other stans
They obviously dont want us there
So why the F are we still here ?
Lets leave them there to eat cow ****
And run their countries into the ditch

h) God bless all truckers all over the world (but not gay truckers).
On Obama offering condolences to Zardari for 11/26:

a) You have to admit Obama's great at 2 things, screwing up this country and apologizing to other ones.

b) Apologizer in Chief.

c) The coward Obama at his best, on his knees begging forgiveness.

d) Our Commander and Chimp.. embarrassing to say the least!

e) Our Muslim President bowing down to his fellow Muslims. Pathetic.

f) How far did obama bend over this time.

g) Go ahead Pres., stick your head right up Pak-i rectum.

h) I hope Zardari wiped his a$$ before Obama put his mouth to it.
On Obama offering condolences to Zardari for 11/26:

a) Bend over Pakistan, Obama is all puckered up!

b) Why stop with Pakistan, isn't it time for another middle east apology tour.

c) Obama the pickle smoocher...

d) Odumer kissing a$%$ again. Im suprised his lips arent dragging his chin. He can get by with it, cause you cant see it on him. Blends right in.

e) If Obama has any balls, Michelle is wearing them in a locket around her neck

f) He's practicing his bow right now.

g) I hope Zadari washed his arse, it's about to be kissed.

h) Soooo....will Moochelle still kiss you after you've had Zardari's dick in your mouth?? Just curious.....
i love when the chest-thumpers just say ''nuke the middle east''

simply because

a.) Pakistan is not in the middle east.....some circles in Washington DC are now calling it ''greater middle east'' but i rubbish that

b.) the retards forget that tens of thousands of their foot soldiers, trainers etc. are permanently based in middle east- most especially in the persian gulf countries

---------- Post added at 03:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 AM ----------


On Karzai supporting Pakistan in a war against the US:

a) this guy is in for a treat once we leave!!!!!!

b) Pull out. Pull out now. This crooked Karsi that we've been proping up all take off running like a run away prisoner with his pants on fire!!

c) So much for winning their hearts and minds.

d) Mr Karzai represents a three face sword and unworthy friend of America. there are other meaningful men in that Region that could channel the interest of the United States and i don't know why he is still allowed to open his filty mouth and bite the hand that feeds him.. his cup is full and running over and I hope that he is not living on the illusion that he could last 12 hrs should America withdraw their support which is long over due. America !, America !!, America!!!, leave the Arabs alone. they do not love you, do not want you, will never love you and will hurt you at any opportunity at therir disposal regardless of how much you spend on them.ungreatful people.

e) and you people think Hillary would make a good president??..She's had her nose so far up Karzai's arse she can see daylight!!!

f) I say that we go ahead and knock off this Carzai puke now.

g) Can't the muzzies just kill each other and we stay out of it?

h) Grease this skunk-monkey and bring our troops home...
The war mongering redneck Americans on this board do not represent the collective American population. The American public is outright against this ridiculous war in Afghanistan and all the the wars.
On Karzai supporting Pakistan in a war against the US:

a) Looks like the puppet strings are starting to break.


c) The two-faced Karzai ! He sides with whoever he is facing !

d) Pakistan must have won the bidding war - allegiance to the one with the most money. Get our troops out of the Middle East and spray Round-Up on all of Afghanistan's opium fields - we'll see how long that country makes it without their cash crop and any financial aid.

e) Let them eat pork. Pork 'em all in the pork hole

f) I dream a Drone in this guys future.

g) The Russians are still laughing at us thet learned thier lession in the 80's.

h) typical talk from a drug addict..
On Pakistan closing down the NATO supply lines after the NATO attack:

a) This is what happens when you put computer gamer geeks behind a weapon like the Predator!!!!

b) Muzzies -Two headed snakes with double tongue are what Muzzies are attuned to as The Evil Koran 'teaches' Muzzies the tactical strategy of deception, deceit and lies on a global scale. The Sharia Law 'teaches' Muzzies the tactics of fear and terrorism on a national scale.

c) porkis are busy looting the NATO trucks. christmas came early for the #$%$ muslims.

d) I wonder if Pakistan will refuse their aid package from the U.S. also. We could use the cash here at home.

e) The americans are very good at killing their allies with friendly fire.

f) ALL mideasterns (except Israel) are terrorist. Kill them all.

g) hey pak-is suck our fat white american #$%$

h) Maybe we should just send them another 10 billion and ask them please not to be mad at us.
The war mongering redneck Americans on this board do not represent the collective American population. The American public is outright against this ridiculous war in Afghanistan and all the the wars.

Of course I know that Farooq bhai, I'm a citizen & live here. These are just for humor purposes.
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