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Frustrated Americans on the AFPAK war

a) "Keep on sending money to Pakistan, we will all be wearing towels on our heads".

b) "and they are our "friends"?? I think our "friends" need a big dose of gamma radiation"


d) "pukeistan dont want americans over there so why not sendALL pukeistans back over there so they can live the good life with 12 year old brides and big get togethers"

e) "Grandma has to take cuts in Social Security and Medicare thus having to eat cat food so these fools can get foreign aid? STOP THE MADNESS NOW!"

f) "Pakistan should be immediately returned to India, pakistani men put in shakles and ordered to work. Women should be stripped off of their burqas and ordered to go to school."

g) "Did they check the cases from his **** DVDs?"

h) "http://wikiality.wikia.com/File:Obama-bin-laden.jpg"
We should invite these americans to pdf and offer them membership for entertainment and honest american views. Why do we get only the boring ones come on here.:usflag:
a) "We need a new President look at Barack Hussein Obama and bin Laden togather/ Picture"

b) "Osama Obama Biden Bin Laden
One coindence? Two coincidences?

c) "Kill em' all, Let God sort them out."


e) "Pakistan's Military is evil and we should cut off all aid and use it to make more drones. At least the drones are not corrupt and our enemy."
Your QURAN is a terrorist instruction manual"

b) " the 's are as bad as the house republicans cry babys. they will do & say anything to get their way"

c) "Lets get out of that stink'in Muzzie rathole"

d) "Great, we borrow from China to pay Pakistan?????????????????

We are idiots! Sorry, Our leaders are idiots!"

e) "obama you are being very untruthful with the taxpayers you sick sorry s.o.b. why suspend 800 million when we are in fact giving them 3 billion. then you raise our gas, raise our taxes, lay off our workers, get rid of our unemployment-ssi-retirement. STOP PULLING THIS BILL CLINTON CR*P NOW !"

f) "Hey you ignorant a$$ed muslims, here's some mud, go fix your house!"
a) "I'm singing 'You can't always get what you want'... except in the American taxpayer's case, you can never get what you want..."

b) "Deport all Pakistans in the US."

c) "Lets get out of that stink'in Muzlum rathole"

d) "在某一点上,我们可以指责布什" (at some point, we can blame Bush)

e) "make mecca a parking lot!!!!"

f) "The CIA gave Bin Laden **** so that they could collect his DNA."
a) "Pakistan is at war with us. They just haven't had the courtesy to tell us."

b) "'S STINK! but then again so does Obama. THAT's ABOUT how intelligent it gets discussing those two muslims."

c) "Pakistanis are among the Middle Easterners who have failed so miserably to evolve into the modern world that they can't be considered viable animals on planet Earth.

Nature has targeted them for elimination."

d) "Pakies...cant live with them..cant live without them"

e) "It's okay we got his DNA eventually....and spread it all over his bedroom"

f) "lie and more lies. I want my fair share of that 800 millions and a refund dammit."
a) "A ! The USA, should send them a shipload of betel leaves, onions and chapatis, whole cargo would cost around USD 5 Mio. Reserve the rest of the cash for the American Homeless and those without Medical Assistance. There is no reliable ally in a , Afghani and Somali, they derive from the genes of the Hyena, untameable and unreliable!"

b) "So long as its All Weather friend China is overflowing with cash, Pakistan can afford to show the middle finger to us."

c) "forget pakistan and nuke the afghans the only reason we are there is for the minerals it will be easier to mine everything with no people in the way"

d) "Pakistan is justifiably defiant. $800 Million is peanuts for its ally China to replace"

e) "Pakistan military is just upset becase they ran out of VIRGIN GOATS "

f) "Never, ever trust a .

True Porkis are deceiving, backstabbing, habitual liars....so say's the world, through bitter experience."

g) "Those wacky Pakis! Can't live with em, can't kill em cause we need access to that #$%$ hole next door."

h) "Why give them anything when we can't trust them?"
On the death of Karzai's brother:

a) "The white house condemns... who cares. This pile of camel dung was one of the biggest drug dealers in the country of Afghanistan."

b) "I think he stole somebody's goat."

c) "good riddance, the only good muslim is a dead muslim. I wish someone would shoot the muslim terrorist that sits in our whitehouse."

d) "Good freakin riddance, now we need to get the other vermin (his brother) whacked."

e) "He died because there is no honor among thieves"

f) "How is the average Afghan druggie going to get his fix now?"

g) "What an unforunate incident/thing to happen... NOT!"

h) "the man was a drug dealer and corrupt official who stole form us and sold opium and other hard drugs into our country another sand monkey that deserves death no praise!"
On the death of Karzai's brother:

a) "Now it's time to flush the other Khazi."

b) "They got the wrong brother."

c) "The USA has to support the Drug Lords whom support us - LOL. What an F'd up country we have become!"

d) "daaaamm it who is going to sell the heroin now.................. what is the point of afghanistan?????"

e) "America condemns all assassinations that are not done with drones."

f) "Middle-eastern definition of "bodyguard": An armed escort one pays to eventually shoot one."
We should invite these americans to pdf and offer them membership for entertainment and honest american views. Why do we get only the boring ones come on here.:usflag:

I try to be entertaining, should I take up juggleing?
On the death of Karzai's brother:

a) "The CIA was saying "Hello" to their President via the message sent to his brother."

b) "excuse me while I don't give a #$%$ about him & take one"

c) "dump this bitches body at sea and let's kill the rest of the muzzies"

d) "i heard he had taken viagra and had an erection lasting more than four hours.that was his true demise."

e) "wish it was that easy here! to clean up corruption in washington,starting at the top"

f) "These people are doomed to ride camels and live on dirt floors forever unless thy try to grow as a society.."

g) "Good riddance,one down. Now lets bring our troops home and let the low lifes kill each other off."

h) "Now we can hope someone would do the same to the brother. Get rid of two crooked, stealing worthless pieces of s--t. SWave American lives"

i) "they are killing each other! what's wrong with that?"

j) "Another 'good' Mooselem... dead."
On the death of Karzai's brother:

a) "The CIA was saying "Hello" to their President via the message sent to his brother."

b) "excuse me while I don't give a #$%$ about him & take one"

c) "dump this bitches body at sea and let's kill the rest of the muzzies"

d) "i heard he had taken viagra and had an erection lasting more than four hours.that was his true demise."

e) "wish it was that easy here! to clean up corruption in washington,starting at the top"

f) "These people are doomed to ride camels and live on dirt floors forever unless thy try to grow as a society.."

g) "Good riddance,one down. Now lets bring our troops home and let the low lifes kill each other off."

h) "Now we can hope someone would do the same to the brother. Get rid of two crooked, stealing worthless pieces of s--t. SWave American lives"

i) "they are killing each other! what's wrong with that?"

j) "Another 'good' Mooselem... dead."
We should end all corporation with America stop the Nato route line and should work on Establishing Muslim Block which is powerful enough to teach other nations who try to do some mischief a great lesson
On the death of Karzai's brother:

a) "Calm Down! the Opium trade/exportation of afghanistan will not be affected! his Older brother will make sure of that."

b) "NUKE 'EM OIL AND TAKE THE ALL... er... you know."

c) "Hopefully he gets the "Full Pork" burial."

d) "I don't really think he will be missed."


f) "Good. Keep on going shooter."

g) "Who cares? He was just another corrupt sand monkey that got what he deserved."

h) "Do we know who will be fighting over his drug business?"
Karzai's brother's death:

a) "Its cool how the CIA used MIND CONTROL to get one of the top security staff to kill a camel rider..."

b) "'the nation's lucrative opium trade' is in danger"

c) "Afghanistan: Where empires & drug dealers go to die."

d) "just another day in the rancid lives of these crazy crazy moose-lems--disgusting"

e) "drop an atomic bomb or two on the entire country"

f) "Karzai brother assassinated..and we lost what exactly. just another bought out drug baron . The whole government of A-tan is a Drug Lord's paradise."

g) "Just flush the toilet when your done."

h) "Muslims have no friends.. they are born murderers"
Blast on Karzai's brother's funeral:

a) "FUHKING AFGHANS are ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get out of that sick country now. OBAMA you a loser staying there."

b) ""A man hiding explosives in his turban blew himself up..."

The jokes write themselves- couldn't make this stuff up!"

c) Gives New meaning to the phrase "I have an exploding headache"

d) "AH the old "exploding turban" trick.. what is this Warner Brothers ??!!
Seriously, we've been there 10 years... whats the point?"

e) "Probably an honest mistake the guy probably was trying to grab his mourning turbin and he accidentally grabbed his suicide turbin. Happens to the best of them I guess"

f) "Brings new meaning to the "HE BLEW HIS BRAINS OUT!""

g) "idiots killing idiots. let them kill each other as much as they want. crooked criminal karzai gets bombed at his own funeral by more criminals. crapghanistan, the vacation spot of the world.................."
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