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Frontier corps under assault in Baluchistan. Where is the action?

ISPR needs to do a much better job of publicising the CT policy in Balochistan, can totally understand the pent-up rage and angst against anyone or any entity deemed culpable. However, the fact of the matter is, the reason why such attacks are being successful is because there's most likely no more than a couple of thousand terrorists in the entire province, so whilst there will be ongoing military casualties, it isn't something that the forces cannot sustain. Despite this, there needs to be more information revealed as to what the security situation is in Balochistan, the current status quo in terms of media coverage is self-defeating.
I dont want to state an incident but I might as well:

Before TK FC in FATA were getting butchered. Light skinned cars were being taken out by IEDs and VBEDs. First thing he did was he expressed a policy that when an FC convoy moves it reserves the right of the road. If any, I really mean ANY vehicle transgresses that area it would be shot up. Well unfortunately one incident was enough to get that point across. Unfortunately it was a civi not interested in following the cordon and got shot up into swiss cheese. VBED attacks went down considerably. TK is an excellent general, a soldiers general, who is brave and leads from the front. He is well read, and extremely experienced in insurgencies. If I were a betting person, I would bet on him and bring him back, give him charge of all Balouchistan FC. Watch what he does.
BTW: He completely re-geared and re-trained the FC as well.
Another reason TK would be good is he is a Pashto speaking officer. Balouchistan's majority population (if not a large segment) is Pashtun. Getting that element working for you in terms of intel and support will go a long way to extinguish Balouchi insurgency. There is currently a nexus of PTM tpyes and Balocuhi's. They have been fused in Afghanistan and working together.
But most of these attacks are IED's hidden on roads and not VBIED's or SVBIED's.Jammers could be used in case of IED's but what about simple ambushes with small arms and RPG's.The only solution is MRAPS.And not even MRAPS you could use the Muhafiz vehicles we have.
Let me mention a incident a Muhafiz vehicle was ambushed by BLF.They used small arms and the vehicle was hit with a RPG yet the Muhafiz escaped.
But most of these attacks are IED's hidden on roads and not VBIED's or SVBIED's.Jammers could be used in case of IED's but what about simple ambushes with small arms and RPG's.The only solution is MRAPS.And not even MRAPS you could use the Muhafiz vehicles we have.
Let me mention a incident a Muhafiz vehicle was ambushed by BLF.They used small arms and the vehicle was hit with a RPG yet the Muhafiz escaped.
My point was more around the commanders actions, and initiative. Not how to apply force in this particular state which is likely very different. TK is a smart man, likely to devise a plan after much thinking and processing. He also know how to combine arms, so I would bet he'd taken full advantage of a broad set of assets. We need a new DG for FC in Baluchistan. Infact I would structure a bigger force and bring a multitude of forces together similar to the Mehran force constituted to deal with Sind dacoit situation. Mehran force fused Rangers, SSG, Infantry, Army Aviation and Intel - combined this force wrecked havoc on Indian supported and funded dacoits and insurgents. Devise a distinct force to handle this Indian supported insurgency.
My point was more around the commanders actions, and initiative. Not how to apply force in this particular state which is likely very different. TK is a smart man, likely to devise a plan after much thinking and processing. He also know how to combine arms, so I would bet he'd taken full advantage of a broad set of assets. We need a new DG for FC in Baluchistan. Infact I would structure a bigger force and bring a multitude of forces together similar to the Mehran force constituted to deal with Sind dacoit situation. Mehran force fused Rangers, SSG, Infantry, Army Aviation and Intel - combined this force wrecked havoc on Indian supported and funded dacoits and insurgents. Devise a distinct force to handle this Indian supported insurgency.
The incumbent IG FC is stupid b*stard soo many deaths and not even a single press conference.
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But most of these attacks are IED's hidden on roads and not VBIED's or SVBIED's.Jammers could be used in case of IED's but what about simple ambushes with small arms and RPG's.The only solution is MRAPS.And not even MRAPS you could use the Muhafiz vehicles we have.
Let me mention a incident a Muhafiz vehicle was ambushed by BLF.They used small arms and the vehicle was hit with a RPG yet the Muhafiz escaped.
Maybe something like a BTR following behind MRAPs? Their guns can rip humans to pieces.
RIP and inalliha hi waina hilayi raajioon.
If any country needed the Drones most then it was us in Pakistan. as we are , deliberately plagued by our terrorists sympathisers in this region. regarding our planners they are just brain dead with no new ideas to combat it
Dear Allah.

Emergency rule needs to be declared ASAP. The region is teeming with these devils and our FC are just targets.
To those who can act and help you will be held to account for your lack of action, if not this world in the next.

I'm sorry how can anyone excuse this away. We have lost hundreds of our FC brothers.
By the way anyone know where these are?

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Anyone? As I haven't seen them flying around or hitting anything. Apparently they are "operational".

They do not know how to properly employ drones. Flying drone is an easy task, a method to use them effectively is a whole different story. How to properly cover every grid for surveillance, then process all the information, keep a history of moments in the area. dissecting friend for foe. It requires a lot of work. Every small US Foward operation Base in Afganistan, use to have a dedicated Tent of 10 to 12 drone operators and analysts, with small drones doing 24/7 aerial surveillance of their area of operations. larger drones are only small part of the whole picture.

Let me add, HUMINT (i.e informants reports)- SIGINT ( Communication intercepts)- MASINT ( Identifying the presence of weapons, human activity, and radio waves in dry mountains and caves) - IMINT (day to day imagery) are all part of the complete picture. Meticulous work is required to set up a procedure to gains and maintain a tangible advantage in such kind of conflict. Process and procedure that work every day, every time.
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so much anti-Pakistan Army scum here that is beyond belief. cannot even report the filthy scum any more because each time the poor Pakistani moderator takes some action against these dregs of the world, some senior pajeet or parsi comes along and overrules the infraction/ban etc. :(

You've been missing me makapao?

Cheers, Doc
Bring Gen Tariq Khan back and let him loose.
what magic is he gonna do without American training, weapons, helicopters, personnel and drone backup like he did in FATA? remember handsome marching against it at the time and earning the moniker "taliban khan"?
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