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Frontier corps under assault in Baluchistan. Where is the action?

Terrorists have literally put security forces on back foot. Coward and clueless leadership taking Pakistan towards total and final defeat
Its better that FC retreat from the risk zones to safe zones until the top brass made the clear decision to go against terrorist with full force and resources. Their is no way they could stand against guerilla tactics with regular military approach.
Its better that FC retreat from the risk zones to safe zones until the top brass made the clear decision to go against terrorist with full force and resources. Their is no way they could stand against guerilla tactics with regular military approach.

I don't think anyone in top brass cares. Even if these guys would reject like the way you said I don't think top brass would change its current tactics

Top brass would simply recruit more poor unemployed men to use them as cannon fodder
Unless you don't use drones and other resources to aid fence workers this will continue to happen. Knowing how terribly stupid we are I don't think the fence workers receive any proper protection.
Unless you don't use drones and other resources to aid fence workers this will continue to happen. Knowing how terribly stupid we are I don't think the fence workers receive any proper protection.
Balochistan FC has been left to be murdered in cold blood by the indian sponsored terrorists. What a shame. BTW.. when will we retaliate for indian RAW explosion in Lahore?

Terrorists have literally put security forces on back foot. Coward and clueless leadership taking Pakistan towards total and final defeat
In Pakistan its easy to be a traitor then a patriot. Each FC soldier who gave his life asks Pakistani establishment a single simple question : are my murderers naraz Balochs or traitors? Or TTP is terrorist organization or a counter terrorism organization?
Its better that FC retreat from the risk zones to safe zones until the top brass made the clear decision to go against terrorist with full force and resources. Their is no way they could stand against guerilla tactics with regular military approach.
We need to increase Intelligence operations across all our borders and infiltrate these scums nd find out who is sponsoring them and go after them.
Balochistan FC has been left to be murdered in cold blood by the indian sponsored terrorists. What a shame. BTW.. when will we retaliate for indian RAW explosion in Lahore?
We probably won't.

Terrorists have literally put security forces on back foot. Coward and clueless leadership taking Pakistan towards total and final defeat
Total casualties so far are a 100+ this year, i hope we do something about this, troop morale might fall and we could see large scale desertion or mutiny.
We're on a buying spree purchasing tanks, private jets and whatnot, yet when it comes to drones, COIN aircrafts etc... We have no money. In the last couple of years I've lost all confidence in the top brass, they simply donot care.

We need to increase Intelligence operations across all our borders and infiltrate these scums nd find out who is sponsoring them and go after them.
But will we? This has been going for 3 years now, not a slight change in tactic.
We probably won't.

Total casualties so far are a 100+ this year, i hope we do something about this, troop morale might fall and we could see large scale desertion or mutiny.
We're on a buying spree purchasing tanks, private jets and whatnot, yet when it comes to drones, COIN aircrafts etc... We have no money. In the last couple of years I've lost all confidence in the top brass, they simply donot care.

But will we? This has been going for 3 years now, not a slight change in tactic.
This isn't the Indian army we are talking about:-" troop morale might fall and we could see large scale desertion or mutiny. "

Pakistan army is a professional army and will stand strong, desertion is not in our vocabulary and we don't run from battle.
Unless you don't use drones...
Where the hell are those Wing Loong II that we apparently acquired?

Screw that, where are the ones we already have? Are they be used by YouTube vloggers or wha?!!

I know that Baluchistan is a massive piece of land and at the pace those drones move - we'll travel back in time, but they should be around if there is a unit on the move.

The mountainous areas in Baluchistan are treacherous. If the enemy has vantage point, our boys will be sitting ducks.
FC attacked again, more of our men shaheed, and silence from those who can do something.
I'm going to make a sticky on this.
Can all the brothers please post news there. We want something done about this now.
Great move.....
However, the Undeniable and sad fact is that whether it is the regular army, or FC or police forces. The lives of our serving soldiers are dirt cheap, literally. Always have been and will be, until there is a radical change in the attitudes of the top brass regarding Its soldiers.

Otherwise, just keep stamping them as shaheeds, and send the bodies to their poor families, to be replaced by more young men to be killed on the cheap by indian sponsored thugs.

India is having a good time, murdering our people for free without any pay back. We are pacifists now when it comes to pajeets, and they know it.
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