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Frontier Corps KP has liberated strategic Toap ټوپ & Khosharam خوشهرام mountains in kurram agency

Just take Afghanistan already... Invade it...make it yours, delete those Khawarji and that's it...

No one will stop you... No Us/No RU/No EU/No India etc...
Just stop wasting your time and just do it...

And please... no more childish escuse for not doing it...
recently in the past we captured some area and then handed over to Afghans, hope we do not repeat the same thing again. we are accustomed doing same blunders again and again, we do not learn...

lets hope, Insha Allah now things will start to change.
Just take Afghanistan already... Invade it...make it yours, delete those Khawarji and that's it...

No one will stop you... No Us/No RU/No EU/No India etc...
Just stop wasting your time and just do it...

And please... no more childish escuse for not doing it...
Afghanistan is a cancer/tumour.

Nobody wants cancer... infact ppl pay money to get it removed...

Only thing worth taking is 20km narrow strip called Wakhan Corridor separating Tajikistan from Pakistan...
Actually I don't agree with this attack. Afghanistan is shit hole and we don't want to waste our resources on rats like these.
1. Seal of your border completely
2. In case of an attack like swat bombing use PAF and artillery Corp to bomb the shit out of them
3. Stop the trade route until they hand over Mula Radio and his partners
4. Dictate your own term and cancel the Indian factor in their policy making
1. agree
2. in the process kills 100s of innocent people some of whom are relatives of people who live across the boarder?!!..really what would pushtoons think
3. well, that is poor diplomacy, stopping trade route will just hurt common people majority of whom are pushtoons, not the elite in kabul whom will really on expensive iran route.. solution is go aand find mula radio and drone him or use strong diplomacy
4. let the elite do what ever they want, once things get bad they will skip the ship first, better solution is to isolate yourself from afgahnistan not to ride a sinking ship
That's an escuse.
Its reality.

Only thing worth taking;


If Afghanistan doesnt stop messing... and i had the power... id have ordered Pak Mil to take it..

And we could do that in a day..

And whatever population living there would support it too... considering the Wakhi people are predominantly settled and native to Northern Pak.. including their religious figures like Sir Agha Khan.
create a buffer zone.allow more army men to infiltrate and allow paf to conduct routine bombing.fire in the hole!

Empty region has to be occupied to prevent spread of Terror Right move by Pakistan Army
What advantage do these peaks give to PA?

Given its proximity to Parachinar, probably to observe and control infiltration points of extremist anti shia terrorists, not to mention reclaiming what is Pakistani territory already.
Those peaks are ours by the way, not sure what the few Indians who have no clue about Pak-Afghan area are blabbering on about. As for Wakhan corrider, I agree @DESERT FIGHTER we should take that. The people there have more in common with Northern Pakistanis on the Pakistani side than they do with other Afghanistanis, plus they would be better of with their brethren than the racist, incompetent North Afghanistani establishment.
AFGANDISTAN=Alexander came fcuk their girls and killed their mans.mongols came tortured theirs women’s and maked buildings with their skulls.uzbeks and tajiks ruled them since ages till now.iran make them their slaves.now a days afg are children’s of Russian dirty sperms.till now America make their hole big since last 15 years and on and offf India his finger in their asssss.
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