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From pk-15 , JF-17 Thunder and Al Khalid to fifth generation stealth fighter jet project Azm

It is Pakistani website not Chinese

Why are you pakis so insecure with Tejas that you peddle fake info for exaggerating, why does it make you feel so much insecure.

The design is made by dassault wtf🤣? Does Dassault have patent for Delta design considering Tejas is a cranked delta wing design.

any country willing to induct JF-17 first needs Russian approval as supply of RD-93 engine.

any person with a bit knowledge of aviation knows that which country possess expertise on fighter aircraft of delta-wing design with single-engine.
a statement written on LCA page on wiki for ur reference
" Project definition commenced in October 1987 with France's Dassault-Breguet Aviation as consultants. Dassault-Breguet were to assist in the design and systems integration of the aircraft "
as far as approval from Russia is concern .....granted 😆🤣🤣
JF-17 Myanmar
... where is tejas after 30 years meanwhile JF-17B1 are going through 1st overhaul after 10years of service ....
brother JF-17 Block-3 is nowhere close to Rafale, if you go by the capabilities of both the aircrafts.

JF-17 Block-3 is comparable to Tejas MK1A in terms of capabilities.
JF-17 Blk 3 do not need to come closer to Rafale, one PL-15 deployed from JF-17 flying 170 km away, will be enough to bring the Indian Rafale pilot to land inside Pakistan for "fantastic tea".
The PL15 is a game changer for the JF17 programme. Basically, once the JF17s are all upgraded with AESA radars, and the PL15, they will be on par with the Rafale !
The PL15 is a game changer for the JF17 programme. Basically, once the JF17s are all upgraded with AESA radars, and the PL15, they will be on par with the Rafale !
We eagerly awaiting Block 3 of JF-17 Thunder with AESA & PL15 but after that there are much more is needed
Our dillema of, "whatever west makes is good" will never end. Rafale is great but jf 17 can poses threat. Block 3 is not a joke if it has AESA, PL15 in future and Better EW suites than expect resistance from JF 17 against rafale. Jf 17 is not a sitting duck. People here try to ignore the fact that 27th Feb is real time scenario example. I have faith in jf 17 that it may not be rafale equivalent but it can surely take out rafale if properly utilize.


Decades of service has proven that the western equipment is better---par excellence---has been thru the test of times and war and proven itself over the last century and these two decades---.
brother JF-17 Block-3 is nowhere close to Rafale, if you go by the capabilities of both the aircrafts.

JF-17 Block-3 is comparable to Tejas MK1A in terms of capabilities.
lol hamara kutta kutta or tumhara kutta tommy
nice comparing JF17 with failed Tejas lol... let your army buy 4 to 5 squadron made in 30 years and still going on.
JF-17 Blk 3 do not need to come closer to Rafale, one PL-15 deployed from JF-17 flying 170 km away, will be enough to bring the Indian Rafale pilot to land inside Pakistan for "fantastic tea".
Ever heard of Meteor Missile of Rafale? It currently is the best BVRAAM in the world with a 60 KM NEZ.
Ever heard of Meteor Missile of Rafale? It currently is the best BVRAAM in the world with a 60 KM NEZ.

JF-17 block 3 has a better AESA radar than the Rafale and the PL-15 is a beast. In the end, ground radars, AWACS, datalinks, Electronic Warfare, will all play a role.

That is why PAF is focusing on force multipliers with the JF-17 such as Advanced Jamming pods, acquiring 14+ AWACS, AESA radar ground stations, focusing on Datalinks between various assets to create C4I awareness.

PAF has far more AWAC, Jamming, and radar coverage assets per fighter jet when compared to the IAF which only has a few AWACs for its entire airforce. Not just that but PAF also has far less airspace per fighter jet to defend compared to India which is x4 Pakistans land size therefore has far more airspace to defend.

Why do you think that India with over 400 4th generation aircraft is so hesitant to violate Pakistans airspace yet Pakistan is confident enough to violate India's and shoot down its Jets with less than 200 4th generation aircrafts :D
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JF-17 block 3 has a better AESA radar than the Rafale and the PL-15 is a beast. In the end, ground radars, AWACS, datalinks, Electronic Warfare, will all play a role.

That is why PAF is focusing on force multipliers with the JF-17 such as Advanced Jamming pods, acquiring 14+ AWACS, AESA radar ground stations, focusing on Datalinks between various assets to create C4I awareness.

PAF has far more AWAC, Jamming, and radar coverage assets per fighter jet when compared to the IAF which only has a few AWACs for its entire airforce. Not just that but PAF also has far less airspace per fighter jet to defend compared to India which is x4 Pakistans land size.

Why do you think that India with over 400 4th generation aircraft is so hesitant to violate Pakistans airspace yet Pakistan is confident enough to violate India's and shoot down its Jets with less than 200 4th generation aircrafts :D
First of KLJ-7 is not even comparable to Tejas MK1A’s AESA radar, just look at this video (made by an Indian but if he is wrong at some point, do mention here later).
First of KLJ-7 is not even comparable to Tejas MK1A’s AESA radar, just look at this video (made by an Indian but if he is wrong at some point, do mention here later).

At 8:30 it shows KLJ-7A range at 250+km and RB-2 at 250-275km. JF-17 block 3s are getting an upgraded version of the KJL-7A which is air-cooled. Unlike the earlier steered array variant. No one knows for sure other the Chinese and PAF about the upgraded radars real range.
First of KLJ-7 is not even comparable to Tejas MK1A’s AESA radar, just look at this video (made by an Indian but if he is wrong at some point, do mention here later).
Dude your so called uttam is not even operational yet and no one knows the capability of the radar because it is your first AESA radar while Chinese have spent alot of money and time in developing AESA radars if uttam is better than KLJ7A then why are you people not integrating it with your Tejas su 30 and mig 29 fleet? Instead even tejas MK1 A will use foreign AESA radar so kindly don't share Indian videos here .... PL 15 outranges anything IAF has R77-1 at 100km and Astra at 100km only meteor has similar range to PL 15 which is the same or better than AIM 120D ... so technically only 36 Rafael aircraft can have a firing solution against block 3s with PL 15s mirages su 30s and mig 29s and tejas will be duds like 27th feb ........ also indigenous AESA radar and long range BVR is also in development once they are integrated on block 1 and block 2 thunders then you will have a bigger problem on your hands ..... good luck dealing with PAF with 36 Rafael the French were struggling in putting AESA radar on Rafael let's see how it performs when the time comes ...
Dude your so called uttam is not even operational yet and no one knows the capability of the radar because it is your first AESA radar while Chinese have spent alot of money and time in developing AESA radars if uttam is better than KLJ7A then why are you people not integrating it with your Tejas su 30 and mig 29 fleet? Instead even tejas MK1 A will use foreign AESA radar so kindly don't share Indian videos here .... PL 15 outranges anything IAF has R77-1 at 100km and Astra at 100km only meteor has similar range to PL 15 which is the same or better than AIM 120D ... so technically only 36 Rafael aircraft can have a firing solution against block 3s with PL 15s mirages su 30s and mig 29s and tejas will be duds like 27th feb ........ also indigenous AESA radar and long range BVR is also in development once they are integrated on block 1 and block 2 thunders then you will have a bigger problem on your hands ..... good luck dealing with PAF with 36 Rafael the French were struggling in putting AESA radar on Rafael let's see how it performs when the time comes ...
Because it is just the first iteration, the real deal is a GaN based AESA Radar, UTTAM was complete long back but because it was known that the future will not be of GaAs based radar, so it was never integrated into the Flankers, it is confirmed that the GaAs version UTTAM’s enhanced variant is confirmed for Tejas MK1A, initial MK1As will come with Israeli radars and the rest of the bulk with Indian UTTAM radar. Plus Chinese have zero air-to-air combat experience, they don’t have data of any air-to-air combat while designing and making radars, we do. It is upto you under estimating Indian equipment at the end we are not fools using them and most of our indigenous development of equipment started recently so thats why many of our indigenous systems are not operationally deployed and as far your question that why MiG-29 UPG doesn’t come with UTTAM radar, so my answer would be that MiG-29UPG is a Russian aircraft and the Ruskies won’t allow us deploying our Radar when they can easily sell off their Zhuk-ME AESA radar.
Dude your so called uttam is not even operational yet and no one knows the capability of the radar because it is your first AESA radar while Chinese have spent alot of money and time in developing AESA radars if uttam is better than KLJ7A then why are you people not integrating it with your Tejas su 30 and mig 29 fleet? Instead even tejas MK1 A will use foreign AESA radar so kindly don't share Indian videos here .... PL 15 outranges anything IAF has R77-1 at 100km and Astra at 100km only meteor has similar range to PL 15 which is the same or better than AIM 120D ... so technically only 36 Rafael aircraft can have a firing solution against block 3s with PL 15s mirages su 30s and mig 29s and tejas will be duds like 27th feb ........ also indigenous AESA radar and long range BVR is also in development once they are integrated on block 1 and block 2 thunders then you will have a bigger problem on your hands ..... good luck dealing with PAF with 36 Rafael the French were struggling in putting AESA radar on Rafael let's see how it performs when the time comes ...

PAF is already restructuring the wings of the JF-17 block 1/2 variants in order to carry larger cruise missiles and the PL-15. Once that and the AESA radar upgrades are complete, IAF is going to have to deal with hundreds of JF-17s equipped with PL-15s compared to their few dozen Rafales :D

PAF has spent decades investing in C4I technologies such as Datalinks and AWACs and regularly conducts exercises using force multiplier assets. A PAF JF-17 is more likely to be backed today with KLJ-2000 AWACS, EIREYE AWACS, link 17 between air/ground assets, and jamming pods compared to any jet in IAF arsenal. The whole Indian airforce only has 3 awacs . PAF has heavily invest with Turkey in jamming pods, once AESAs are integrated on the thunders PAF will have 200 JF-17s thunders capable of advanced jamming since AESA can be programmed to jam better than many jamming pods today, not to mention the advanced jamming pods carried by the F-16 and the dedicated jamming aircraft...The tactics displayed last feb was decades in practice.

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