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From missiles to drones, DRDO projects keep missing deadlines

Ideally describes your mental status , whatever the situation may be in Pakistan, only you people have the privilege to be associated with the term.
Hypocrisy at its best! Still does not change the ground reality. The topic is on Drdo not slums for crying out loud.

Chest thumping is one thing, masturbating on other's failures is another. I still remember that gslv launch failure thread where you were repeatedly posting pics of destroyed launch vehicle. Here is another display of 'Elite' behavior.

View attachment 324209

Yeah, and there are several more entertaining racial slurs for Pakistanis. Don't get me started on this.
Chest thumping is one thing, masturbating on other's failures is another. I still remember that gslv launch failure thread where you were repeatedly posting pics of destroyed launch vehicle.
Since you are having flash backs, i suggest you see a shrink, most likely i made you crash and burn since i have no clue what are you blabbering about.

Yeah, and there are several more entertaining racial slurs for Pakistanis. Don't get me started on this.

Maybe, but no renaming our Capital.

Hypocrisy at its best! Still does not change the ground reality. The topic is on Drdo not slums for crying out loud.


Save a little advise for your dear country folks, the topic is also not about so called biased MODS either.
Since you are having flash backs, i suggest you see a shrink, most likely i made you crash and burn since i have no clue what are you blabbering about.

Are you suffering from some sort of memory loss ? Many of these posts still exist.

Maybe, but no renaming our Capital.

'Islamabad'. That's enough.
NEW DELHI: The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) continues to miss deadlines in critical military projects with alarming regularity . Leave alone the much-talked-about Tejas light combat aircraft and Arjun main-battle tank, several projects ranging from spy drones and missiles to radars and artillery guns continue to languish with time and cost overruns.

Official documents, for instance, show that two important projects were to be completed this month but have got "revised dates of completion" now. The first project, launched in January , 2012, was to build an active electronically-scanned array (AESA) radar, which is the norm in modern fighter jets, at a cost of Rs 445 crore.But the radar called `Uttam' is nowhere near being ready with its deadline now extended to May , 2019.

The second project was for developing a medium-altitude long-endurance UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) called Rustom-II, along with an aeronautical test range at Chitradurga, which was approved in February , 2011, at a cost of Rs 1,649 crore. But its completion date has been pushed to February , 2017.

Absence of an indigenous AESA radar has meant that the first 20 Tejas light combat aircraft - the first two jets were finally delivered to IAF last month under the LCA project approved in 1983 -will have an older mechanically-steered radar.
Moreover, a hunt is now underway to get a suitable AESA radar-EW (electronic warfare) package from global arms majors like Raytheon, Israeli Aerospace Industries, Thales, Saab and others for the next 100 upgraded Tejas Mark-1A fighters to be delivered from 2020 onwards.Similarly , in the absence of indigenous UAVs, the armed forces continue to induct highly-expensive Israeli drones.

DRDO, of course, has to contend with technology denial regimes, frequent midterm revision in qualitative requirements by the armed forces, problems in absorbing high-end technologies by the production agencies (defence PSUs) as well as continuing scarcity of scientific manpower and funds. "China spends around 20% of its defence outlay on R&D. But DRDO gets only 5-7% of the defence budget," said a scientist.

All this is certainly true, and there is no getting away from the fact that India has to become largely self-reliant in defence to avoid becoming strategically vulnerable in times of crisis. But as of now, revised timelines remain a recurring theme for DRDO projects across the board which, coupled with shoddy performance of the five de fence PSUs, four shipyards and 39 ordnance factories, means India continues to import over 60% of its military requirements.

The much-touted 'Nirbhay' cruise missile, designed to carry nuclear warheads with a strike range of 1,000km, for instance, is already three years overdue and still far from induction.The Astra air-to-air missile is not ready 12 years after it was sanctioned at a cost of Rs 955 crore.


@Tipu7 @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @The Eagle
The reality is this , that this is indeed sad story.

A $2.3 tn economy just spending $3 Bn on space & defence R&D. That's seriously pathetic.
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You are just forced on qouting and qouting look at my previous post will tell how must tejas is "Hindustani"
what makes u think that i need your postings to know how much of tajes is "Hindustani"!!?? we have our own different government bodies like CAG and Parliamentary Committee to assess how much indigenous is our defense products are and they are also monitoring the development. you don't have any such organisations in your country to monitor the developments, what you are hearing is some lies your generals tells you.

Chest thumping is one thing, masturbating on other's failures is another. I still remember that gslv launch failure thread where you were repeatedly posting pics of destroyed launch vehicle. Here is another display of 'Elite' behavior.

View attachment 324209

Yeah, and there are several more entertaining racial slurs for Pakistanis. Don't get me started on this.
only Mr. Windjammer can go that low...
DODO is our friend, they must be encouraged to take on more and more projects.
only Mr. Windjammer can go that low...

Another common trolling tactic is to quote decades old propaganda articles, and turning to trolling when Indian members refute these arguments with official sources.

I even quoted the head of National team for CFC Wing development to explain the role of Alenia & BAe, but even his words aren't 'credible' enough for this guy.

Anyway I am concerned. Is the use of racist slurs like 'slumdog' allowed here? Then I guess the P-word can be used too.
Another common trolling tactic is to quote decades old propaganda articles, and turning to trolling when Indian members refute these arguments with official sources.

I even quoted the head of National team for CFC Wing development to explain the role of Alenia & BAe, but even his words aren't 'credible' enough for this guy.

Anyway I am concerned. Is the use of racist slurs like 'slumdog' allowed here? Then I guess the P-word can be used too.
he wants to prove that PAF>IAF... for that he will do anything and go to any limit... and yes, looks like he have some immunity from getting banned for his trolling attempts..
Owned my foot, if you were chocolate, you would eat yourself. :lol:
And if you think MODS are biased then why don't you shoo off to your slumdog street, in fact I think MODS like your rear thus they often dress it in a pink saree.
LOL.. Windy You seriously should check your Blood pressure man.. I mean, look at you, If I could imagine your comments yelled by some random guy, I'm getting the picture of Al Pacino at his peak, in a courtroom drama..
what makes u think that i need your postings to know how much of tajes is "Hindustani"!!?? we have our own different government bodies like CAG and Parliamentary Committee to assess how much indigenous is our defense products are and they are also monitoring the development. you don't have any such organisations in your country to monitor the developments, what you are hearing is some lies your generals tells you.
Mentally Sick People...:blah::blah::blah:
Well you obviously being a dick head, didn't notice that i merely posted an article from an Indian source without even a POV.
And your equally well esteemed country fellows decided to drag in Pakistan.....how would you explain that.
@Windy, you get away with such comments so easily??

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