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From missiles to drones, DRDO projects keep missing deadlines

DRDO and missing Deadlines better love story then Twilight :D
even if they miss the dead line they deliver it... DRDO is doing good with the budget they got. 100% of the missiles in india are made by DRDO, and their contribution to the armed forces are not limited to tajes or arjun MBT. DRDO manufactures every thing.. not even a single company in this world that is like DRDO that is tasked to develop every thing for armed force. DRDO manufacture rifles, artillery, aircraft components. UAVs, radars, underwater vehicles, u name it they are developing it. you cannot criticize DRDO for some delay. every equipment in indian armed force have something it which is developed by DRDO. even if they are imported.
even if they miss the dead line they deliver it... DRDO is doing good with the budget they got. 100% of the missiles in india are made by DRDO, and their contribution to the armed forces are not limited to tajes or arjun MBT. DRDO manufactures every thing.. not even a single company in this world that is like DRDO that is tasked to develop every thing for armed force. DRDO manufacture rifles, artillery, aircraft components. UAVs, radars, underwater vehicles, u name it they are developing it. you cannot criticize DRDO for some delay. every equipment in indian armed force have something it which is developed by DRDO. even if they are imported.

slow down dude that was just for fun.. keep your nerves calm
Research and Development is an Evolutionary process not a Revolutionary process.

1. This articles seems to be outdated. It mentioned the older Mechanically steered Radar, and we already knows that Israeli EL/M-2032 for first 20 MK-1 of IOC standard have been approved, and for rest 100 birds EL/M-2052 Radar is choosen. When talking of Radars, its not only the Hardware, rather the algorithm which is the key to distinguish the target from the Image clutter, and Israel have top notch experience in that with on the ground experience. Why didn't the Author didn't mentioned the AESA MMR development Uttam, which LRDE is developing.

2. The author mentioned UAVs -- In this field India lags, because there was never a focus of the development of the UAVs in India as priority. It was untill recent that the push for the UAVs are not made owing to huge demands of UAVs from Army, Airforce, Navy, Police, Paramilitary and for the Civilian usage for Recce, survillance and military operations. It is very easy to condemn a PSU, but before doing such things, we should first analyse that those PSUs are not different that the other Govt. agencies, with the working methods and mythologies which is running in our systems. There are many who condemn the Bureaucracy for slowing down various projects, but those bureaucracy works under the Political leadership, so the duty of those leadership is more than the system, because they are the ones who are responsible to take the credit latter, so do the answerable, and their duty is to make the bureaucracy works to the demands or scrap them ASAP.

3. The author should do an analysis how many PHD in the specialized stream, India is producing as compared to the Goa size Israel, and when he will prepare the graph with the Data, he might get the real picture and I am sure, the article itself.

4. We believe, we are not Perfect, and might have 99 incompatible persons in the PSUs, but We could not comdemn the 1 person, who is giving its 100 percent to the country, and appreciate the hard work of those, which have given us the position now, that atleast we are trying. What is needed is little bit patience, Clear Aim, Clear Roadmap, Faith and yes uninterrupted decent budget.
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Research and Development is an Evolutionary process not a Revolutionary process.

1. This articles seems to be outdated. It mentioned the older Mechanically steered Radar, and we already knows that Israeli EL/M-2032 for first 20 MK-1 of IOC standard have been approved, and for rest 100 birds EL/M-2052 Radar is choosen. When talking of Radars, its not only the Hardware, rather the algorithm which is the key to distinguish the target from the Image clutter, and Israel have top notch experience in that with on the ground experience. Why didn't the Author didn't mentioned the AESA MMR development Uttam, which LRDE is developing.

2. The author mentioned UAVs -- In this field India lags, because there was never a focus of the development of the UAVs in India as priority. It was untill recent that the push for the UAVs are not made owing to huge demands of UAVs from Army, Airforce, Navy, Police, Paramilitary and for the Civilian usage for Recce, survillance and military operations. It is very easy to condemn a PSU, but before doing such things, we should first analyse that those PSUs are not different that the other Govt. agencies, with the working methods and mythologies which is running in our systems. There are many who condemn the Bureaucracy for slowing down various projects, but those bureaucracy works under the Political leadership, so the duty of those leadership is more than the system, because they are the ones who are responsible to take the credit latter, so do the answerable, and their duty is to make the bureaucracy works to the demands or scrap them ASAP.

3. The author should do an analysis how many PHD in the specialized stream, India is producing as compared to the Goa size Israel, and when he will prepare the graph with the Data, he might get the real picture and I am sure, the article itself.

4. We believe, we are not Perfect, and might have 99 incompatible persons in the PSUs, but We could not comdemn the 1 person, who is giving its 100 percent to the country, and appreciate the hard work of those, which have given us the position now, that atleast we are trying. What is needed is little bit patience, Clear Aim, Clear Roadmap, and yes uninterrupted decent budget.

Nicely said my good friend.

This thread will soon become a full fledged flame thread where both sides exchange blows based on individual program preference and associated feelings with it.

Good you gave a very good post and drove the discussion to the proper path

Remove the last bit if calling windy troller.. you will ruin the post and I have to remove the rating..and again the path will change back to flame baiting
Nicely said my good friend.

This thread will soon become a full fledged flame thread where both sides exchange blows based on individual program preference and associated feelings with it.

Good you gave a very good post and drove the discussion to the proper path

Remove the last bit if calling windy troller.. you will ruin the post and I have to remove the rating..and again the path will change back to flame baiting

Sure Think Tank Sir :P
NEW DELHI: The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) continues to miss deadlines in critical military projects with alarming regularity . Leave alone the much-talked-about Tejas light combat aircraft and Arjun main-battle tank, several projects ranging from spy drones and missiles to radars and artillery guns continue to languish with time and cost overruns.

Official documents, for instance, show that two important projects were to be completed this month but have got "revised dates of completion" now. The first project, launched in January , 2012, was to build an active electronically-scanned array (AESA) radar, which is the norm in modern fighter jets, at a cost of Rs 445 crore.But the radar called `Uttam' is nowhere near being ready with its deadline now extended to May , 2019.

The second project was for developing a medium-altitude long-endurance UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) called Rustom-II, along with an aeronautical test range at Chitradurga, which was approved in February , 2011, at a cost of Rs 1,649 crore. But its completion date has been pushed to February , 2017.

Absence of an indigenous AESA radar has meant that the first 20 Tejas light combat aircraft - the first two jets were finally delivered to IAF last month under the LCA project approved in 1983 -will have an older mechanically-steered radar.
Moreover, a hunt is now underway to get a suitable AESA radar-EW (electronic warfare) package from global arms majors like Raytheon, Israeli Aerospace Industries, Thales, Saab and others for the next 100 upgraded Tejas Mark-1A fighters to be delivered from 2020 onwards.Similarly , in the absence of indigenous UAVs, the armed forces continue to induct highly-expensive Israeli drones.

DRDO, of course, has to contend with technology denial regimes, frequent midterm revision in qualitative requirements by the armed forces, problems in absorbing high-end technologies by the production agencies (defence PSUs) as well as continuing scarcity of scientific manpower and funds. "China spends around 20% of its defence outlay on R&D. But DRDO gets only 5-7% of the defence budget," said a scientist.

All this is certainly true, and there is no getting away from the fact that India has to become largely self-reliant in defence to avoid becoming strategically vulnerable in times of crisis. But as of now, revised timelines remain a recurring theme for DRDO projects across the board which, coupled with shoddy performance of the five de fence PSUs, four shipyards and 39 ordnance factories, means India continues to import over 60% of its military requirements.

The much-touted 'Nirbhay' cruise missile, designed to carry nuclear warheads with a strike range of 1,000km, for instance, is already three years overdue and still far from induction.The Astra air-to-air missile is not ready 12 years after it was sanctioned at a cost of Rs 955 crore.


@Tipu7 @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @The Eagle
It's simply failed to deliver what it had to
Now DRDO should be named as DIRTO Not as DRDO


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Posting 2001 article Jammi Bhaiya.

It was to inform the oblivious person that contrary to the claims, how much indigenous was the LCA Tejas in it's inception, unless off course if you think that a test tube baby a decade or two later qualifies as a normal birth.

Care to compare Indian inventions to Pakistani ones for matter of discussion?
Well why don't you open another thread to solve your dilemma.
Just to enlighten you, neither the source of this article is Pakistani nor was the article carried by a Pakistani paper.
But if you want to do justice to your flags then by all means start a stick matching debate.
It was to inform the oblivious person that contrary to the claims, how much indigenous was the LCA Tejas in it's inception, unless off course if you think that a test tube baby a decade or two later qualifies as a normal birth.

Instead of posting the old Link, you should have answer that person that, Pakistan aim, priority, budget, requirement is different than the India --- Simple and short. The logic applies reverse.

However 2 points :-

1. Do you have interest in the Aviation as most of your post are for the Airforce, fighter planes etc.

2. Why are we keep on repeating same argument again and again specially in LCA and JF-17 matters ? Do you think to remind us, so that we could not forget the points :P
It was to inform the oblivious person that contrary to the claims, how much indigenous was the LCA Tejas in it's inception, unless off course if you think that a test tube baby a decade or two later qualifies as a normal birth.

Well why don't you open another thread to solve your dilemma.
Just to enlighten you, neither the source of this article is Pakistani nor was the article carried by a Pakistani paper.
But if you want to do justice to your flags then by all means start a stick matching debate.
Well, u're talking about failures of the Indian industries, and since it's a Pakistani forum, I thought it would only be reasonable to compare between the two.
clearly, u don't think so
Saw this article in the morning ! was wondering how long will someone post this - AAANDDD here it is , only took 2 hrs !

Another BS Article by Rajat Pandit, all his articles have a regular pattern of late out of date and always bad wrong news
You forgot Airframe....
Yes we Admit airframe is made up of Advance composites but its design is not as stealthy as it is pretended...!!

What? Looks like you have measured the RCS of the LCA . :lol:

at least it's indigenous

Far more Indigenous than products from another country which files just 15 patents at USPTO

From ENGINE TO FLY-BY-WIRE ,, From Wing Panels to RADAR all is imported...!!

Here read this and get to know yourself a little first before inquiring about others,


Lol, you got owned, last time you posted this. Now go cry to your beloved biased Mods to save your rear.
that link i posted is 2 weeks old. Indian defense Minister informed in parliament that tajes have 70% indigenous content. . and you came up with a "rediff.com" which is decade old?? read the link before start posting anything..

PS: a year ago when i posted a link saying your SSG commando killed 19 of his colleagues, u said "rediff.com is not a reliable source, now u start posting it??

you are not making it... u are assembling it under ToT from china. just like india did it with mig-21, 4 decades ago.
there is no pakistani in JF-17 except the pilot.. every part, every component, every software are either made in china or made in Russia. nothing is made in Pakistan. that is the reason why every upgraded versions(block-1, block-2) are 1st tested in china and only after testing it by Chengdu Aircraft Corporation in china it is brought to pakistan under "knock down kit" and your PAC is assembling it. you can search it google. none of the components are made in pakistan. a single company(PAC) cannot manufacture all the parts of an aircraft. not even US company like LM or Boeing can't do that. even the resent addition of "air refueling pod" was fitted to the aircraft in china, only after they tested it, they send that to u.
and you also need to know that china don't have any production plant dedicated for JF-17. despite this, the prototypes flown and all the testings are done in china. that means you don't have the capacity to test or produce the jet by your own, and you don't any thing to be called indigenous in that jet.
You are just forced on qouting and qouting look at my previous post will tell how must tejas is "Hindustani"

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