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From IBA graduate to 'terror suspect'?

A country of 1.3 Billion select a terrorist or mass murderer as their Prime Minister....and there security officials support terrorists for terror activities....still every thing is fine there....
Minor correction... it was 'election' not 'selection'... and yet they have audacity to talk about terrorism, which is at-least not state-sponsored unlike on the other side of the border. I'll take them more seriously the day we elected 'Lal Masjid swine' as our PM.
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Your posts are so defensive all the time,start defending the moment someone says Pakistan with out getting the full context
Pointing out the irony and hypocrisy is not being defensive...

Defensive would be bringing India into everything and comparing the trash on that side...I dont do that....

If my posts dont make you start thinking than I am not sure what will!
A country of 1.3 Billion select a terrorist or mass murderer as their Prime Minister....and there security officials support terrorists for terror activities....still every thing is fine there....

That's a stupid argument. If you think about it, out of the ENTIRE globe, at this time in human history, India is the ONLY country who's changing their text books and everything else to grow "Hindutva", the kids are being taught the Hindu supremacy all the way, your government has openly said many, many times over that by 2030 they want a 100% Hindu nation. And you'll conveniently open up threads towards Pakistan??

How about we open up a thread on India, Hindu extremists and their killings of Christians and Muslims and forceful conversions??? That's ALSO extremism, no different than terrorist from Islam or Christianity who don't like others to believe in anything else.

Now that it's clear that no extremist's shiit smells better, whether Hindu, Muslim or anyone else trying to conduct terrorism to kill or convert others by force to a different religion, let me get to the topic. There are two things here. Pakistan's military fueled militia culture a few decades ago, and that turned the society into an intolerant mess (that India's starting to go through now with Hindutva loving extremists). The second part of this equation is the foreign support of terrorism into Pakistan through Indian agencies. There is 0% doubt about it. Whether one event is connected or not, everyone knows how BLA terrorists are connected to India and who trains them in Afghanistan, who's now providing financial support and money to the barbaric Taliban to really damage Pakistan through terrorism.

At this point in life, both Pakistan and India have to work hard to control their extremist fractions. The extremist Hindu want the world to be one Hindu nation, and the crazy Islamist want the entire Pakistan and the region to be a Muslim nation following their version of whatever they believe in. All extremists should be banned no matter what religion they come from or belong to, period.
Entirely wrong. Please restrict your diatribe to Pakistan alone. Thanks.
A must read.

Saad Aziz’s Road to Radicalization | ARY NEWS
It is now emerging, according to the account of senior Karachi police officials who have interrogated Saad Aziz, that he targeted social activist and entrepreneuer Sabeen Mahmud because of her liberal views and because, according to him, she campaigned against Lal Masjid cleric Maulvi Abdul Aziz.

In fact, one report also suggests that she was targeted because she had “led a campaign to promote Valentine’s Day” and that this had become very controversial. In fact, this controversy happened in February 2013 and Ms Mahmud went off Twitter for sometime (deactivated her account @sabeen for some time) after she received death threats on social media.

Friends of Saad Aziz who were with him at IBA have said that his views began to change slowly, especially in his last two years at the Institute. They said that he seemed like a “normal” person who had friends from both genders and did things that most college students would do by way of extracurricular activities. This, they said, began to change and one sign, they said, was that he stopped talking to girls completely. They said that he joined the Iqra Society — one of dozens of IBA’s student-run societies, with a member of faculty as the patron — and would hang out increasingly with some of its members. A visit to the website of the society showed that among various discussions, seminars and events related to religion and its worth in contemporary life, there was a separate section “designed especially for young women” and titled “Scattered Pearls”.

Along with several of his former classmates at IBA, Saad began publishing an online magazine “Al Rashideen” (means The Rightly Guided in English) and it is still available at Alrashideen - Home

The Twitter account of the magazine @AlRashideen (with 14 followers) — which hasn’t tweeted since February 25 — says “We are the Only Anti-Shia English Magazine in the World” and gave its geographical location as “Syria”. The third edition of the magazine is available at Alrashideen 3rd Shumara and has over 1,300 views . It has several articles that can be interpreted as sharply critical of Iran. There is one on the ]amiaululumulIslamiyyaBinori in Karachi — usually known as the Binoria Town Madrassha — and it showers praise on it and says that “no Islamic revolution can come without madaris”.

Another article in the magazine was sharply critical of former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. Another article was about a suicide attack on a Tablighi Markaz in Swat in January 2013 in which several people died and lamented that the media did not give it enough coverage. It also said that “only” a PTI activist condemned the incident and quoted her as saying that while the media gave a lot of coverage to Malala Yousafzai’s attack, it gave far less to this particular one. The same article also mentions the sect of several Pakistanis in important leadership positions — in the past. It also quoted former Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah when he argued that an ASWJ candidate for a provincial assembly seat in Jhang got over 50,000 votes and hence his candidacy couldn’t just be wished away or dismissed.

The third edition of the magazine that Saad Aziz and his friends took out — all written in reasonably good English — also reproduced a speech Maulana Haq Nawaz Jhangvi, who founded the Anjuman-e-Sipah Sahaba, and in whose memory the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi was formed. Several other articles contained content that would be deemed as being heavily critical of Shias.

The first edition of the magazine reproduced an English translation of an article by Jaish-e-Muhammad leader Maulana Masood Azhar on the value of Jihad titled “Jihad: A Cause of Mercy or Anarchy?”
Minor correction... it was 'election' not 'selection'... and yet they have audacity to talk about terrorism, which is at-least not state-sponsored unlike on the other side of the border. I'll take them more seriously the day we elected 'Lal Masjid swine' as our PM.
You don't have run your rear on India. Stay on the topic.
This is my first post here ! So lets just come to the point!
You Indians are such hypocrites that whatever happens in India, you point your fingers on Pakistan! Even if a child is born in India, you point fingers towards Pakistan! Like Mumbai attacks! You yourself killed those people but still blamed Pakistan!And then there was the boat drama that you Indians did! And you were badly exposed this time too!

But as usual you didn't stopped here! You continued to blame everything on Pakistan! Your media is full of hatred and continues to bark against Pakistan! Such ignorance and such words, are used and it continues to fill hatred in indians! Pak Media is moderate and it is much better than Indian Media ! I mean if you just look how indian media was crying when Chinese PM Visited Pakistan! Such hatred full comments and such cheap language ! And it clearly showed how desperate you guys were! All indians were saying made in China made in china when Chinese PM visited Pak but when modii(ah can't forget his photos :D such childish acts) went to China those indians were so happy like they have found their new dad ! But then if you look the reporting during Obama visit to India, you will find Pak Media reporting much better!You say Pak begs but have you ever looked at yourself?

Modi before elections: bashing china
After elections: China has a right to seek regional influence!

(I wanted to add links but i have to post 29 posts! As i am new) :(
Hahahahahha this is called real begging! A gaye na aukat per indians :/ And don't forget how China showed Kashmir as a part of Pakistan :-D

Anyways i was just showing how much hypocrites you are ! Now lets come to terrorism! India has been blaming Pakistan for everything since 1947! Even your generals admitted you are sponsoring terrorists in balochistan! And even USA admitted!

So you can blame Pakistan for everything without proof but you can't see fingers pointing at you? Come on grow up India! And yeah we have proof also! And don't worry further evidences are coming also! And yeah we will take this case to international level! Unlike you we talk with proof ! If you have proof against Pakistan, then bring to UN level like Pakistan is doing! But please stop crying Indians :/

It's funny when indians point fingers at PAKISTAN, considering the fact they have elected a terrorist as their PM :/ Much hypocrisy such idiots :/
From IBA graduate to 'terror suspect'? - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

It is shocking to read that people like him after all that education, start becoming religious and slowly slide into jihadi activities.

I hope at least after this, those Pakistanis who eagerly lap up the fiction put out by their military and other leaders, stop believing the excuse such as RAW did it or Mossad did it. You have to start holding your military and government responsible for their ineptitude, self-empowerment and readiness to waste your lives for keeping their jobs and perks.
KARACHI: The Sindh chief minister's thunderbolt revelation yesterday that three "well-educated" students have been arrested for plotting recent terrorist attacks in Karachi sent shockwaves across the country.

As Mr Qaim Ali Shah disclosed the names of university graduates Saad Aziz, Mohammad Azfar Ishrat and Haafiz Nasir for being involved in heinous crimes, friends and former schoolmates took to Facebook and Twitter to express both horror and disbelief.
changing title to cause flame and troll is not a good idea . please refrain from such activity.

there shouldn't be anything "shocking" here. you seriously think all such rebellions and movements are led and planned by emotional blowhards? FYI they are just cannon fodder. the rise of the communism, Nazis and jihadists supremacists has been planned and plotted by cold and calculated wealthy, affluent and educated people as well as "ordinary" individuals. those that carry out synchronised attacks, can hack into Predator drones, can bypass the top notch securities and continue to dodge and tease the west by using the social media and the web at large are not your average people.

so come out of the shock and stop pretending
You should change your true flag so that we will know what type of sane person is talking at least we will save time from from BS post. Providing proof I know some body in................. Pathetic:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

My flags are as true as the blood in my veins and its as red as the stripes on our flag. Don't you worry about it. The topic on hand was a comparison between India's Hindu extremist fractions and Pakistan/ Afghanistan's muslim extremists fractions. How about you write about the topic on hand, instead of bitch*ing about stupid shiit???

Your name has "Singh" in it...if that's TRUE, then remember about the Golden Temple and why you wanted Khalistan as you write me a response (and till your Singh brethren are still supporting these causes out of New York / New Jersey, trying to create awareness in American against extremist hindus, etc).

I am awaiting your response. Let's see how real you are.
My flags are as true as the blood in my veins and its as red as the stripes on our flag. Don't you worry about it. The topic on hand was a comparison between India's Hindu extremist fractions and Pakistan/ Afghanistan's muslim extremists fractions. How about you write about the topic on hand, instead of bitch*ing about stupid shiit???

Your name has "Singh" in it...if that's TRUE, then remember about the Golden Temple and why you wanted Khalistan as you write me a response (and till your Singh brethren are still supporting these causes out of New York / New Jersey, trying to create awareness in American against extremist hindus, etc).

I am awaiting your response. Let's see how real you are.
your post as always showing true color of your intention, preaching me on religion and that fellow sikh are fighting for Kalistan is total BS. These people who support Kalistan are first of all American,UK and Canadian citizen and have no role to play in Indian internal matter. These are ******* who with their money and ISI support ruined one generation. Today these old toad have no power as they are watch by their native intelligence because of India economic power. And can you tell me Balochistan freedom struggle is also being co-ordinate from abroad so what you have to say on this. And please change the flag color as you are completely biased on a particular country so why to remain in closet.:-):-)
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