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From IBA graduate to 'terror suspect'?

That's a stupid argument. If you think about it, out of the ENTIRE globe, at this time in human history, India is the ONLY country who's changing their text books and everything else to grow "Hindutva", the kids are being taught the Hindu supremacy all the way, your government has openly said many, many times over that by 2030 they want a 100% Hindu nation. And you'll conveniently open up threads towards Pakistan??
Can you cite any one example of any school text book...
Can you cite any one example of any school text book...

I would like to, ask the admins to allow me to post some videos for you...

And you didn't answer about 10 other points I made about your government pushing conversion of all other religions to the great Hindutva???? You tried to pick one point that you thought would be hard to explain.....
at least you can give me the video links....

And what about other issues mentioned in my post? You will just ignore the fact that Hindu fanatics in power are forcefully trying to convert everyone else to Hinduism??
And what about other issues mentioned in my post? You will just ignore the fact that Hindu fanatics in power are forcefully trying to convert everyone else to Hinduism??
So the first issue is solved...
About second issue, forcefully conversion is illegal according to the indian constitution.. If you can cite again any example of forceful conversion, I would be grateful of you... Further in India there is a freedom of religion according to which anybody can opt for any religion anytime, anywhere
That's a stupid argument. If you think about it, out of the ENTIRE globe, at this time in human history, India is the ONLY country who's changing their text books and everything else to grow "Hindutva", the kids are being taught the Hindu supremacy all the way, your government has openly said many, many times over that by 2030 they want a 100% Hindu nation. And you'll conveniently open up threads towards Pakistan??

How about we open up a thread on India, Hindu extremists and their killings of Christians and Muslims and forceful conversions??? That's ALSO extremism, no different than terrorist from Islam or Christianity who don't like others to believe in anything else.

Now that it's clear that no extremist's shiit smells better, whether Hindu, Muslim or anyone else trying to conduct terrorism to kill or convert others by force to a different religion, let me get to the topic. There are two things here. Pakistan's military fueled militia culture a few decades ago, and that turned the society into an intolerant mess (that India's starting to go through now with Hindutva loving extremists). The second part of this equation is the foreign support of terrorism into Pakistan through Indian agencies. There is 0% doubt about it. Whether one event is connected or not, everyone knows how BLA terrorists are connected to India and who trains them in Afghanistan, who's now providing financial support and money to the barbaric Taliban to really damage Pakistan through terrorism.

At this point in life, both Pakistan and India have to work hard to control their extremist fractions. The extremist Hindu want the world to be one Hindu nation, and the crazy Islamist want the entire Pakistan and the region to be a Muslim nation following their version of whatever they believe in. All extremists should be banned no matter what religion they come from or belong to, period.


You can all but compare yourself with India, what better do you have to do?

Claim 1: give me source where the govt. has said that - according to you many many times.
Claim 2: Hindus extremism and killings and forcefull converstions :lol: ? Tell me the names of groups which are terrorists and are religious in nature. Also give us the numbers of killed due to Extremist Hindus :lol:

After dick measuring to feel good that India is similar to Pakistan in extrimism when Pakistanis themselves deny any similarity almost obsessively is playing cheap.

You have three cities in the top ten most dangerous places in the world and you compare with us :lol:

Srinagar is rated better than Islamabad, your capital :rofl:

Revealed: the world's cities most likely to be hit by a terror attack - Telegraph
And you didn't answer about 10 other points I made about your government pushing conversion of all other religions to the great Hindutva???? You tried to pick one point that you thought would be hard to explain.....
one at a time... :-)
my ideology is that whoever reveals your mistakes is your well wisher...that PDF members are actually good guys, but then you go one step further and impose mistakes on us.... Well that is not good you know
Claim 1: give me source where the govt. has said that - according to you many many times.
Claim 2: Hindus extremism and killings and forcefull converstions :lol: ? Tell me the names of groups which are terrorists and are religious in nature. Also give us the numbers of killed due to Extremist Hindus :lol:

After dick measuring to feel good that India is similar to Pakistan in extrimism

You have three cities in the top ten most dangerous places in the world and you compare with us :lol:

Srinagar is rated better than Islamabad, your capital :rofl:

Revealed: the world's cities most likely to be hit by a terror attack - Telegraph

1) BJP, RSS, Shiv Sena are ALL religious nut cases in India. You can google it or read on the following link. I am SURE you'll come back and tell me how wrong and stupid any news or links are.....both the claims are in the links or on google. Type in "Hindu Extremists Converting Christians" or anything as such.

2) If you think issues as serious as killing minorities, forefully conducting terrorism based on religion, whether in India or Pakistan is a dick measuring contest, you are sore loser with a third class mentality. Nothing more can be said as you've clearly shown how you look at human lives and think about them. If it was Pakistan, you and your cousins from India would jump up and down all day highlighting religious intolerance in Pakistan. If God forbid, someone mentioned India and identified issues there, the holly cow disappeared and your true colors come out. Respect human life just as much as you would in Pakistan's case. Hindu terrorists are no better than Islamists. Its the same shiit supported by different religions!!!

3) I know some people FROM Srinagar. Its probably rated much better in terms of Indian Army killing and raping Kashmiris who's lands been taken up. Western analysts provide a number of Indian Soldiers to Civlians at a ratio of 7:1, so of course, where its 7 times more military soldiers than the civilian population, it better be rated SAFER!!! Learn a thing or two about reality before just going on stupid and blind journey of patriotism!!

Hindu extremists convert 2,000 Christians in India | Christian News on Christian Today

Controversy over ‘Reconversions’ in India Leads to Proposal to Outlaw Conversions
I am unable to comprehend how after watching 141 children get slaughtered in their own country, would someone go out and kill a bus load of people.
I'm scratching my head at your logic here. Apparently you think that the sight of the death of innocents deters new recruits? Regardless of whether that's true or not, the sight of the death of innocents to those who are already inclined to violence is an encouragement, isn't it? I'm not a Muslim, but it appears to me Muslims worship success over all else: if you commit a crime and get away with it then your deed must have Allah's blessing so it's not really a crime, you are fulfilling Allah's will. If you succeed in committing a deed that would be illegitimate against a Muslim but legitimate against a non-Muslim then the victim must have been a secret non-Muslim. That sort of thing. Political competition becomes more and more a matter of extreme claims to delegitimize opponents and rising levels of violence to enforce your claims: violent sectarianism and terrorism leading to large-scale civil war.

Pakistani military was always excited by the tactical possibilities of "stateless" insurgent warfare while blind to the long term strategic disadvantages of the weapon growing big enough to blow up in the face. I really don't get this characteristic of the Pakmil, tactical brilliance married to strategic incompetence that even a tyro like Benazir Bhutto could penetrate in an instant, but there you go.
PDF members are actually good guys, but then you go one step further and impose mistakes on us.... Well that is not good you know

So in your opinion, I should just see you and your Indian friends bashing Pakistan and every other place of your choosing. But Oh Lord if I mentioned India's issues in the mix? Well lying is not good you know......and you guys lie a LOT about India.

About second issue, forcefully conversion is illegal according to the indian constitution..

AND your hard core Hindu nationalists elected government is forcefully converting others and wanted a 100% Hindu nation by 2030!!!! Speaks a LOT about the importance and real value of your constitution to these Hindu extremists sitting in the government :argh: :cheesy: :angel: :tdown: :crazy:
Lack of opportunity is the main cause. It is easy to sway an unemployed youth into terrorism
So in your opinion, I should just see you and your Indian friends bashing Pakistan and every other place of your choosing. But Oh Lord if I mentioned India's issues in the mix? Well lying is not good you know......and you guys lie a LOT about India.
Oh... So you were bashing India on false propaganda... And i thought you were serious... That's ok..
and never mind :-)

AND your hard core Hindu nationalists elected government is forcefully converting others and wanted a 100% Hindu nation by 2030!!!! Speaks a LOT about the importance and real value of your constitution to these Hindu extremists sitting in the government :argh: :cheesy: :angel: :tdown: :crazy:
Come on fella.. from very first post of yours i am asking for a citation and references... why do you keep mocking yourself??
Lack of opportunity is the main cause. It is easy to sway an unemployed youth into terrorism

He was employed at a restaurant owned by his father in an administrative role. Read the article.
And what about other issues mentioned in my post? You will just ignore the fact that Hindu fanatics in power are forcefully trying to convert everyone else to Hinduism??

None of them are related to education. An educated person can decide for himself. Let's see what textbooks you are talking about.

Pakistani side of thee story :

Textbook biases: ‘Our schools are extremism factories’

‘Pakistan schools teach Hindu hatred’
Pakistan textbooks raise debate about 'curriculum of hate'
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