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French, Saudi warplanes collide in Saudi Arabia

Here is another irony. Saudi female pilots can fly jumbo jets in Saudi Arabia but can not drive cars....I know right.

Here is another irony. Saudi female air hostesses don't cover their faces on Saudi Arabian Airlines but cover it only when they are actually on the ground.
Naturally flying hours and jet experience makes a huge difference. In fact, both are quite proportional to each other....

Training method can also be a cause since you might have French pilots who usually train with Western countries practicing on BVR mode while you might have Saudi on the other hand who practice dog fights with middle eastern countries and or with countries like Pakistan.

Actually my father has a Saudi friend who was in Saudi Air Force and for the most part, his training consisted with Pakistanis. This was because Saudis actually praised and trusted us with our experience. Maybe new methods of training have begun and there was lack of experience with new countries. It may be that Saudis are now looking at France and other Western countries as their major trainers now.

So because they trained with Pakistan they are dumb??

---------- Post added at 08:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 AM ----------

Here is another irony. Saudi female air hostesses don't cover their faces on Saudi Arabian Airlines but cover it only when they are actually on the ground.

Here is another Irony in Saudi western region Saudi women rarely cover their faces at all...
So because they trained with Pakistan they are dumb??

---------- Post added at 08:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 AM ----------

Here is another Irony in Saudi western region Saudi women rarely cover their faces at all...

When Pakistan shot down RAF Typhoons with their vintage 1970s F-16s, one of PAF pilot said that Western air forces are usually trained with BVR mode. We on the other hand are on dog fight. The fight that got a Typhoon to get shot down by an F-16 was a Dog Fight.

Check this out:
RAF Eurofighter Typhoons 'beaten by Pakistani F-16s' ? The Register

Pakistanis have been training Saudi pilots for a very long time. This is a fact you simply cannot deny. Don't forget that we shot down intruders form:
Russia, Israel, India, and now UK.

Saudi lacked experience with France. That must be the main reason. The same goes with France. It lacked experience with SA.

I must agree that SA must stop training with us. They need to be more independent...
When Pakistan shot down RAF Typhoons with their vintage 1970s F-16s, one of PAF pilot said that Western air forces are usually trained with BVR mode. We on the other hand are on dog fight. The fight that got a Typhoon to get shot down by an F-16 was a Dog Fight.

Check this out:
RAF Eurofighter Typhoons 'beaten by Pakistani F-16s' ? The Register

Pakistanis have been training Saudi pilots for a very long time. This is a fact you simply cannot deny. Don't forget that we shot down intruders form:
Russia, Israel, India, and now UK.

Saudi lacked experience with France. That must be the main reason. The same goes with France. It lacked experience with SA.

I must agree that SA must stop training with us. They need to be more independent...

When did I imply that we need to stop training with PAF?? If we stop training with everyone in the world PAF we will keep on training with. And independent?? By stopping training?? :lol:
When did I imply that we need to stop training with PAF?? If we stop training with everyone in the world PAF we will keep on training with.

I'm not saying that Saudis should stop training with everyone. They should stop or limit it with us Pakistanis. Partly, the reason is because of Iran. We Pakistanis don't wanna get in trouble. We would like to have friendly relations with Iran, our neighbour. That will be possible if things like this are stopped or limited.

Experience with France and other Western countries sound great because you indead need to move on now and to achieve their experience. That will help your pilots to have more confidence... Yes i did state that when both sides crashed their jets, it was dumb because your experience shows....! But on the other hand, moving on besides Pakistan is a good thing because its part of the learning process. I am saying all this in your favour buddy. I have no interest. :woot:

Saudis considering buying ready made nuclear bombs or transfer in tech from Pakistan is another kind of prime example or problem, to look at. IMO, those should not be given in any way as it would cause trouble. We don't want another AQ-Khan to get negative image in the world.
Mosammania's Quote: Here is another Irony in Saudi western region Saudi women rarely cover their faces at all...[/QUOTE]

My Answer: This isn't an irony. What you are saying here is a fact! :rofl:
Mosammania's Quote: Here is another Irony in Saudi western region Saudi women rarely cover their faces at all...

My Answer: This isn't an irony. What you are saying here is a fact! :rofl:[/QUOTE]

No $hit Sherlock I was just keeping the "Irony" theme going :P
My father trained many Saudi Pilots. He said they were very ignorant and got beaten with belts by our commandos for insulting a senior drill instructor.
My father trained many Saudi Pilots. He said they were very ignorant and got beaten with belts by our commandos for insulting a senior drill instructor.

And that was how many years ago??
@ Mosammania:

Well things don't change. Whether its 1 or 100 years in Saudi Arabia.

Tell me if you say Yes or No to this Qn.


If you say YES then that means real change hasn't arrived yet. Countries in absolute monarchy historically brought no change amongst it own people. Go do your research...

If you say NO, then its just obvious that there will never be change. History doesnt lie.

This should answer all of your Qns about change.
70's. This was in Karachi. If you're interested I could tell you the whole story.

Exactly 70s and not the current generation. You won't find things like these in our generation and by the next generation from the looks of it it is only getting better.

---------- Post added at 10:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 AM ----------

@ Mosammania:

Well things don't change. Whether its 1 or 100 years in Saudi Arabia.

Tell me if you say Yes or No to this Qn.


If you say YES then that means real change hasn't arrived yet. Countries in absolute monarchy historically brought no change amongst it own people. Go do your research...

If you say NO, then its just obvious that there will never be change. History doesnt lie.

This should answer all of your Qns about change.

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Exactly 70s and not the current generation. You won't find things like these in our generation and by the next generation from the looks of it it is only getting better.

---------- Post added at 10:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 AM ----------

How does this video actually show proof? These are just statements that can be made by anyone like you, me, wikipedia, etc. You expect lyrics to be the voices of people right? Well you haven't answers my last question bu anyways, i have another for you.

While there was uprising in the Middle East, a country like Saudi Arabia too had some protestors as well. I dont need to tell you this because it is something you know. However, what i'm interested in asking you is, how come we don't see the same protestors of yours anymore? i know you might give me a different answer but the truth remains that your Royal Family just gave them and to rest of citizens money to shut the hell up. Change is on your country's way buddy... :rofl:
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How does this video actually show proof? These are just statements that can be made by anyone like you, me, wikipedia, etc. You expect lyrics to be the voices of people right? Well you haven't answers my last question bu anyways, i have another for you.

While there was uprising in the Middle East, a country like Saudi Arabia too had some protestors as well. I dont need to tell you this because it is something you know. However, what i'm interested in asking you is, how come we don't see the same protestors of yours? i know you might give me a different answer but the truth remains that your Royal Family just gave them and to all citizens money to shut the hell up. Change is on your country's way buddy... :rofl:


You know I don't know if you are trolling or just really stupid. Changes happen everywhere. Not you or anyone else can stop it. Comparing a generation of only close to 30-40% literacy rate to today's is like comparing a spaceship to a tricycle.

The royal family will stay not because they are giving money. But because people like it and so far like its policies. The only people you will find calling for their overthrow are people who hold 10th of Muharram as a holiday and beat the crap out of themselves. And they are only doing that because their Supreme-Leader tells them to. Which in fact renders them non-Saudi by default.

Oh and I know you hate Saudi Arabia with the bottom of your soul but wither you like it or not we are kicking A$$ and we are continuing to be an A$$-kicking country (Excuse my American).
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