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French, Saudi warplanes collide in Saudi Arabia

As far as i know, no air force of the world has female fighter pilots??? I thought they wereall done with their experimenting and finally said 'NO' to the "female-fighter-pilot-theory' Or am I wrong??

you're wrong. even RCAF has female fighter pilots.
Captain Riel "Guns" Erickson became the first female pilot to intercept a russian bomber over Arctic.


another famle pilot.


As far as i know, no air force of the world has female fighter pilots??? I thought they wereall done with their experimenting and finally said 'NO' to the "female-fighter-pilot-theory' Or am I wrong??

AFAIK the USAF, USN (not USMC),RCAF and FrAF all allow women into their fighter stream. There are swings and roundabouts clearly, for whatever reason these countries have decided they will take the chance of having female fighter pilots. Perhaps it is because they have more $, as one of the major arguments against allowing female fighter pilots is the exorbitant cost of training them only for them to leave a short time later to start a family, and hence they won't feel the cost as much. More than likely it is politics.

IMO the cost doesn't equal any benefit.
KSA: A country where women cannot drive but can fly jet fighters.
LOL, good one.

Frankly, it's amazing that this sort of thing doesn't happen more often.

They were undoubtedly doing training involving a merge to a visual fight. It is very easy to lose sight, and if both pilots do, and there is a conflicting flight path, BANG and you're now ejecting.

To get an idea how hard it is to see a fighter-sized airplane... the next time an airliner flies overhead, look at the airlplane at the head of the contrail. That airplane is a jumbo jet about 6 miles away. It is a tiny pin prick. Imagine now if it was a fighter. And six miles is close-ranged with modern weapons. An F-5 sized jet is invisible when nose on and outside of 2 miles. It is simply beyond the ability of the human eye to resolve. And two miles goes by in about 3 seconds at typical closure velocities.

Every movie ever made shows a fake air combat with the airplanes WAY too close, by a factor of about 50. They have to do this to make the film watchable. The reality of it is that your enemy is a tiny speck, even in a visual fight, and when you add 7 to 9 G's, your eye simply cannot resolve him.
I heard somewhere that women better sustain g loads. I wonder if its true.
Wait, we have female fighter pilots in Pakistan as well.

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The French mirage was flown by a french female pilot.

---------- Post added at 12:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 AM ----------

Lol. Nice one.
The good things both pilots are safe as far as plane is concerned not much problems for Saudi Arabia with all the money they have they could get a new one soon so that is not a problem but training a pilot causes a lot of effort and money to
Some people need to try to understand that flying a fighter jet isn't like playing a video game or shooting in just BVR... In a nutshell, Both pilots were dumb. I say they both lacked training in dog fight....
Some people need to try to understand that flying a fighter jet isn't like playing a video game or shooting in just BVR... In a nutshell, Both pilots were dumb. I say they both lacked training in dog fight....

And that you say with how much years and hours flying fighter jets experience??
And that you say with how much years and hours flying fighter jets experience??

Naturally flying hours and jet experience makes a huge difference. In fact, both are quite proportional to each other....

Training method can also be a cause since you might have French pilots who usually train with Western countries practicing on BVR mode while you might have Saudi on the other hand who practice dog fights with middle eastern countries and or with countries like Pakistan.

Actually my father has a Saudi friend who was in Saudi Air Force and for the most part, his training consisted with Pakistanis. This was because Saudis actually praised and trusted us with our experience. Maybe new methods of training have begun and there was lack of experience with new countries. It may be that Saudis are now looking at France and other Western countries as their major trainers now.
The French mirage was flown by a french female pilot.

---------- Post added at 12:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 AM ----------

Lol. Nice one.
Female pilot (French) can fly fighter planes in Saudi Arabia
but Saudi female can't drive cars
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Female pilot (French) can fly fighter planes in Saudi Arabia
but Saudi female can't drive cars
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Here is another irony. Saudi female pilots can fly jumbo jets in Saudi Arabia but can not drive cars....I know right.
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