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Free Tibet, Our Right: Tibetan exiles

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Question: Ignoring the 1962 war, what does Tibet have to do with India in the first place?

Chinese occupation over a free land, brutality, ethnic and cultural cleansing. It is not just India but the whole world has respect for Tibetan's fight and the Dalai Lama.
Question: Ignoring the 1962 war, what does Tibet have to do with India in the first place?

1000 and 1000s of years of cultural and religious linkage.

Long live Indo-Tibetan friendship.
Its only ignorant westerners who like to put India on par with China, when in reality India is an artificial construct. India is such a backward country.

I'd rather smoke hashish than give up my right to have children. :)
LMAO, the Maoists will surely take over India first.

We need to increase funding for all Maoist groups in India and also all the Jihadist groups.

China was too soft back in 1959, only responding with the 1962 war and arming Pakistan with nukes. Now that we are stronger we can really start to support the separatist groups in India.
lolz look at this Hindu Taliban supporting terrorism , Pakistan and China should do joint operations in India and clear it from terror.
Brother do you think that it is necessary.
we have been morally supporting their cause, but we have made it strick that no armed rebelion against China to the Tibetien Exciles in india.
One Maoist soldier can shoot thousand of Indian soldiers in reality. :coffee:

Most Indians are impoverished and uneducated. Don't worry man. The only nuclear missile working in India is prithvi.

China and Pakistan can launch a joint invasion of India, and we can split the spoils of war together.
I see everybody is getting naughty here - You guys need to take some time off.

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Though I don't see much hope for Tibet's independence so it should be given total internal autonomy & the Tibetan cabinet should consist only of ethnic Tibetans & not Han Chinese.
Also multi party elections must be allowed in Tibet.
Fhew.... here comes the police.. guys now you should behave yourself for sure...:azn:
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