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Free alcohol, hangovers, bisexual friends and a girl called Boozie Suzie ...

I dont mind it either. Come on.. he is not doing anything! :lol:

But yeah.. it is a problem. You cant have a bad leader.

Otherwise, next thing you know all the PPP fans are on with the booozie and suzie!!

Billawal isn't a politician he is the son of Benazir Bhutto, and the chiarman of the PPP he hasn't even started his politcal career, anyways its normal to hang out with you mates even if they are called Boozie and Suzie but this looks like speculation again its propoganda, people hang out its normal.
Billawal isn't a politician he is the son of Benazir Bhutto, and the chiarman of the PPP he hasn't even started his politcal career, anyways its normal to hang out with you mates even if they are called Boozie and Suzie but this looks like speculation again its propoganda, people hang out its normal.

His just pisshead like his grandad......and mushy.....ayub....ect.
We have a long and historic line of drunkards leading the country.
this is PAKIstan, "land of the pure", not drunkards. we need to elect honourable leaders. trash ruling this country should not be tolerated even if it is from the Bhutto Dynasty.
As-Salaamu Alaikum

The future of Pakistan is currently looking very bleak and a dark fog is appearing which could have been averted if the pakistani populous had elected a wise leader not corrupt people like sharif and bhutto but instead as pakistanis do (no offence meant), they did not use their heads but made an emotional choice and elect socialists. Insha'Allah I hope i am wrong but Pakistanis should be preparing for the worst and possibly the inevitable.
80% of the PPP top leaders are socialist and Bhutto himself was part of that group, Benazir stepped away from socialist politics for which I wish she shouldn't have, the party is runned by them they are very influential and in the Past have they have said they would bring back the old Bhutto party, and now is the present.

But those pictures of Billawal are normal I hang out with my friends maybe you should try hanging out rather than sit in a dark room and write hate comment about the new Chairman of PPP:lol:.

But anyways this what you call a ignorant drunk general.

HA HA HA And you claim to be an open minded person but blinded and willing to claim any thing to make your point without facts to back it up.
before you attack some ones character do u even no what that drink is in his glass.
pour an apple juice in glass and top will foam up alcohol doesn't unless its beer.And:crazy: you are going to claim that Chinese premier prefers to drink beer in wine glasses when heads of other countries are visiting.:rofl:
His just pisshead like his grandad......and mushy.....ayub....ect.
We have a long and historic line of drunkards leading the country.

Not just drunkards, honest drunkards though in many cases. I do not drink but I will tell you this, I respect a man who drinks, yet does not eat from that which belongs to someone else. I have seen our namaazi politicians eat up the properties of all and sundry without giving two hoots. Pakistan would do better without these who wear their deen on the sleeve.
Given the adventures of Zardari, I am not very hopeful about Bilawal.

BTW, the drunkard who gets the most flogging, Yahya Khan, was an honest person devoid of all provincialism and favoritism. When he died, he had a small house and a plot to his name. That was it. No lakhs, no millions...nothing else. He had his ills but he did not steal from the country. He did not enrich himself and he tried his best the keep the country together.

The same goes for Musharraf (although he is no way a "drunkard", I hope you understand the difference). ;)
really? then why did governor of NY,Mr Spitzer ; was forced to resign when to slept with a prostitute? And this is in US the most "free" country

Character says it all
The primary reason leading to Elliot Spitzer's resignation wasn't his habit of seeking the services of a prostitute or that he cheated on his wife for that matter, but rather because in his prior position as the state's Attorney General he viciously went after and prosecuted prostitution rings. His grandest faux pas was gross hypocrisy not infidelity, something the new governor has already admitted to and an ex-president was caught for. Also, given that prostitution is illegal in the state of New York (granted there are legal loopholes that can be exploited in such cases when they get to court) the governor was actually caught breaking the law. That he was the former Attorney General makes it even worse.

Bilawal has not committed a crime, nor has anything been proven. Furthermore, I have as yet to see a good argument as to why his personal habits as a 19 year old college student in the UK has anything to do with his potential position of leadership in Pakistan.

Also, what does the US's supposed title of the world's most "free" nation have anything to do with the governor's resignation? If you actually meant to say "liberal" then I have to point out that the USA is not the world's most liberal nation.

thorosius said:
Sorry man!
Pakistan's ful name is "Islami Jamhuriya Pakistan" and we are Muslims.
That may be. However Pakistan is nowhere nearly as religious in it's socio-political matters as many other nations, nor is Pakistan a theocratic state. Also, as I've said before, virtually every prior Pakistani leader has indulged in un-Islamic activities in their private life. So I find it a bit hard to belive that all of a sudden Bilawal has to be held to a higher standard.
Who cares if he drinks alcohol or not. What's wrong with partying with friends? Anyone who disses him for having fun in life is just jealous.
HA HA HA And you claim to be an open minded person but blinded and willing to claim any thing to make your point without facts to back it up.
before you attack some ones character do u even no what that drink is in his glass.
pour an apple juice in glass and top will foam up alcohol doesn't unless its beer.And:crazy: you are going to claim that Chinese premier prefers to drink beer in wine glasses when heads of other countries are visiting.:rofl:

I didn't understand what you wrote but yeah here is another pic's of Shehba Musharraf drinking I dont know umm umm very darkish "apple juice" :devil: and yeah I too drink "apple juice" in a wine glass with lemon slice in it yeah. Hard to swallow isn't it when you see pic and not speculation:lol:.


Picasa Web Albums - santosh - funny pics

I didn't understand what you wrote but yeah here is another pic's of Shehba Musharraf drinking I dont know umm umm very darkish "apple juice" :devil: and yeah I too drink "apple juice" in a wine glass with lemon slice in it yeah. Hard to swallow isn't it when you see pic and not speculation:lol:.

You are totally right. This is in fact true, but none the less unfortunate and should be condemmed. But I am surprised to see the First Lady drink, I thought only President Musharraf drinked in the family.
The point is this act is not right no matter who is commitng it. Now as far as Biliwal is concerned he should not be indulging in such activities, if he wants to be a leader he must act like one. Just because one person does it that doesn't mean you have to do it. He must lead, be an example.
One thing is how ever good that Bilawal will not be contesting elections before 2014 bcz of his age.

If this parliament completes its term then Bilawal would have to wait till 2018.

we hope that he gets on the right path Like his father.Who too used to drink quite a lot but he after wards got on the right path and gave Pakistan

1)Islamic constitution.
2)Nuclear power.
3)Steel mills.
4)Pakistan China friendship.
5)Kamra aeronautical complex.

and many more.PLUS he was the one who was most strict and HARDLINE in matters of KASHMIR.
One thing is how ever good that Bilawal will not be contesting elections before 2014 bcz of his age.
If this parliament completes its term then Bilawal would have to wait till 2018.
we hope that he gets on the right path Like his father.Who too used to drink quite a lot but he after wards got on the right path and gave Pakistan

1)Islamic constitution.
2)Nuclear power.
3)Steel mills.
4)Pakistan China friendship.
5)Kamra aeronautical complex.

and many more.PLUS he was the one who was most strict and HARDLINE in matters of KASHMIR.

First of all all I think you got it mixed up. Bilawal's father is Mr.10%(Zaradari) and not Zulfikar Ali Bhutto as you are referring to here.
Now as far as drinking is concerned Bhutto never gave up drinking.
Now lets get to the list you have provided for us.
1-Islamic Constitution- From day one of Pakistan's independence we have had Islamic law or an Islamic Constitution. We have had 3 Constitutions and all of them have been Islamic.
2-Nuclear Power- Our Nuclear program was started by Field Marshall Ayub Khan, but it was true that Bhutto did play a major part in it and if you want to give him all the credit for the program that is not fair but it is true he deserves most of the credit.
3-Stell Mills- Many people have this one very wrong that it was Bhutto that started our Steel Mills. Our Stell Mills were actually started by Prime Minister Laiquat Ali Khan, in around 1950. But Field Marshall Ayub Khan transformed it into what it is today, but Bhutto did advance on it, but nonetheless most of the credit goes to Laiquat Ali and Ayub Khan.
4-Pakistan China Friendship- Now this one is indeed a tricky one and everyone has their own opinions. Pak-Sino Freindship blossomed in the early 60s right after China's war with India. We needed a friend and China was their. Now this friendship happened during President Ayub Khans government but Bhutto was the Foreign Minister at the time. And he was the one involved in all the talks and it is his policy that is being used till today so if you want to give him credit thats fine with me.
5-Kamra aeronautical complex- Now this one I dont have much knowledge on so I will not comment. But this project was launched during the Bhutto regime.
Now all the things listed above credit can go to anyone. If someone is getting the credit, it is not because they have done something it is because they were their at the right time so they got the credit. What I mean to say is that all these things were bound to happen no matter who was in power. For example Nazaw takes all the credit for making Pakistan a nuclear power, but I know for a fact even if Benazir was in charge under those circumstances she would of done the same, if I was their I would of done the same. But some things can be attributed to solely one individual but the things above were bound to happen regardless.

It is cranberry jucie that Mrs Musharraf is drinking. I think you are reading too much into it.

A 19 years old is going to act like one---doesn't make any difference if it is boozie suzie, jenny hotpants or susan takes all---. Give the kid a break

You people keep talking about Zardari and what an example he is---are you forgetting about Benazir RIP--- maybe you guys were not even born when she was active---trust me she had no inhibitions---she would have taught Zardari a few tricks of her own---let me put it to you this way---when they met, Zardari was a novice compared to her.
Being young and naive ... is it all that i needed as a young officer to go out and making a fool out my self ... gosh i never knew that it was so easy .. :D
As far as My friend, Mr (change the name) Bhutto sahib is concerned .... i am sure his first words would have been ... Prime Minister ....since childhood he knows that he has a role to play in the pakistani political arena ... should that not bring some responsibility in his attitude .... should his parents not be concerned about his doings. But as we all know .. if the boob presser can be the next prime minister ... the drunken adulterer can have the prime seat as well ....
as far as his granday fatharay was concerned ..... what a leader he was ... a democratically elected leader of this country who needed to forge a federal security force .. somewhat on the lines of SS of Hitler to eliminate his political rivalries .... a production of Marshal Law (Ayub's Regime) he had the audacity to be a voice of Democracy .....
and the daughter of the east .. may ALLAH Almighty rest her soul in peace .....come on people there has to be some .. may b an ounce in the letter she wrote to an american senator ..... if there is ... i do not want to say any further since she is no more ..
and The mighty MR 10% ... what luck pakistan has .... and what leaders we have to live and put up with ....
my only complaint or the major one i must say to the general saab is ... He had promised a change .. but after a futile drill of 8 yrs .... here we are ... the very same ... Nawaz ... the 10 percent ... the gillani and the shujaat ... where is the change .....
we are proud to day that we have brought in a change ... but trust me ... this change is as worse as we have ever done before .... give me a few months .. then we the Pakistanis would want another change ... hunt the present down to bring in another lot of vagabonds ....
Paistanis have only two passtimes .... we make kings and then eat em :D :D
One thing is how ever good that Bilawal will not be contesting elections before 2014 bcz of his age.

If this parliament completes its term then Bilawal would have to wait till 2018.

we hope that he gets on the right path Like his father.Who too used to drink quite a lot but he after wards got on the right path and gave Pakistan

1)Islamic constitution.
2)Nuclear power.
3)Steel mills.
4)Pakistan China friendship.
5)Kamra aeronautical complex.

and many more.PLUS he was the one who was most strict and HARDLINE in matters of KASHMIR.

Ofcourse not to forget he ordered the murder of bengalis and the murder of balochs. The problems in balochistan are linked to him. He brutally murdered many balochis and the real freedom struggle actually started only in his time.

We lost bangladesh during his idiotic rule and he ordered a major military operation on balochistan where many innocents were killed (same as bangladesh). I have no respect for this man. A Chinese business team which wanted to build bridges and roads in Pakistan for business was sent back by him because he was not able to get any money out of them. His extreme corruption and idiotic nationalization is also well known and cost the nation a lot. His stupid division of wealth destroyed our multinational companies that actually brought wealth into the nation.

Please don't present the idiot with a lust for power as a hero. He started up the nuclear program fine but at what cost to our beloved nation. We lost 55% of our population when bangladesh broke up. Had we not had a power-hungry **** like him as a prime minister there would be no problem. His roti kapra makan enslaved the poor population and he ensured they would not be educated. Literacy rate did not increase at all under his rule & people remained poor as a result. When he got to power he ignored those who brought him and only thing that was common under his rule was a "free food handout" and PPP has won elections the same way today by offering escape to the poor but they have always kept them uneducated and weak so they can be controlled. Even Benazir did the same thing. Its sad to see things progress the way they are. This family is an insult to Pakistan and i hate them all.

Its also us ordinary Pakistanis fault. Why we accepted Yahya & Zulfiqars idiocy and did not let Mujib rule? We should have protested as the rule is that majority wins but we did'nt because we had voted for the idiot.

And guess what did we accept current election results or not? That is we accept PPP & PMLN despite the fact that their leaders are extremely corrupt bastards. I am so enraged at the results i'd rather be out protesting. I have absolutely no respect for bhutto or anyone associated with her. There is no doubt about Zardaris corruption as proven by the polo grounds and swiss bank cases. It will be a very sad day for us if anyone from his stupid family comes to power. Zia ul Haq made a major mistake by leaving this the bastards daughter. Now the terrorists made a major mistake by leaving her drunkard of a son and 2 daughters.
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