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Free alcohol, hangovers, bisexual friends and a girl called Boozie Suzie ...

billawal is only 19, no one was given a choice about his accession to the throne of being chairman of ppp, or infact evene asif zardari. these are all feudals or thieves who stole so much they are classed as feudals. az was known as a tout selling cinema tickets. where is the democracy in the ppp, pml n.
zab was not a democrat but a feudal, he did not accept mujib as the most popular leader, he was power hungry. bb was worse as she was stupid and corrupt, but now is or soon will be a peer with a mazar next to abdullah shah gazi.

people who support these so called democrats are either stupidly niaeve or traitors.
i am old enough to know that zab nationalised all things and reduced land ownership size so as to limit the power of feudals in north punjab and nwfp. however he did not do this in sind and the saraiki belt of s punjab. he of course was from the sind provence and mukhdoom syed yousuf gillani is from multan, s punjab, another big feudal whose only topic will be poor people.
the people get the leaders they deserve and our people must be rubbish. surprisingly mqm is made up of middleclass people, which reflects in the focus of their governance in their centre of power. karachi is head, shoulders knees and toes above any other area of pakistan.
What really hurts me is that this FAMILY MONARCHY will go on... is there a ending? Is Pakistan their dynasty? Just becuz he's a bhutto kid, what other qualification he has to LEAD pakistan? Does he have something special that an ordinary 19 year old of Pakistan doesn't have?

Mrs.Musharraf may be drinking 'Malt drink Barbican' or 'moussy' or even Apple juice....
i'm going to voice myself again, pakistan is the land for the pure, not for drunk ****. fortunately, revealing those pictures will ruin bilawal's chances for becoming PM. we don't need an immature brat running our country.
Every one is bashing the politicians right now but why do we forget we gave them the mandate. Only if we really did hold our politicians responsible to us, but no we for give after a couple of years and give them everything a couple of years later.
i'm going to voice myself again, pakistan is the land for the pure, not for drunk ****. fortunately, revealing those pictures will ruin bilawal's chances for becoming PM. we don't need an immature brat running our country.

My Hon friend, you must be naive to the extreme. When it comes to voting people dont give a fig whether anyone drinks or is a womanizer. I have personally seen many politicians both from the ML and from the PPP who drink openly like a fish. Not long ago I had chance meeting with a PPP stalwart (he has already been elected in the current assembly) who shall remain nameless, in Dubai. All I can say is that both he and his wife were drinking heavily and this was during Ramadhan.

My point is; whether Bilawal drinks or not wont have any bearing on his chances as a future Pakistani PM. Pray tell what is a greater sin; fornication or drinking??. Just read the book by Tahmina, ex wife of Khar. She has admitted that she was sleeping with Khar while married to another. Also she has written that Khar seduced her sister while Khar was still married to her. Did any one prosecute Ghulam Mustafa Khar or does any one ever, including MMA object to him because of this.

Reason why same people, no matter how corrupt, get elected again and again, is that Pakistani voter does not vote based upon isses but based on his feeling. They get the leaders they deserve.

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