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France starts ban on full-face veil

Are you serious???? I'm seriously disappointed in you man, I thought you were one of the sensible ones.


:lol: ephone is still viewing the thread:pop:
When I offer certain criticism against some bad practices in current muslim countries/communities, I was labeled as anti-islam, CIA, pathological liar, hitler, indian imposter, and etc. Some people are just really "creative".

Some members wrote stuff to be against me while what they try to write against was never said by me. Well, they do not even bother to read for one minute at all.

When I defend China's position for reclaim of Taiwan and South China Sea, it seems that nobody say I am an Indian or other things. It is just so weird that I was even labelled as anti-China here by certain members.

Well, when I discuss issue related to South Tibet and indeed I think that is part of China territories, I got tons of attacks from Indian members.

In addition, when I try to offer my opinion related to two state solutions: Israel and Palestine, I suggest that division of Jerusalem is absolutely necessary to have a possible long lasting peace. Well, certain jewish members do not agree with me and insist that they will never give up jerusalem. Even then, the discussion is civil and nobody from their sides attacked me with this much energy. I think IPakMan can verify that.

Well, I indeed mentioned that there won't be peace between the two if the the settlement building is not stopped and Jerusalem is not divided. Palestinians cannot defeat Israel since they just do not have the ability. While Israel has the ability but human right issues prevent them from doing so. Well, guess from whom I got the most attacks???

I am strongly against separatists in China and strongly advocate severe punishments against those who have committed such crimes. However, I was once even labelled as "Falun Gong" even though I thought and publicly said those are just simply nuts.

What kinds of additional labels and attacks you can throw at me???

Well, some members here say I have conflicts with many Chinese members. First, not like some Chinese members who like to boast Chinese military power as if China can top U.S. in any day, kick India, Japan or any country's butt in any time, I simply hope they refrain themselves from doing so. Let alone we indeed do not reach that level yet. Even when we reach that level, When Ming Emperor YongLe sent ZhengHe and his fleet to South China, India, Mid-East and even Africa, even with the most powerful navy then, did you see China reflex its muscle then for conquer or simply for TRADE???

In addition, not like certain Chinese member who likely to bring IQ issue in every discussion, Indian's IQ, Chinese IQ, Jews' IQ... blah, blah, blah... as if he is the expert on IQ even though he just simply copy/paste stuff from all over the internet without even knowing what is the truth behind those sources.

China is a developing country. Certain Chinese members seem to feel that they suddenly get to the top when they see a skyscraper built in China. Can we Chinese keep our tradition and be a little modest???
nope..it wouldnt surprise me since there are many of them in Turkey..i respect their choice but its impossible for me to support israel because of its policies..when are you gonna stop thinking that some people oppose israel because its a jewish state?

Some people do oppose Israel because it is a Jewish state, not all, definitely some.
Not you i`d imagine, your opposition is more ideological than racism. For example, my ideology and way of life is contrary to yours, so we dislike each other very much.
When I offer certain criticism against some bad practices in current muslim countries/communities, I was labeled as anti-islam, CIA, pathological liar, hitler, indian imposter, and etc. Some people are just really "creative".

Some members wrote stuff to be against me while what they try to write against was never said by me. Well, they do not even bother to read for one minute at all.

When I defend China's position for reclaim of Taiwan and South China Sea, it seems that nobody say I am an Indian or other things. It is just so weird that I was even labelled as anti-China here by certain members.

Well, when I discuss issue related to South Tibet and indeed I think that is part of China territories, I got tons of attacks from Indian members.

In addition, when I try to offer my opinion related to two state solutions: Israel and Palestine, I suggest that division of Jerusalem is absolutely necessary to have a possible long lasting peace. Well, certain jewish members do not agree with me and insist that they will never give up jerusalem. Even then, the discussion is civil and nobody from their sides attacked me with this much energy. I think IPakMan can verify that.

Well, I indeed mentioned that there won't be peace between the two if the the settlement building is not stopped and Jerusalem is not divided. Palestinians cannot defeat Israel since they just do not have the ability. While Israel has the ability but human right issues prevent them from doing so. Well, guess from whom I got the most attacks???

I am strongly against separatists in China and strongly advocate severe punishments against those who have committed such crimes. However, I was once even labelled as "Falun Gong" even though I thought and publicly said those are just simply nuts.

What kinds of additional labels and attacks you can throw at me???

Well, some members here say I have conflicts with many Chinese members. First, not like some Chinese members who like to boast Chinese military power as if China can top U.S. in any day, kick India, Japan or any country's butt in any time, I simply hope they refrain themselves from doing so. Let alone we indeed do not reach that level yet. Even when we reach that level, When Ming Emperor YongLe sent ZhengHe and his fleet to South China, India, Mid-East and even Africa, even with the most powerful navy then, did you see China reflex its muscle then for conquer or simply for TRADE???

In addition, not like certain Chinese member who likely to bring IQ issue in every discussion, Indian's IQ, Chinese IQ, Jews' IQ... blah, blah, blah... as if he is the expert on IQ even though he just simply copy/paste stuff from all over the internet without even knowing what is the truth behind those sources.

China is a developing country. Certain Chinese members seem to feel that they suddenly get to the top when they see a skyscraper built in China. Can we Chinese keep our tradition and be a little modest???


All Chinese members should understand this proverb, but too bad you are not Chinese. :pop:
I support the ban. The burqa is extreme. I also support banning turbans in public often worn by Sikhs as this can potentially pose a security threat.
hmm..so banning burqas will lower the chances of rubbery.
and look at the source:barenakedislam pfff

bro take it from a pakistani we of all people have most experience of all how burqas/niqabs are a security threat many suicide bombers and taliban leaders on the run have used burqas/niqabs .Think of it logically cultural bias aside something like the burqa that prevents people from knowing who you are is a blatant security issue.
Some people do oppose Israel because it is a Jewish state, not all, definitely some.
Not you i`d imagine, your opposition is more ideological than racism. For example, my ideology and way of life is contrary to yours, so we dislike each other very much.

i dont think our way of life differs greatly..you would label me as a "secular Turk" when you see me..i simply dont want east jerusalem belongs to you..you are trying to take over it..so that we are and will be some sort of enemies..i hope Turkish policy wont change in the future.
I support the ban. The burqa is extreme. I also support banning turbans in public often worn by Sikhs as this can potentially pose a security threat.

Many disagree with u bro....... Or should i say majority disagrees.......... But u have ur own opinion..... n im nobdy to force u to change it.
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