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France starts ban on full-face veil

Well, instead of portraying your hypocrisy on this forum, maybe your country should not deal with countries that practice Sharia law such as Saudi Arabia.

Little kid, such hatred toward Muslims does not seem to be the norm of Chinese people I have met in person and on this forum. Seems like your are the exception who would rather lick the boots of the West.

The trade is bi-directional. Do not forget that. Without selling its oil, Saudi probably drink its salty water to death.

BTW, I do NOT hate muslims. I have mentioned more than once that I have friends from high school and college who are moderate muslims. In China, we do not have that full-facial covered stupid clothes that muslim men force their women to wear.

I do have great disgust over those backward practices in certain muslim countries.

Do not confuse the two.
Apparently you still live in your past glory that happened to die out several hundreds of years ago.

About Oklahoma, well, I have never lived there.

You do not like western countries? Well, they represent currently the most advanced technology on earth now.

The Europeans are waking up to the influx of muslim population that has caused great unrest in their countries.

You believe in creationism and live in Oklahoma, no surprise here.

The last time they woke up, it was the Muslims waking Europe out of the dark ages !!!

What the European's are waking up to now?
The trade is bi-directional. Do not forget that. Without selling its oil, Saudi probably drink its salty water to death.

BTW, I do NOT hate muslims. I have mentioned more than once that I have friends from high school and college who are moderate muslims. In China, we do not have that full-facial covered stupid clothes that muslim men force their women to wear.

I do have great disgust over those backward practices in certain muslim countries.

Do not confuse the two.

How old are you ? 12? Didn't the other Muslims on this forum not say that those women protesting against the ban are wearing the veil by choice NOT by force?
Bi-directional trade is not the issue. I was simply pointing out that since you clearly have negative view towards Islamic law maybe you should buy your oil from elsewhere and not have to deal with Saudi Arabia at all. Moreover, your country is interested in investing in Gwadar port so it can have access to the Middle East (all those fundis!!!)

Lastly, you have no right to interfere in our religion and tell us how we should practice it... If you don't like the hijab, niqab, etc DO NOT do business with Muslim countries and go f8ck yourself. However, keep in mind, in this world split between the East and West, the natural allies of China will be Muslims.
ephoney : you are stupid and ignorant who want to impose his personal like or dislike on others. Who are you to dictate others about what they should wear. These dress code are backward for you but not for those who wear it by their own personal choice. Do mind ur own buisness as no one forcing ur wife or sister to wear it...grow ur heart and mind and dont repeat same nonsense again and again when you cannot bring any counter arguement to defend ur point. You said women in islam have no right, i gave detail response in previous post which you did not bothered to read and then you said this dress code is threat for security. I asked how? No response again lol so stop this crap now if you cannot bring valid arguement
ephoney : you are stupid and ignorant who want to impose his personal like or dislike on others. Who are you to dictate others about what they should wear. These dress code are backward for you but not for those who wear it by their own personal choice. Do mind ur own buisness as no one forcing ur wife or sister to wear it...grow ur heart and mind and dont repeat same nonsense again and again when you cannot bring any counter arguement to defend ur point. You said women in islam have no right, i gave detail response in previous post which you did not bothered to read and then you said this dress code is threat for security. I asked how? No response again lol so stop this crap now if you cannot bring valid arguement

I doubt this clown is Chinese...
Chinese people I have come to know have much more class that this character .. notice how other Chinese members are not defending his argument other than the usual jew from israel and our wonderful bharati hindu friends
Farooq so you're saying that whoever disagrees or has an opinion... they're either a jew or hindu? Dude grow a pair and realize not everyone will agree with your opinion. That includes the Chinese as well.

Farooq so you're saying that whoever disagrees or has an opinion... they're either a jew or hindu? Dude grow a pair and realize not everyone will agree with your opinion. That includes the Chinese as well.


When did I ever say that everyone will always agree with me?
I doubt this clown is Chinese...
Chinese people I have come to know have much more class that this character .. notice how other Chinese members are not defending his argument other than the usual jew from israel and our wonderful bharati hindu friends

You are right . He look like hitler lol i mean at least read what others say or bring any counter arguement. He was doing criticism for sake of cricticism.
First, I do believe some muslim women wear it voluntarily. I have never denied it. However, there are also many muslim women who are intimidated by their muslim males to wear it involuntarily.

Second, about not buying oil from Saudi, well, how about modern world does not sell anything to Saudi? How does that sound? Do not over-estimate Saudi's power.

Third, about Gwadar port, if you are from Pakistan, you should appreciate China's selfless help towards Pakistan. China has done far more for Pakistan than the other way around. BTW, how much do we ask you for return? Considering what U.S. has asked for Pakistan for return when U.S. gives anything to Pakistan, China is far more generous. Pakistan need China far more than China need Pakistan.

Fourth, I do not interfere with your religion. What you practice behind your door, it is none of my business if it does not hurt any people including women as well. However, in western countries, or any other non religious countries, your religion does need obey the law within each country. Your religion is smaller compared with the state power. We do not care whoever your god is. When the law asks you to take that burqa off, you have to take it off.

China indeed has common interest with muslim countries in many levels. However, that does not make we have to listen to those nonsense practised in certain muslim countries including forcing women to wear burqa and etc, taking away women's equal rights, practising honor killing and harboring those rapists, killing those who want to leave islam and convert to other religions, practicing those brutal circumcision on virgin women and etc.

The government may tolerate in certain sense but in civilian level, I do have to express my disgust over those brutal backward practices in certain muslim countries.

BTW, none of the muslims here seem to like to answer my questions posted earlier:

What if a muslim woman refuses to wear burka or hijab??? Will she be not bothered/harmed by any muslim men?

What if a muslim woman/man wants to leave islam and converts to another religion? Can she/he do that freely without being harmed?

What if a muslim woman wants to work and have equal rights as man??? Will she be granted such rights?

In the end, for those who question whether I am Chinese, I am 100% Chinese from Northeast China.

How old are you ? 12? Didn't the other Muslims on this forum not say that those women protesting against the ban are wearing the veil by choice NOT by force?
Bi-directional trade is not the issue. I was simply pointing out that since you clearly have negative view towards Islamic law maybe you should buy your oil from elsewhere and not have to deal with Saudi Arabia at all. Moreover, your country is interested in investing in Gwadar port so it can have access to the Middle East (all those fundis!!!)

Lastly, you have no right to interfere in our religion and tell us how we should practice it... If you don't like the hijab, niqab, etc DO NOT do business with Muslim countries and go f8ck yourself. However, keep in mind, in this world split between the East and West, the natural allies of China will be Muslims.
I doubt this clown is Chinese...
Chinese people I have come to know have much more class that this character .. notice how other Chinese members are not defending his argument other than the usual jew from israel and our wonderful bharati hindu friends

The Hindus are with their Chinese brothers.

Islamic Men themselves can wear Burkha if they want in Islamic countries.

What if China bans Burkha? Non of your Concern. It is Chinese people and Chinese Government. They decide theirs.

Similarly, It is for the French to decide in France and same for the Indians.
First, I do believe some muslim women wear it voluntarily. I have never denied it. However, there are also many muslim women who are intimidated by their muslim males to wear it involuntarily.

This should be none of your concern.. please stay out of our business

Second, about not buying oil from Saudi, well, how about modern world does not sell anything to Saudi? How does that sound? Do not over-estimate Saudi's power.

Seems like you have trouble comprehending a simple statement. Read the previous post I was not talking about the rest of the world. I was only talking about China. Given the current climate and it's rapidly growing economy, China would never boycott Saudi oil based on an ideological difference.

Third, about Gwadar port, if you are from Pakistan, you should appreciate China's selfless help towards Pakistan. China has done far more for Pakistan than the other way around. BTW, how much do we ask you for return? Considering what U.S. has asked for Pakistan for return when U.S. gives anything to Pakistan, China is far more generous. Pakistan need China far more than China need Pakistan.

I have said many times on this forum that as a Pakistani I appreciate the assistance from China. In fact, I believe China is a stronger and more trust-worthy ally of Pakistan than most Muslims countries not just non-Muslim countries.

Fourth, I do not interfere with your religion. What you practice behind your door, it is none of my business if it does not hurt any people including women as well. However, in western countries, or any other non religious countries, your religion does need obey the law within each country. Your religion is smaller compared with the state power. We do not care whoever your god is. When the law asks you to take that burqa off, you have to take it off.

My opinion is that in response to anti-Isalmic laws in the eurotrash countries, Muslims should migrate back to their native countries and work to better their motherland. I know it is easier said than done.

China indeed has common interest with muslim countries in many levels. However, that does not make we have to listen to those nonsense practised in certain muslim countries including forcing women to wear burqa and etc, taking away women's equal rights, practising honor killing and harboring those rapists, killing those who want to leave islam and convert to other religions, practicing those brutal circumcision on virgin women and etc.

A lot of the the things you mentioned have nothing to do with Islam. You have been watching too much fox News

The government may tolerate in certain sense but in civilian level, I do have to express my disgust over those brutal backward practices in certain muslim countries.

blah.. blah ... blah.. more nonsense...
Islamic Men themselves can wear Burkha if they want in Islamic countries.

What if China bans Burkha? Non of your Concern. It is Chinese people and Chinese Government. They decide theirs.

Similarly, It is for the French to decide in France and same for the Indians.

The Hindus are with their Chinese brothers.
Tell that to your bharati media :laugh:

I can guarantee you that China will NOT pass such laws. Why? Because China has many common interests with the Muslims/Islamic world, hence China would not pass such laws to disrupt relations with the Muslim world.
i hope india will pass a law like the united states has were cows cannot roam freely in the streets. :azn:
Tell that to your bharati media :laugh:

I can guarantee you that China will NOT pass such laws. Why? Because China has many common interests with the Muslims/Islamic world, hence China would not pass such laws to disrupt relations with the Muslim world.

India will not pass such a law as in France.

However, I am not aware as to how you can guarantee what China will do.

Are you aware of the restrictions that China already has as far as Islam is concerned?

Such restrictions as in China are not there in India.

Therefore, first know you facts before you comment and stand guarantee.
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