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France shocked by murder of nine-year-old Calais girl


Aug 13, 2013
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Thank you Schengen.


A nine-year-old girl has been found dead in woods just hours after being abducted from a play area close to her home in Calais, northern France.

French media quoted police sources saying the child, named locally as Chloe, had been raped and strangled.

A 38-year-old Polish national, recently released from prison, is being held by police over the murder, reports say.

The mayor of Calais said the town was in mourning and called for a memorial march on Thursday evening.

The flags on the town hall were being flown at half-mast, Natacha Bouchart said on Facebook.

Eyewitnesses said a man seized the girl at about 15:30 local time (13:30 GMT) on Wednesday as she was playing with a friend near her home in the port town.


The child was playing near her home in Calais when she was kidnapped

Her mother told French broadcaster BFMTV that she had left her alone for five minutes to change her two younger children, and returned to see the attacker forcing her daughter into a car.

Officers tracked down a red car with Polish number plates to the Dubrulle forest in the north of the town, Ms Bouchart told reporters.

The body of the girl was found nearby at about 17:15 local time. The man believed to be her attacker was apparently found close to the crime scene.

The suspect has a history of criminal violence and served prison sentences in both France and Poland, according to France's Le Parisien.

He was reportedly released just months ago after serving a six-year sentence. One of his victims, a 78-year-old woman, told Le Parisien she had been promised by police that he had been expelled to Poland.

France shocked by murder of nine-year-old Calais girl - BBC News

Really horrible thing to have happened.

Feel really sorry for the mother of the girl.
Wow, that's some sick stuff, was it reported if he has a history of pedophilia?

other than my condolences to the family, may she rest in peace.
what a sweet girl ... :(

that bastard must be punished in worst way possible :butcher:
hand him over to ISIS
This man was expelled from France and was banned from coming here again.
He was with his car and crossed the border without being worried....
If he couldn't cross back to France, he would have killed in the neighboring country, whether it be Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy or Spain. Would that be any better?
If he couldn't cross back to France, he would have killed in the neighboring country, whether it be Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy or Spain. Would that be any better?

He didn't want to go to Luxembourg or whatever he always came back in France to commit his crimes... He came back 2 times here after being expelled to Poland (and even went to jail 2times here..) he threatened a 78 years old with a knife,he even tried once to take a Gendarme's gun.... the question is why this kind of shit is still in liberty ?
He didn't want to go to Luxembourg or whatever he always came back in France to commit his crimes... He came back 2 times here after being expelled to Poland (and even went to jail 2times here..) he threatened a 78 years old with a knife,he even tried once to take a Gendarme's gun.... the question is why this kind of shit is still in liberty ?
Without Schengen, which you blamed, he would have been back in Poland. And then he would have killed again there. Ergo, the issue is nog Schengen, or open borders, but rather what is wrong with penal system(s) and/or mental care systems, so that this person gets sent out back on the street rather than be put away in jail or some treatment facility.
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