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France says Southern Libya now a "viper's nest" for Islamist militants

Yes. 17-19 hours.
I would include things like eating breakfast, dinner and taking small 5 minute break. But other than that, yes. :P

Its good you are disciplined and have ambition to follow your dreams in life.

Oh, I am not disciplined otherwise I would not be here on PDF. But I am slowly working at that.

Well, nothing big really. It's good to have ambitions but they must be realistic in order not to get very disappointed and thus burn out.

That's really insane. Not sure how you could do that. My limit is 10 hours. After that I can't concentrate anymore and I end up doing everything else. Also I don't think that it is possible to read that long on a subject such as chemical engineering without messing up at one point or forgetting more than half of it. At the end the pages that you are reading after let's say 6-7 hours of nearly constant reading are just what they are, some words on a paper. You read them but they just empty your head straight away. At least that's often happening with me when I have those moments of mine where I intend to read for more than 5-6 hours. Obviously that happens rarely anyway.:lol:
History should record how failing states act when they are at the end of their lives! There is a real split within pak people. It's virtually people vs army.

Neither the starter of this thread, nor the contents of the article mention the word Pakistan. Are you really having sleepless nights where "Pakistan" comes up and scares you?
I also just do homework for now. :lol:
This summer job as Neurologis will be my first serious job. :D

I dont count the jobs that I had to wipe the asses of old people. lol

You guys at least have good food, our food is utter unhealthy garbage. We don't get the proper nutrients needed for humans, lol. That's why Americans are very ignorant, I'd rather move to Europe but then it's more expensive and I'd have to adapt to the metric system(EU version which Americans are too lazy to memorize.:D) :(
Muslims in France have more rights than any citizen is any Muslim country. You should pipe down or go join your "muslim" brothers in Libya who are busy killing their own "muslim" brothers.:coffee:
You guys at least have good food, our food is utter unhealthy garbage. We don't get the proper nutrients needed for humans, lol. That's why Americans are very ignorant, I'd rather move to Europe but then it's more expensive and I'd have to adapt to the metric system(EU version which Americans are too lazy to memorize.:D) :(

Danish food is mediocre . Im sure @al-Hasani agree with that. lol
Muslims in France have more rights than any citizen is any Muslim country. You should pipe down or go join your "muslim" brothers in Libya who are busy killing their own "muslim" brothers.:coffee:

I don't care about Muslims, LOL, I'm a Palestinian Christian. All that matters me to is the freedom of the Middle East.

Why good luck to me 7abibi? I still need another 9 years to get a degree. You guys study and I do homework. :D :lol:

It's where the foundation is lied bro. It's an very important period in your academic life. Don't get too relaxed but do not overdue it either. Find a healthy balance. I remember your age group fondly although it feels like it was yesterday when in reality it was 2-4 years ago.

Whatever happens in life, life itself is a gift and if you have loved ones that care about you and you care about them and God if you are a religious person and some ambitions in life it can never end badly. No matter your financial state. Wealth is really overrated. Sounds like a stupid cliché but it's true.

No thread about Libya without Libyan music which is awesome.

Whatever happens Libya will have an supporter in me. My Muslim and Arab brothers and sisters with very close ancestral, cultural, linguistic etc. ties to KSA and the Arabian Peninsula.:D
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Danish food is mediocre . Im sure @al-Hasani agree with that. lol

Over here Arab food saves us, lol, we have Iranian pistachios too. Life is so expensive here man, I want to rent a condo in the future, get a decent desktop, lease a ram 1500, get married and feed my children, lol. I'm not going to spend any money.
I don't care about Muslims, LOL, I'm a Palestinian Christian. All that matters me to is the freedom of the Middle East.

Well then you should refrain from posting sensational headlines to attract traffic to your threads. Makes you look a Fox news editor.
Danish food is mediocre . Im sure @al-Hasani agree with that. lol

Dairy producs and the milk and yoghurt is lovely though and some of the breads. Other than that the cuisine is very limited. Just your basic Northern European kitchen that is not particularly rich. It's not a coincidence that the most famous European foods (French, Italian, Spanish, Greek etc.) are found in Southern Europe.;)

Oh, the sweets are not that bad either, LOL.
lol..now suddenly france become a terrorist nation.....lol...:lol::lol:

I know wealth is overrated because my family is wealthy. :D

They enjoy that life but I don't that much. We aren't wealthy like everyone else whom spend thousands of Macy's every time, some people have too much money. We're like small business wealthy but many bills to pay so end up better than middle class after taxes and bills. :D

Dairy producs and the milk and yoghurt is lovely though and some of the breads. Other than that the cuisine is very limited. Just your basic Northern European kitchen that is not particularly rich. It's not a coincidence that the most famous European foods (French, Italian, Spanish, Greek etc.) are found in Southern Europe.;)

Oh, the sweets are not that bad either, LOL.

Come try our food here then, you'll be grateful for Danish food. :lol:
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