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France says Southern Libya now a "viper's nest" for Islamist militants

@ResurgentIran @al-Hasani

Israeli dairy products are actually the best in the world, I used to buy goat milk it's taste amazing id drink so much each day. :D

Whats with the header. Somebody please correct it.

The defence minister is talking about extremists only , like the defence ministers of India and Pakistan talk about them in their part of the world.

This is where I disagree, France has no business in Libyan affairs. They aren't 'extremist', why do you say that? Because they don't play by the West's rules? They are Libyans controlling Libyan affairs and that's where the problem arises, Arabs are not supposed to regulate their own affairs. That's why colonialism is still a problem.
You are on the wrong thread.
Yes, but with the right message:usflag:

Neither the starter of this thread, nor the contents of the article mention the word Pakistan. Are you really having sleepless nights where "Pakistan" comes up and scares you?
Actually its the whole world which is having sleepless nights over Pakistan. Imagine you have a monkey with a bomb in its hands and you never know when it may just "use" it ala Sampson's choice :-). Wouldn't you even as a Pakistani be concerned?


That something needs to be done about it by the world. Very very soon before its too late. If they must then let them use Sampson's choice on their own people and spare the rest of the world :usflag:
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Terrorist France :lol:? WTD?

Still is...In Syria , she play the role of terrorist, same role she played in Lybia..
In Mali, She fought the terrorism, because it is near her interests, ...Uranium deposits that fuel France's industry.. so go figure..

In Central Africa, she is playing the liberator that doesn't liberate...Muslim and christian alike are still at each other

In all cases, France of today, is playing the role de "suppletif" to the US no more no less.. That is far cry from De Gaulles pan arab policies and anti Nato stand.

France was set free by the Nazis' occupation through collective efforts by the local resistance, allies, and foreign pro-France militants.
That is not exactly true, my friend, you discount the price that north Africans and Africans played in her liberation...not talking about those that were taken to work in their coal mines ...Africa paid a dear price for her liberation, and still paying to this from her interference.

Don't judge people by their past, the French openly admitted that atrocities took place in Algeria at the time of their occupation, which is a brave thing if you ask me.

You're mixing your brushes friend,, they recognized atrocities without naming it and without apology.. and this after fifty years...The French has always lacked the political courage and still to this day..
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