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France says Southern Libya now a "viper's nest" for Islamist militants

History should record how failing states act when they are at the end of their lives! There is a real split within pak people. It's virtually people vs army.

Funny. The thread is about Libya and Pakistan has to be mentioned. Why? You Indians cant exclude Pakistan from any discussion, even though it does not have anything to do with it.

Also, it was the West in the first place who created this mess by helping the rebels remove Ghaddafi. Just like Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Now look what is the state of Iraq and Libya. The best solution is to leave it to the people of the countries to deal with the situation. Meddling will never help.

France has the highest number of Muslims in the Western world.

They are right about Southern Libya turning lawless. It is not only going to have implications for Libya but also the region and potentially nearby Southern Europe.

Every nation is looking for its own interests. France is no different. A unstable Libya is not in the interest of France who prefers stability in Africa where they have a lot of influence, investments etc.

Libya is still suffering from the short-lived civil war but this will soon go away and a new civil society from scratch (that's what happened) will soon see its light.

Libya is a very rich country. Just give them time.

90-70 years ago 80 MILLION Europeans died. What is 30.000 dead Libyans in the past 3 years due to a civil war (goal achieved) and fighting in comparison? 2 times as many are born each month in Libya if not more. The population is growing and was growing despite the 6 month long civil war.

Constantly exaggerating the situation of the ME and the Arab world is not helping. 50% of it is just negative talk.
Time to take some of the blame as well instead of always trying to find a scapegoat. Israel, West or whatever.

who was mainly responsible for it? you guessed it right, France
France murdered many Muslims France was the country who started and lead the first crusade the irony that the Muslims who liberated them from nazi germany

Did you fail History 101 ? Or did you pass it but went to a really bad University? France was freed by their local resistance and the Allied Forces. WW2 history is fascinating, go read about it. There are hundreds of books out there and also hundreds of documentaries for people too retarded to read.
Did you fail History 101 ? Or did you pass it but went to a really bad University? France was freed by their local resistance and the Allied Forces. WW2 history is fascinating, go read about it. There are hundreds of books out there and also hundreds of documentaries for people too retarded to read.
The French have thousands Algerian and Moroccan and African soldiers
Moroccans fought in the Spanish civil war
who was mainly responsible for it? you guessed it right, France

So it was better when there was no progress in Libya, when Gaddafi was killing Libyans in the thousands as he pleased to and when the civil war was there?

What is happening in Libya was inevitable and given that the society starts from zero what is happening right now is nothing in the bigger picture nor compared to past conflicts. Even in the ME itself or nearby Europe.


Will reply to your posts sometime later as this requires a longer debate. Just had an 4 hour long exam and my feeling is that it went well so I want to relax a bit before I am going to discuss issues like those.

I have not ignored your posts. Just saw them right now. It's 15.17 here.
So France is now worried about the Jihadi extremists they themselves supported to overthrow Gaddafi.


So it was better when there was no progress in Libya, when Gaddafi was killing Libyans in the thousands as he pleased to and when the civil war was there?

What is happening in Libya was inevitable and given that the society starts from zero what is happening right now is nothing in the bigger picture nor compared to past conflicts. Even in the ME itself or nearby Europe.


Will reply to your posts sometime later as this requires a longer debate. Just had an 4 hour long exam and my feeling is that it went well so I want to relax a bit before I am going to discuss issues like those.

I have not ignored your posts. Just saw them right now. It's 15.17 here.

I hope your exam went well bro. :)
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So France is now worried about the Jihadi extremists they themselves supported to overthrow Gaddafi.


I hope your exam went well bro.

There were very few so-called "Jihadis" in Libya. It was mostly an Libyan affair. 98% of the fighting force were locals. Besides Libyans are the people on this planet that have sent most of their citizens abroad than anyone else. I think that you can google those claims. There should be plenty of such reports.

The militia who are causing most of the problems are actually former allies of Gaddafi. That being the few Berber tribes in the South or the Africans that did not leave Libya. Especially the later group was 100% pro Gaddafi. I don't know if you remember all those reports of African mercenaries (from Niger, Chad and elsewhere) who fought for Gaddafi.

Thanks bro. I hope that you are keeping up with the schedule. Had to read 600 pages in 3 days. Not doing that again so my advice would be to start reading today, even just for 1-2 hours, so you will not have to read that much right before the exam (exams).

In my case I have 2 exams left until June. 1 of which will be in 6 weeks time (precisely from today).

There were very few so-called "Jihadis" in Libya. It was mostly an Libyan affair. 98% of the fighting force were locals. Besides Libyans are the people on this planet that have sent most of their citizens abroad than anyone else. I think that you can google those claims. There should be plenty of such reports.

The militia who are causing most of the problems are actually former allies of Gaddafi. That being the few Berber tribes in the South or the Africans that did not leave Libya. Especially the later group was 100% pro Gaddafi. I don't know if you remember all those reports of African mercenaries (from Niger, Chad and elsewhere) who fought for Gaddafi.

Thanks bro. I hope that you are keeping up with the schedule. Had to read 600 pages in 3 days. Not doing that again so my advice would be to start reading today, even just for 1-2 hours, so you will not have to read that much right before the exam (exams).

In my case I have 2 exams left until June. 1 of which will be in 6 weeks time (precisely from today).


Yeah I started reading 2 days ago a little to get a general understanding or overview :)

600 pages in 3 days? Damn you must have sat through the entire day just reading then.
Thats pretty good discipline
Yeah I started reading 2 days ago a little to get a general understanding or overview :)

600 pages in 3 days? Damn you must have sat through the entire day just reading then.
Thats pretty good discipline

That's good. I always end up doing practically all things at the VERY last moment most of the time but I am trying to change on that front. No need to suffer from stress that could have been avoided or at least minimized! Mostly it has had no impact on my grades but on everything else it has. I have become more undisciplined and lazy especially since I discovered the holy grail called PDF. :lol:

Yes. About 8-10 hours of reading daily. Been solving assignments and doing notes for once (LOL) as well so not just reading.

Thankfully I will get some time off now but not that much. Champions League tonight as well so a few of us will just find some football bar where we can smoke some shisha and just relax.

I am not into qat but maybe an Somalian will offer me that since the bar is frequented by Somalians as well. Just joking. We want to keep it legal.:rofl:

I have only slept like 12 hours or so in the past 3.5 day so please forgive me if I have made any embarrasing grammatical mistakes or "nonsense" sentences. Have to go to bed soon.

Anyway back to the topic. Hope everything is well in any case!
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That's good. I always end up doing practically all things at the VERY last moment of time but I am trying to change on that front. No need to suffer from stress that you could have avoided or at least minimized! Mostly it has had no impact on my grades but on everything else it has. I have become more undisciplined and lazy especially since I discovered the holy grail called PDF. :lol:

Yes. About 8-10 hours of reading daily. Been solving assignments and doing notes for once (LOL) as well so not just reading.

Thankfully I will get some time off now but not that much. Champions League tonight as well so a few of us will just find some football bar where we can smoke some shisha and just relax.

I am not into qat but maybe an Somalian will offer me that since the bar is frequented by Somalians as well. Just joking. We want to keep it legal.:rofl:

Well you are like me :D
I tend to start serious reading just the final 2-3 weeks. As you say, its not healthy.

Im also trying to change this bad habit.
Right now I read between 1-2 hours every day. Just so I feel I have done at least some studying.
Well you are like me :D
I tend to start serious reading just the final 2-3 weeks. As you say, its not healthy.

Im also trying to change this bad habit.
Right now I read between 1-2 hours every day. Just so I feel I have done at least some studying.

That's good. It's good to have some routines here in life. For a long time I had none aside from prayers which I was not always regular with and sometimes forgot (yeah, now crucify me, LOL)

I still got nothing on you. What was you record again? 19 hours in 1 day once?:o:

Wish you all the best for your upcoming exams. If you just have to pass then you should not worry that much. I have to get certain grades for me to follow my future plans/dreams so it's not just about passing for me. Preferably I have to get good grades as well.

In any case sorry for derailing the thread.;)

I am off to bed. Here is hoping that my old local team PSG kick out Chelsea tonight! Sadly Ibra is injured so no magic from him.

Good luck to you as well 7abibi @Hazzy997 ;)
That's good. It's good to have some routines here in life. For a long time I had none aside from prayers which I was not always regular with and sometimes forgot (yeah, now crucify me, LOL)

I still got nothing on you. What was you record again? 19 hours in 1 day once?:o:

Wish you all the best for your upcoming exams. If you just have to pass then you should not worry that much. I have to get certain grades for me to follow my future plans/dreams so it's not just about passing for me. Preferably I have to get good grades as well.

In any case sorry for derailing the thread.;)

I am off to bed. Here is hoping that PSG kick out Chelsea tonight! Sadly Ibra is injured so no magic from him.

Yes. 17-19 hours.
I would include things like eating breakfast, dinner and taking small 5 minute break. But other than that, yes. :P

Its good you are disciplined and have ambition to follow your dreams in life.
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