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France Ready To Share Submarine Know-How With GCC

France Ready To Share Submarine Know-How With GCC | Defense News | defensenews.com

The French Navy is ready to share with gulf countries their submarine “know-how” if called upon, a senior naval commander said.

Amid recent heightened interest from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) navies regarding submarine acquisition, Rear Adm. Eric Chaperon, commander of French Navy Task Force 473 Strike Group, said, “The French Navy has a lot of expertise from their long history in the matter of submarines.

“This expertise and know-how can of course be shared, but I cannot give you more details about the interactions we have had with other parties in the region,” he added.

Saudi Arabia was reportedly interested in acquiring five German-made Type 209 submarines at a cost of $3.4 billion, according to the German newspaper Bild in November. Last year, UAE Naval Commander Rear Adm. Ibrahim Al Musharrakh said that the UAE Navy is looking to acquire submarines to combat threats in the gulf’s littoral waters.

“There are many different options for combating the threat of submarines in the region, for building the capacity and the capability to acquire submarines is something that is still under process and will take a long time,” Al Musharrakh said at the Gulf Naval Commanders Conference in Abu Dhabi last November.

The French strike group is in the region to secure the strategic maritime sea lanes of the Strait of Hormuz, the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea as well as enhance cooperation and interoperability with navies in the region, according to Chaperon.

The strike group, which is made up of the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, two destroyers, a supply vessel and a nuclear attack submarine, made port calls in Saudi Arabia last month and in Qatar earlier in January before docking Wednesday in Abu Dhabi.

“France is ready to assume its responsibilities throughout the world, as she demonstrated in Libya, in Mali and more recently, in Central Africa,” Chaperon said.

“France considers that the stability of the Middle East is one of her priorities; it is a region which is at the heart of her strategic interests and which is affected today by multiple crises such as piracy and terrorism.

“Her commitment to the countries of the region is shown in the will to respond to their needs as a long-term strategic partner; this is at the heart of the defense agreement that was signed by France and the United Arab Emirates in 2009,” he added.

The strike group carried out exercises with the Saudi and Qatari navies and is due to conduct a joint exercise, dubbed Big Fox, with the UAE Armed Forces at the end of January and with the US Navy in February in the Indian Ocean.

Visiting the Charles de Gaulle was UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, who was briefed about the strike group and its mission.

On board the carrier were 10 F-3 Rafale fighters, the most advanced fighters to enter service in the French Air Force.

The ship also carries two E-2C Hawkeye aircraft, two EC725 Caracal and AS532 Cougar helicopters for combat search and rescue.

He added that the visit to Abu Dhabi would provide France the opportunity to further bolster its already strong ties with the UAE, particularly in sharing expertise and ideas and developing better methods of training and operational capabilities.

It will be good for KSA, UAE, Jordan and Oman to do JV with France or Germany on:
Rescue Submarines
110-160 Tons Special Force Submarines
700 Tons Coast SSKs
1600 Tons SSKs
3000 Tons SSKs (may be)
The new generation of attack submarines (Like U-214 AIP class, U-216 AIP class or Scorpene AIP class) are designed for a broad spectrum of open-ocean and ‘littoral missions’ in very shallow water.

See to 37 : 35 till the end


I am aware, but no amount of technology can change the strategic role of a vessel type. Let's think: What can a submarine ,which requires a completely new way of thinking/training/maintenance/..etc for our navy, do in our strategic environment that a surface vessel can not?

Stealth? The gulf is too shallow and too narrow. They would be detected. The Red Sea is deeper but incredibly more narrow and filled with navigational hazards that also block detection sensors. The two exits out of the Red Sea, the Suez Canal and the Bab Al Mendab, would give away the Sub's location and intention, further negating stealth.

I would rather the money be placed in buying destroyers or more frigates.
The new generation of attack submarines (Like U-214 AIP class, U-216 AIP class or Scorpene AIP class) are designed for a broad spectrum of open-ocean and ‘littoral missions’ in very shallow water.

See to 37 : 35 till the end


We might need some of those German or French subs in near future.

Stealth? The gulf is too shallow and too narrow. They would be detected. The Red Sea is deeper but incredibly more narrow and filled with navigational hazards that also block detection sensors. The two exits out of the Red Sea, the Suez Canal and the Bab Al Mendab, would give away the Sub's location and intention, further negating stealth.


Like Israel. Yet

Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on German-Built Submarines

Irrelevant. The main objective is this one

Saudi Arabia maybe interested in acquiring 5 Type 209 Submarines | Page 3

Saudi Arabia maybe interested in acquiring 5 Type 209 Submarines | Page 3

with access to Indian Ocean (Essential by GCC) [ And in future Pacific Ocean, new center of world power (~ 50 years, SSN ) ].

Brazil & France in Deal for SSKs, SSN

LAAD 2013: Brazil reveals submarine design details

Korean Attack Submarine program

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Israel has nukes to place on its Submarines. We do not.

Israel has free access to the Mediterranean. We do not.

The Israeli subs are based in Haifa, not Eliat.

There is no need for any of the GCC countries to own subs, with the possible exception of Oman due to their access to the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean.

I'd much rather have some Arleigh Burke destroyers.
@Bubblegum Crisis ..... other than KSA intentions about the submarine programme any news about UAE .... ??

or now they will go collectively under GCC unified command for submarine apparatus ....??

Thank you my god !

You do not guide Saudi Arabia. :happy:

I have yet to receive any good reason why we would need the subs. I keep bringing up points and you keep linking me to posts that have nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

It simply seems the overriding logic is "We need subs because they are cool".

We need mastery of the seas? I agree, Destroyers like the Arleigh Burke will give us that in addition to the ability to shoot down Iranian ICBMs and deny airspace to enemy air forces. Things a sub cannot do.
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