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France accuses Qatar of supporting rebels in Mali

Check what background they are from - mostly Arab tribes known for their rebellious activities and ardent followers of salafism/wahabism!

There is no such thing as salafism and wahabism they are all muslims! Have you personally checked which tribe they belong to? BTW this thread has been derailed From France Qatar to Syria/Assad!
Wahabi/Salafists Jihadis in Syria good -- the same Wahabi/Salafists in Mali bad -- got luv that WoT, it's a great tool, an awesome vehicle of neo-colonialism -- Look for the break up of Mali, coming soon to capital and commodity markets near you
Bomb them too while you are at it. :hitwall:

Seems like war is going to be extended.

Qatar is a very nice country. India has strategic relations with Qatar. If France attacks Qatar, they can kiss goodbye to MRCA.
Qatar is a very nice country. India has strategic relations with Qatar. If France attacks Qatar, they can kiss goodbye to MRCA.
It was sarcasm at trigger Happy West. :D
yeah and Ghadafi didn't last because he didn't have majority support.

You still can't answer my questions... why is Alasad is still in power if Syrians are against him? the will and the power of the people can't be beaten, if Syrians wanted Alasad to leave he would have been gone long time ago.

A very good point.

The Egyptian Army turned against Mubarak, same happened in Tunisia and majority of Libya's armed forces defected to the other side.

Syria, despite some defections has stayed steadfast in their support of Assad.

Assad despite all his faults had built a tolerant, secular and largely peaceful country. If these terrorist gangs get a hold of the Syrian Biological and Chemical weapons, it will be a whole new era of global terrorism using these weapons.

Just look at what is happening in Africa with terrorists using Libyan weapons to create more headaches.

Iran and Russia really need to step up their aid to Syria.
Could be true, Qatar is playing far bigger it's size and should be stopped.

I am so confused could you please explain it to me which Sunni Muslims deserve freedom and which ones deserve bombs kind of confusing here.from your answer i gather ones fighting for West deserve freedom ones fighting against deserved Bombs am i right.
My Bad i should read your statement like this.

Thank God Western installed Middle eastern Puppets are fighting for Muslims. sorry let me Refrasie that they are fighting for selected western approved Sunnis. But if they step out of line as you said Qatar is playing far bigger it's size and should be stopped Then they are bad Sunnis and deserved to be Bombed i get it now.

Thank you for clearing this makes perfect sense now
There is no such thing as salafism and wahabism they are all muslims! Have you personally checked which tribe they belong to? BTW this thread has been derailed From France Qatar to Syria/Assad!

Happen to know more about Arab demographics than you will ever do!
Agree there no such thing as salafism and wahabism - these came from outer space and spoiled the peace and tranquility of society. Happy now?
A very good point.

The Egyptian Army turned against Mubarak, same happened in Tunisia and majority of Libya's armed forces defected to the other side.

Syria, despite some defections has stayed steadfast in their support of Assad.

Assad despite all his faults had built a tolerant, secular and largely peaceful country. If these terrorist gangs get a hold of the Syrian Biological and Chemical weapons, it will be a whole new era of global terrorism using these weapons.

Just look at what is happening in Africa with terrorists using Libyan weapons to create more headaches.

Iran and Russia really need to step up their aid to Syria.

90% of the business elite in Syria i mean big business owners is either Sunni Muslim or Christians if they wanted him out he would be long gone this fact is kept hidden from world on purpose.
This has got to be the fastest change of events.. I know electronics made the world spin faster but they haven't even cleared the spit on screaming at Assad while they go do the same thing half a block away.. Amazing .. If anyone is confused about what a muslim life is worth then you need to reexamine a value less than zero. Props to the France on being a hypocrite right in everyone's face, and I actually mean it .. I am actually impressed.
If I can give a french perspective about syria : I think that our government position reflect less and less the french opinion in general. Believe me or not, but all we want is a syria where sunnis, alawites and christians can live in peace. Assad is a brutal dictator but the fact is that his opposants are not pacific demonstrators anymore but islamic terrorists (I mean, the pacifists are still here but nobody think that they will take the power if assad falls).
As for qatar, I think that you must differentiate the government and the princes. Some of the princes want the power and may try to finance the terrorism. But the emir himself? I don't think so, because most of the terrorists hate him. (for them he is a western/israel agent).
By the way, the emir is a usefull ally for france because of his diplomatic power inside the arab league as we have seen in libya. And france is somewhat a good ally for qatar too because of our own diplomatic network.
Qatar invests a lot in France and we need zlatan to win the champion's league!:woot:
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