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Fourth Plutonium reactor under construction

N-Reich, your attitude is like that of Shylock in Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice”. Have you read the play? I suggest that you read it. Shakespeare was extremely skilful in bringing to light the dark side of people like you. Now, do you consider Shakespeare as an “anti-semite”? If you do I would say you’re not only arrogant but also ignorant.

I asked you a simple question: do you have any proof for your nonsense? And you run all the way to Shakespeare, just to avoid any answer.
I asked you a simple question: do you have any proof for your nonsense? And you run all the way to Shakespeare, just to avoid any answer.

Whether you like it or not zionists like you are ideal villains of this world. They have the audacity to lecture others while murdering innocent Palestinians including children. Have you seen that picture of israeli soldiers shooting and murdering one Palestinian man and his little son? They were against a wall and the man was shielding his little son but of course, they could not escape the bullets of the israeli hyenas!
Whether you like it or not zionists like you are ideal villains of this world. They have the audacity to lecture others while murdering innocent Palestinians including children. Have you seen that picture of israeli soldiers shooting and murdering one Palestinian man and his little daughter? They were against a wall and the man was shielding his little daughter but of course, they could not escape the bullets of the israeli hyenas!

Facts? Proof? Post the picture!

Well Done! It took you "only" 9 pages of posts just to communicate and present something to support your Anti-Semitism.

And you failed completely...

These is your resources? Their objectivity is so obvious... This is how you describe "concentration camps"? Do you have any idea how Nazi concentration camps looked like? Even if all your resources are correct, the situation does not even come near to something similar as "concentration camps". You are so philistine - you should only access Wikipedia: Nazi concentration camps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Sorry" to wake you up again from your hallucinations, but here is a link to a report about the investigation on the killing of the man and his son:

The Atlantic | June 2003 | Who Shot Mohammed al-Dura? | Fallows

I am quite positive that you will not even open the above link, because you cannot face reality, so I will reveal to you that there are strong evidence that the father and son were not killed by IDF soldiers; could be by the Palestinians themselves. Anyway, this was a battle zone and unfortunately innocent civilians could have been hurt from crossing fire. In sum: There is no proof that they were killed by IDF intentionally!

I think you really made some progress - you presented idiotic argument with information from the bottom of Palestinian propaganda machine; but hey, at least you finally tried (and failed) to support your stupidity with facts.

Any more evidence for "concentration camps" in West Bank and Gaza? Can we declare that your anti-Semitism drove you mad?

Lets move to your next lie: "Zionism is like Nazism". Do you have any facts?
Largely based on coerced confessions of Dr. AQ Khan who has admitted to being pressurized into confessing it. We know how loyal our dear Mr.Musharraf was to Pakistan.

Sorry, but several books and reports were written about AQ Khan network while citing various sources, including from Pakistan. There is wide scale information about Pakistan's nuclear connections with all these countries and more. Although Musharraf put the blame on Khan for the nuclear proliferation project while knowing the truth, in my opinion he did it in order to save Pakistan from troubles with the US. In this situation, Pakistan denies its involvement in nuclear proliferation, the US take the bite, and no one need to make hard decisions in Washington and Islamabad.

Is this the same intel that said Iraq already possessed WMDs which then became the main excuse for attacking it?[/QUOTE]

The information about Saudi Arabia is again from various sources, some of them Pakistanis, the same applies on the nuclear scientists meeting Bin Laden.
Not entirely true, since exporting such equipment requires clearing a lot of red-tape bro. So the countries themselves are involved however indirectly.

It took Western countries, especially in Europe, a significant period of time to realise that dual-use equipment is exported from their territory to Pakistan. The awareness to this kind of activity was very low and Pakistanis agents and proxies took advantage of that. Why would European countries want to assist Pakistan to develop nuclear weapons?
It took Western countries, especially in Europe, to realise that dual-use equipment is exported from their territory to Pakistan. The awareness to this kind of activity was very low and Pakistanis agents and proxies took advantage of that. Why would European countries want to assist Pakistan to develop nuclear weapons?

I think you are a bit late, Pakistan has been effectively a nuclear power since 1983 - and you have no room to talk, Israel's nuclear program is far more controversial than ours. :)
I think you are a bit late, Pakistan has been effectively a nuclear power since 1983 - and you have no room to talk, Israel's nuclear program is far more controversial than ours. :)

As you can see, I replied to a post about it.

And I can talk on whatever I choose, especially on Pakistan's nuclear programme.
As you can see, I replied to a post about it.

And I can talk on whatever I choose, especially on Pakistan's nuclear programme.

No doubt - but Pakistan's nuclear program has fully matured and is on course for being a triad - as well as increasing very nicely, concerns about our weapons program is about 2 decades too late.
No doubt - but Pakistan's nuclear program has fully matured and is on course for being a triad - as well as increasing very nicely, concerns about our weapons program is about 2 decades too late.

Concerns about Pakistan's nuclear programme are continuing for more than two decades, and were never more serious than nowadays, in light of Pakistan's problematic record in nuclear proliferation.
Hey guyz...I guess u guyz r working great helping each other out....:smokin:..I guess u guyz have nothing else to do except sitting on computer and lecturing each other...:)
and I dont know what is the conclusion of this thread...I want at least 10 reactors be made and working instead of just crying over just the 4rth one...:coffee:
With the events that happen Japan

Is Pakistan in the risk of having the same problems as Japans after earthquakes ?
Do you expect earthquakes in Japan and Pakistan only


Somehow even bird's droppings will be considered dangerous to our reactors if dropped from a bird flying at an altitude of 10,000 ft and making an angle of blah.. blah.. blah..

Our reactors are safe. No need for anyone to worry.
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