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Fourth Plutonium reactor under construction

Your thoughts are not worth much since you clearly showed your ignorance about Israel and its situation, and you still did not present any evidence for your arguments. You are only motivated by hatred towards Israel and by your anti-Semitism and racism, and I am pleased that it is exposed for everyone to see.

As I said before, Israel and the Jewish people overcome worse villains than yourself. You can continue with your shouting, it will not make any difference - Israel will carry on!
Can you name a few of those books for my reading?

Libya has still not made the bomb. Recent events have shown Gaddafi isn't really a sensible person, so his words are worthless. If the US had real intel, then it wouldn't have taken the bite at all. Maybe they were testing Pakistan and our beloved King Musharraf just fell for it. :lol:

I believe Saudi Arabia will only opt for nuclear weapons as a last resort. It does need a deterrence if Iran acquires nukes. But it is not 100% certain that Iran will go for it.
As for Pakistani scientists meeting with Bin Laden, it may just be a rumor. Reports have been false before and they maybe so again.

There are several books - the enclosed one are the three which are comprehensive (with links). Regarding your arguments about Libya and Saudi Arabia, these books contain wide-range reliable information about their nuclear efforts - in the case of Libya, Gaddafi confessed about it in 2003 and dismantled his programme.

Deception: Pakistan, the United States, and the Secret Trade in Nuclear Weapons
Amazon.com: Deception: Pakistan, the United States, and the Secret Trade in Nuclear Weapons: Adrian Levy, Catherine Scott-Clark: Books

The Man from Pakistan: The True Story of the World's Most Dangerous Nuclear Smuggler
Amazon.com: The Man from Pakistan: The True Story of the World's Most Dangerous Nuclear Smuggler: Douglas Frantz, Catherine Collins: Books

Shopping for Bombs: Nuclear Proliferation, Global Insecurity, and the Rise and Fall of the A.Q. Khan Network
Amazon.com: Shopping for Bombs: Nuclear Proliferation, Global Insecurity, and the Rise and Fall of the A.Q. Khan Network (9780195375237): Gordon Corera: Books
Why the family had to move? How come they became the target of public anger? Because they accepted the money? Well, is it not their own business and they were under severe pressure of the security agencies?

I agree with you that if Davis is guilty and shot these two people with no justification, he should be punished and sit behind bars for the rest of his life (I do not support capital punishment). With all its problems (like the jury system), I have faith in the American judicial system to handle this case and make justice. If it appears that the case is being neglected or surrounded with corruption, it would reflect on the US creditability even among its allies.


i think this guy needs a warning.

Please refrain from bringing your political issues and Davis case into Plutonium Reactor thread.

i think this guy needs a warning.

Please refrain from bringing your political issues and Davis case into Plutonium Reactor thread.

You did not follow the entire conversation. If you did you could clearly see than I am not the one who began to reply out of context, although I admit I chose to answer the challenge and correct some basic misperceptions.

Your ruining this thread dude.
I can stop, no problem, if all the others also stop to bring issues concerning Israel. If we stick to the topic of nuclear reactors in Pakistan, then we can discuss it, including its implications on nuclear proliferation from Pakistan.
Pakistan's Pu program is coming along nicely, the military will be well pleased. :)
A lot of concern about our nuclear security comes from Musharraf himself. Allegedly he said (possibily to the US) that if he didn't remain in power, then right-wing extremists might get hold of the bomb. This, I believe, added even more controversy to the already sensitive subject.

IMO, it is better to increase our efforts to produce more plutonium since nuclear-eneygy doesn't represent a significant number in current production statistics. Why waste any material on energy-production?
Your thoughts are not worth much since you clearly showed your ignorance about Israel and its situation, and you still did not present any evidence for your arguments. You are only motivated by hatred towards Israel and by your anti-Semitism and racism, and I am pleased that it is exposed for everyone to see.

As I said before, Israel and the Jewish people overcome worse villains than yourself. You can continue with your shouting, it will not make any difference - Israel will carry on!

N-Reich, you never fail to expose your hatred for those who expose your hatred towards certain ideas, such as honesty and decency. Your twisted mind does not let you rest, I feel pity for you and your likes in this world. What would you do if suddenly the Israeli factory of WMD goes up in smoke? The possibility of that happening is much greater. Think about that instead of talking about the Pakistani reactors
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