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Four Iranian personal killed in air strike on Syrian air base

The majoosis whines about the US support for Saddam Hussein, while during Iraq-Iran war, the war mongering ayatoilets terrorist received arms from Israel and making deals left and right in the notorious Iran–Contra affair.

Quite apart with the aftermath of 9/11, when the ayatoilets in fact actively encoureged and supported the US to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. And today working hand in hand with Russia, a nation that once occupied parts of Iran, proudly assisting with the gassing, mass murdering and the disembowelment of the Syrian people.

Not to speak about its hosting and support to terrorist throughout the region.....But still mind-boggling enough have the audacity to narrate themselves as the victims.
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Comments on this thread are the proof that if there would any country/nation who will revive the Ummah, it would be Pakistan, once we got proper leadership. Both sides in middle east need to be bitched slapped into their senses by Pakistan. One is using Russian shoulder and the other riding on American/Zionist. The end result is mess we see today in Muslim lands.
You wanna know who is dog?
Let me explain you

Principle 1: 2+2=4
Principle 2: Israeli=dog
Therefore :Israeli + proIsraeli=double dog

proIsraeli in this fourmula is absolutely you
Now answer my question? Who is dog?
Hahahahaha are you some kind of a famous comedian in Iran? you cracked me up.
The majoosis whines about the US support for Saddam Hussein, while during Iraq-Iran war, the war mongering ayatoilets terrorist received arms from Israel and making deals left and right in the notorious Iran–Contra affair.

Quite apart with the aftermath of 9/11, when the ayatoilets in fact actively encoureged and supported the US to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. And today working hand in hand with Russia, a nation that once occupied parts of Iran, proudly assisting with the gassing, mass murdering and the disembowelment of the Syrian people.

Not to speak about its hosting and support to terrorist throughout the region.....But still mind-boggling enough have the audacity to narrate themselves as the victims.
@The SC The bullshit you typed is non sense

@raptor22 See the quote of other account of that guy. Number his lies,
We will take revenge, maybe a rain of missiles into Tel Aviv. Depends upon our military forces, how to avenge it

Thanks bro

Nope it's not going to happen. Uncle Putin has a secret understanding with the Zionazis.
Nope it's not going to happen. Uncle Putin has a secret understanding with the Zionazis.
We don't give a damn, Russia is an independent state and it's agreements with them makes no sense for us.
I realize that letting terrorists escape proves ill intentions. Instead of allowing safe passage to terrorists they should assume innocence of people till proven guilty in a fair manner. That is something we don't see from the 'warriors against terror'.

How many underage relatives of yours would you be prepared to sacrifice to have 200 Daesh killed NOW, instead of in three months time or so?
Unless you are prepared to sacrifice any, You have no argument.
If You are prepared to sacrifice a single one, You should not be a caretaker.
How many underage relatives of yours would you be prepared to sacrifice to have 200 Daesh killed NOW, instead of in three months time or so?
Unless you are prepared to sacrifice any, You have no argument.
If You are prepared to sacrifice a single one, You should not be a caretaker.

Very convincing words for saving the terrorists they claim they have been fighting. BTW, what happens to your concern about innocent people when they are killed in Pakistan by the US forces? We learned the word 'collateral damage' from you people.
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Sorry but anyone who are not pro iran or pro resistance or pro Shi’a is part of ISIS according to you folks. Some of us like me don’t even follow religion and I’ve been accused of being a wahabi/ISIS. People in US don’t take chemical attacks on civilians lightly.
And yet those same people in the us supported saddam when he was gassing iranian and kurdish civilians...funny that eh?,smells like good old bad old vicious blood thirsty western hypocrisy,but then sadly thats par for the course in the middle east right?
Dont put Assad and Hizbollah together with Sunni franchise ISIS.

Shia offer respectable resistance against Jews. Almost every single Sunni arm group are rapist, sex slave wannabe, beheader, and engage in indiscriminate killings -- shouting Allah hu Akbar when shoving dick into vagina forcibly.

Hahahaha.you are very funny.there is a difference between Sunni and wahhabi salafi.wahhabi salafi are totally different and follows self created religion.shia are totally different.sunni are not slaves of Al saud. Yes large portion of saudia is under control of wahhabism but they have no relation with islam.they pretend to show the world that they are Muslims but really who cares! We all know about Al saud and how their religion was born.
Very convincing words for saving the terrorists they claim they have been fighting. BTW, what happens to your concern about innocent people when they are killed in Pakistan by the US forces? We learned the word 'collateral damage' from you people.

The Daesh are not ”saved”, they are hunted down as we speak, and are quickly becoming irrelevant.
To evacuate the Daesh from a city which has been prepared for defense reduces collateral damage. Your suggestions increases collateral damage.
The Syrian Army are doing the same thing - because it makes sense.

You also avoid the question, because it shows your hypocrictical self.
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