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Four India trucks carrying arms caught: Malik

Interior Ministry’s evidence against India not enough, says Qureshi
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

MULTAN/ISLAMABAD: Foreign involvement in the unrest in Pakistan cannot be ruled out but more information is needed to plausibly argue the country’s point of view on the issue of Indian involvement, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said on Wednesday.

“The possibility that there are elements who want to destabilise the country cannot be ruled out. But information received by us in this regard, is insufficient. We need more information and material to plausibly argue our case,” Qureshi told reporters. Earlier, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said evidence of India’s involvement in destabilising Pakistan had been handed over to the Foreign Office.

“Pakistan has concrete evidence of India’s involvement in fomenting unrest in Pakistan and the evidence has been provided to the Foreign Office to take it up with New Delhi,” Malik told reporters at the Parliament House. staff report/app
Don't really see why he would say that, but OK. It's not really out of place.
Ahsan the only way India can be involved in this is when USA is part of the plan. The reason that comes to mind is that CIA and RAW wants to take this war to Pakistan as later is reluctant to give up support to terrorist. Thus they want to make sure terrorist stop following orders from PA. The attack will mean there would be publc pressure to act on it's own creation. My theory on this. India would be mad to do this without USA support.
This Tit for Tat response is no good from both sides.

What it means in real terms one will only understand if a near and dear one is lost in this hate bombings on either side.

Indians have a civil government with all its agencies reporting to it and it has been so for last sixty years. So if what Pakistanis say are right then this decision to create trouble in Pakistan should be seen as a decision of GOI. However this is highly unlikely as India doesn't stand to gain anything from a unstable Pakistan but loose big time. Pakistan has been unstable since inception so it’s not new to them.

Americans will use drones as they are doing if at all they have to and why should they use TTP as they trying to clear Taliban the previous **** created by them so they will not like to add to their problems.

When American drones kill people in FATA and other places all Pakistani friends point out it is wrong and will have repercussions. Why don't you feel the same way when PA is killing its own people.TTP belong to the warrior tribe and if you kill their fellowmen how do you expect them to react smile back at you coz it is PA.

Whatever PA is doing is a half baked attempt for US dollars at the same time want to keep the terror backbone intact coz of the strategic depth.PA and ISI for last 60+ years have used all that has happened positive and negative in Pakistan to further their interest. They find an opportunity in all crisis to keep themselves in control and if none exists they create one.

There are many examples of this in last sixty years but blind patriotic fervor clouds the normal thinking of a average man in Pakistan. As for the well to do and educated people of Pakistan well they are related to army in one way or another. The top guys in any field are beneficiaries of PA in the present or the previous generation. So that leaves the common man on the street he is too busy to make his ends meet to bother about Pakistan.

I am sure India follows all forms of overt and covert diplomacy and why not? Getting innocent children and women killed is certainly not one of them. There is a "I told you it was coming" feeling in India minds I agree...it comes with the thought that you reap as you sow
In my personal opinion PA has to stop playing on both sides of any problem and decide once and for all to be with militants or US army.PA has answer to all problems and problems to all solution this is their motto. Sadly there is no one in Pakistan who can question them so stalemate continues.
TTP does not need Indian support because they have supporters in Pakistan, ISI and other Pakistani armed forces.

I don't know whether TTP is getting help from RAW or not; but I'm sure that they don't have supporters in India. We hate them more than the Pakistanis do.
Good question and I will try to answer it conceptually.

US could have used black market if they wanted to during their support for Afghan Mujhaideen, they didn't.

It's easy to get caught if you're trying to buy weapons from the black market - perhaps the most important part.

And you may not find or get what you want. Or in the same quantities. Things besides gun are not too easy to get in the black market, and even if they are available, they are in limited quantities. Certain type of weapons that these guys have been using are not available in public in large amounts that they have.

Ahsan why should US have to buy weapons from black market??its role in afgan rebels was clear to the whole world..Is that the case with India and TTP??Today all kind of weapons are available in black markets..And also its not easy to trace who is buying it..because black marketers only wanted the money and RAW agent who is going to buy will not introduce himself as an agent there..

I can see a hole in your theory. If they wanted terrorists to stop following orders from PA, they would not work with TTP - a group that attacks Pakistan directly and only Pakistan. TTP is not one of those terrorists group that is controlled or funded by Pakistan.

Moreover, I don't see why it can't be done without US support. US is at least supporting them in keeping their operations a secret. As far as funding goes, I doubt it. I don't really think making Pakistan give up support for these groups is the reason, because Pakistan has already done so. I think it's more about the nukes.
Ahsan why should US have to buy weapons from black market??its role in afgan rebels was clear to the whole world..Is that the case with India and TTP??Today all kind of weapons are available in black markets..And also its not easy to trace who is buying it..because black marketers only wanted the money and RAW agent who is going to buy will not introduce himself as an agent there..

You're right about the US and perhaps that point wasn't really necessary. But next two are important.

These kinds of sophisticated weapons are either not available in black market, or only in limited quanities.

I mean you're not going to go to a place to buy a few mortars because those will only last a short amount of time. You need large amounts of these weapons. The pictures shown show that these guys basically have an endless supplies of these sophisticated weapons. You won't get anywhere near as many of those on black market.
Interior Ministry’s evidence against India not enough, says Qureshi
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

MULTAN/ISLAMABAD: Foreign involvement in the unrest in Pakistan cannot be ruled out but more information is needed to plausibly argue the country’s point of view on the issue of Indian involvement, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said on Wednesday.

“The possibility that there are elements who want to destabilise the country cannot be ruled out. But information received by us in this regard, is insufficient. We need more information and material to plausibly argue our case,” Qureshi told reporters. Earlier, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said evidence of India’s involvement in destabilising Pakistan had been handed over to the Foreign Office.

“Pakistan has concrete evidence of India’s involvement in fomenting unrest in Pakistan and the evidence has been provided to the Foreign Office to take it up with New Delhi,” Malik told reporters at the Parliament House. staff report/app

:lol: insufficient. how much more do you need? You already have at least four trucks of evidences.

If you have evidence you don't talk like---
The possibility that there are elements who want to destabilise the country cannot be ruled out.

Now contradictions from the two ministers of the same govt.

Malik--yes we have strong evidence.
Qureshi-- evidence is not strong enough

Need I say that Malik's statements were for domestic consumption and an attempt to divert attention from the govt's incompetency ....!!!
You need to read the article more carefully. Clearly, he hasn't seen the evidence himself. The evidence was given to the government by the army, and the government decides what to do with that. The government has now handed over the evidence to FO as shown in the article.

All this arguments are taking too much time now. I am gonna take a rest and not bother with this until my exams are over.
You need to read the article more carefully. Clearly, he hasn't seen the evidence himself.

Can you point out in the article where did Mr. Qureshi mention that? He has clearly mentioned that "the evidence is not strong enough". Now this is something related to the national security. He has to be a moron of the highest order to comment like that without knowing anything about the evidence. I don't think your Foreign Minister is an idiot, may be Malik is.
All this arguments are taking too much time now. I am gonna take a rest and not bother with this until my exams are over.

Good luck for your exams.:tup:
You're right about the US and perhaps that point wasn't really necessary. But next two are important.

These kinds of sophisticated weapons are either not available in black market, or only in limited quanities.

I mean you're not going to go to a place to buy a few mortars because those will only last a short amount of time. You need large amounts of these weapons. The pictures shown show that these guys basically have an endless supplies of these sophisticated weapons. You won't get anywhere near as many of those on black market.

Come on Ahsan what are the sophisticated weapons they have??All i see is (according to the pictures provided in PDF) are AK variants , some mortars etc..they don't have sophisticated weaponry like the stingers which is used by the Afghan Taliban nor wide range of weaponry ..
FM seeks more information on Indian involvement

Thursday, December 10, 2009
MULTAN: Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Wednesday said foreign involvement in creating troubles in the country could not be ruled out but more information was needed to plausibly argue Pakistan’s point of view on the Indian involvement.

Talking to reporters at the airport, Qureshi said the possibility of elements who wanted to destabilise the country could not be ruled out. “But information received by us in this regard is insufficient and more information and material is needed to plausibly argue our case,” he said.

“We would have to be cautious and careful. If it is challenged in a court of law, then we will have to ensure that it meets its logical end,” he added. He said US military officials would visit Pakistan on December 15 during which they would also meet with Pakistani military leadership to discuss coordination.

To a question on statement of JI Ameer Syed Munawwar who had demanded withdrawal of US forces, FM said President Obama had already stated that the US forces would not stay indefinitely in Afghanistan.

Source: FM seeks more information on Indian involvement

See the investigation is on...pls wait before jumping the conclusion .Relax now.
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