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Four explosions in Quetta

Another blunder by the Govt. constituting a 12 member committee headed by Bilawal Zardari, to address Baluchistan.... What a cruel joke!
Malik urges Qadri to review long march decision

Interior minister has asked media to apprise the people of the security risks to long march
Interior minister Rehman Malik has urged Tahirul Qadri to review his decision of holding long march.

He was talking to media at Riawand on Saturday evening.

He asked media to apprise the people of the security risks to long march.

Earlier‚ he met PML (N) chief Nawaz Sharif and expressed condolence over the demise of his brother Abbas sharif.

Radio Pakistan- Interior minister has asked media to apprise the people of the security risks to long march

Bey-ghairat, Bey-ghairat Hi Hota Hai, Chahey Wazeer-e-Aala Ho Ya Wazeer-e-Daakhla :hitwall:
Another blunder by the Govt. constituting a 12 member committee headed by Bilawal Zardari, to address Baluchistan.... What a cruel joke!

This year is beginning with a whole lot of jokes. First TUQ, then MQM drone dud, now this.

Bilawal a 25 year old heading a committee on Balochistan???!!! You got to be friggin kiddin' me....

Anyway to more important news:

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
UPDATE: PTI Baluchistan [ Official ] has joined Quetta sit-in against Hazara killings. President PTI Balochistan Qasim Suri addressed the Dharna.


There are more PTI people at the dharna than Baloch government representatives!!!

Had I been there, I would have gone there as well...
Yaar its a business. Indian media has dialed down. May be they got some instruction from the ministry.

At least people with some sense of diplomacy and rationality trying to diffuse the situation.

Quite possible!

But what good to notice is saner minds are prevailing..
its just a reminder that they will continue to kill the innocent people of a minority community and get a way with it just like they did some time ago by stopping buses and executing people.

our law enforcement and security agencies dont fail at all
they just lack the will and dont have the orders to confront these killers
the radicalized population has still not forgiven Pakistan army over lal masjid operation yet. if the state goes against these people once again then they will turn every mosque into a graveyard.

dont be surprised, in few days this tragedy will be forgotten.

It is time that army stand by civilians & start protecting them. People don't have faith in democrazy leaders, people trust Army & Courts(after Allah). Intellegence agents need to be spread all across Pakistan keeping eyes on every Mosque/Madarassa & every where, also taping the phone calls of every one.
I think army intervention might spoil the situation even more.

Army whether Indian, Pakistani or US, they know only one rule, kill it and finish it. which in turn will exploited by terrorists for new recruitment.

SO its better to use political and developmental process and reconciliation offers with huge rewards to informers.
I can sense a satire...

Seriously, it's now getting outrageous, these elements must be halted before it's too late.

I will voice the condemnation of such barbarity for all human beings, with Hazara's there is some personal affiliation because I have grown up with these proud people. there was no satire intended I am just talking the experience.

as of today, every Hazara person I know has lost one or more family members to sectarian terrorism and get this, not even a single culprit is ever caught or punished. in Pakistan crime does pay.

in Quetta FG public school one of my class fellow was called Ali Raza he was a boxer and his cousin represented Pakistan in the Olympics and he was gunned down by the Sipah Sahabah last year. to instill fear, the sectarian terrorists go for the famous and people in important position that have shia faith. look at the doctors, police officers, lawyers, bankers etc who were killed because the community looked up to them and killing them was a message that there is no justice and no escape on this god forsaken country.

I am still unable to brush the memory of the dead Christians that were burnt alive by our "ordinary Muslim Brothers" in Lahore some time ago and I cant get the cries out of my mind of a weeping Ahmedi guy who on tv, described how his brother's body was used by the sectarian terrorists to hold the gun and fired throughout the assault on Ahmedi Mosque that it left a big gaping hole.

these sectarian terrorists exist and influence the minds of ordinary people and then have the gal to protest Indian army atrocities in Kashmir and Israeli brutal bombing and shelling of Palestinian camps. I mean with what face they do that when they show little to no concern for any Pakistani who doesnt happen to be a Sunni Muslim but demand a better treatment from nonMuslims for their Muslim "brothers. if someone thought hypocrisy had limits then come to Pakistan and hear the stories of the minorities and what they have to face.

now I explain why I said what I said... today people raise their hands and curse two personalities

1. President Zardari .. may he drown in his own wealth
2. CJ Iftikhar, the most biased and unworthy chief justice who has allowed every terrorist to walk away & has only arrested traffic wardens and civil servants
This year is beginning with a whole lot of jokes. First TUQ, then MQM drone dud, now this.

Bilawal a 25 year old heading a committee on Balochistan???!!! You got to be friggin kiddin' me....

Anyway to more important news:

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
UPDATE: PTI Baluchistan [ Official ] has joined Quetta sit-in against Hazara killings. President PTI Balochistan Qasim Suri addressed the Dharna.


There are more PTI people at the dharna than Baloch government representatives!!!

Had I been there, I would have gone there as well...

there are very few people who have openly and honestly brought up the plight of the victims of the sectarian terrorism and specially Hazara Imran Khan is one of them and second is Gen Musharraf. other politicians didnt even bother a single word of grief or condemnation in fear of loosing the vote bank of the fanatics.

may Allah Grant us an honest and strong leadership that heeds to the saying of Hazrat Omar R.A
"if even a dog dies thirsty at the bank of river Euphrates, then I Omar will hold my self responsible"
there are very few people who have openly and honestly brought up the plight of the victims of the sectarian terrorism and specially Hazara Imran Khan is one of them and second is Gen Musharraf. other politicians didnt even bother a single word of grief or condemnation in fear of loosing the vote bank of the fanatics.

may Allah Grant us an honest and strong leadership that heeds to the saying of Hazrat Omar R.A
"if even a dog dies thirsty at the bank of river Euphrates, then I Omar will hold my self responsible"

I heard somewhere IK is coming to Quetta tomorrow...

The worst thing is response from n league. Not a single statement.

As for Hazrat Omar (ra) statement, these people dont hold a candle infront of his principles of governance.
I heard somewhere IK is coming to Quetta tomorrow...

The worst thing is response from n league. Not a single statement.

As for Hazrat Omar (ra) statement, these people dont hold a candle infront of his principles of governance.

PTI balochistan chapter is already with the protestors and Imran Khan will be going to Quetta tommorrow. The worst thing is Nawaz Sharif is quiet on the issue,
Altaf bhai rather than calling for a black day tommorrow should protest with Govt.
How can these people be so cruel, my mother and nanni started crying when they saw people with their janazas , kids and women out in the open in rain protesting
And Meanwhile Nawab Aslam Raisan Chief Minister sahab enjoying his time in dubai!

Balochistan Chief Minister Nawab Aslam Raisani was also asked to return from Dubai.
Many hard-line peoples are not against this incident by heart as according to them they are kafir. These incidents are becoming normal. Nobody will resign, these things will continue, because of this new created tradition and culture, Tu kafir,yeh kafir, Mein muslim, wo kafir. etc And worst thing is hard line people are in many numbers.
Many hard-line peoples are not against this incident by heart as according to them they are kafir. These incidents are becoming normal. Nobody will resign, these things will continue, because of this new created tradition and culture, Tu kafir,yeh kafir, Mein muslim, wo kafir. etc And worst thing is hard line people are in many numbers.

and when victims dont get justice then Allah punishes the entire nation with things that are beyond their control and power, Drone therapy is one of them.
it just goes to tell you that what goes around, comes around.

would you think that the victims of these constant attacks by the LeJ would really care about the drone attacks that are killing the Taliban who also share the ideology of Sectarian terrorists?

its one cruel way of looking at it. I recall a procession in support of Malala Yousaf Zai which read that drone attacks happen so that girls like Malala can go to school.

you are very right about the mentality of the people, on youtube I was just looking for some news clip about this incident and came across a tribute video for Lashkar Jhangvi al Alami which is praising the attack a similar attack earlier in Mastung. I just read the title and description and I knew what that will be and didnt bother watching it because normally these sick videos show executions or bomb explosions with Quranic verses in the background.

what really grinds my gears is that out of all the Islamic Ummah we are one of the unfortunate nation which cant rid these rabid people, even countries like Saudi Arabia have got rid of these scum & they have come to live near our academies

I fear the day of total embarrassment and shame when Al Zoahiri will be found somewhere in the heart of a major city living a stone throw away from a security establishment, its the bigotry & radicalization of the society that has enabled these fiends to live among us & spill the blood of other Pakistanis in the name of their twisted faith.
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