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Four explosions in Quetta

@irfanbloach and what is army doing to fight and stop this? I see Chief Justice, Asma Jahangir and civilian govt won't let them. Take a note from US. Drones are illegal. Execution without trial are illegal. Terrorist held without proof are illegal. But in order to safeguard it self from this scourge we can see the drone are still happening, killing of terrorists without trial are still going on and Guantanamo is still operating.

We will pakistan get its act together?
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thats what I meant in a way that India doesnt need to retaliate
BLA and Lashker Jhangvi have done a much better job for it

dont take it the wrong way. look at it like this
for argument sake,you are pee'd off due to actions of someone and decide to take action and in the same time that person or his loved ones have to suffer a tragedy and you say to yourself
"serves you well buddy... I really dont need to do anything now"
Sirji, No room for in anyway for any Indian to of not to condone these cowardly acts by terrorists that deserve to burn in hell....If any Indian suggests otherwise, my apologies on their behalf.
I will voice the condemnation of such barbarity for all human beings, with Hazara's there is some personal affiliation because I have grown up with these proud people. there was no satire intended I am just talking the experience.

as of today, every Hazara person I know has lost one or more family members to sectarian terrorism and get this, not even a single culprit is ever caught or punished. in Pakistan crime does pay.

in Quetta FG public school one of my class fellow was called Ali Raza he was a boxer and his cousin represented Pakistan in the Olympics and he was gunned down by the Sipah Sahabah last year. to instill fear, the sectarian terrorists go for the famous and people in important position that have shia faith. look at the doctors, police officers, lawyers, bankers etc who were killed because the community looked up to them and killing them was a message that there is no justice and no escape on this god forsaken country.

I am still unable to brush the memory of the dead Christians that were burnt alive by our "ordinary Muslim Brothers" in Lahore some time ago and I cant get the cries out of my mind of a weeping Ahmedi guy who on tv, described how his brother's body was used by the sectarian terrorists to hold the gun and fired throughout the assault on Ahmedi Mosque that it left a big gaping hole.

these sectarian terrorists exist and influence the minds of ordinary people and then have the gal to protest Indian army atrocities in Kashmir and Israeli brutal bombing and shelling of Palestinian camps. I mean with what face they do that when they show little to no concern for any Pakistani who doesnt happen to be a Sunni Muslim but demand a better treatment from nonMuslims for their Muslim "brothers. if someone thought hypocrisy had limits then come to Pakistan and hear the stories of the minorities and what they have to face.

now I explain why I said what I said... today people raise their hands and curse two personalities

1. President Zardari .. may he drown in his own wealth
2. CJ Iftikhar, the most biased and unworthy chief justice who has allowed every terrorist to walk away & has only arrested traffic wardens and civil servants

For the bold part, why so ?
Sad incident!! May the departed soul R.I.P and the people who caused this along with their rotten ideology rot in hell!!!!!!!

This proves again to me that it is the sunnis who are extremist lot and they take all kind of inhumane steps against Shias just because of ideological differences.. This is height of stupidity!! Fight for the one you never saw and kill every one alive around you for some thing you believe and others don't...
Is it just me or are our neighbors suffering from this incident more than Pakistanis themselves are?
I'm confused.

Is it still governors rule in Balochistan or has the army been called in?
After reading all the comments from the sane posters here (Irfan Baloch etc.), I wonder if it is time for Pakistan to devide itself into a union like the EU?

KP can be administered by the Pushtoon and consist of both Pakistan & Afghanistan parts.
Punjab & AJK Adjoining Areas by Sunni's
Balochistan and Gilgit by Shia's
Karachi and Adjoining areas by Mohajir's
Islamabad and adjoining Areas by by seculars, Ahmedi's, minorities & those who believe they are good muslims but watch movies and dance at weddings etc.

All these regions decide that they will limit their beliefs how ever enlightened or barbaric only to their own territories.
All Pakistani's will have a free right to migrate to any part they choose to but if they wish to stay in any particular territory than the must convert to the majorities wishes!
Defence of this Pak EU from external forces will be of the Pak Army and they will be given strategic bases under their command which will follow Armed forces acts.
Each Individual part of the Pak EU can decide their local laws as long as the majority agree whether its barbaric or modern?

Maybe radical but it will make Pakistan survive till the next Prophet arrives to establish muslim ummah?
I don't understand how calling in the army will help stopping suicide bomb attacks ...
I'm confused.

Is it still governors rule in Balochistan or has the army been called in?

no, these were all rumours so far. neither Raisani, lord of Sarawan has resigned nor he has returned from Dubai even !
no, these were all rumours so far. neither Raisani, lord of Sarawan has resigned nor he has returned from Dubai even !

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he doesnt return from wherever he is.

PPP might make him resign due to public pressure, but in the end they'll replace him with another corrupt person and the cycle will begin again.
After reading all the comments from the sane posters here (Irfan Baloch etc.), I wonder if it is time for Pakistan to devide itself into a union like the EU?

KP can be administered by the Pushtoon and consist of both Pakistan & Afghanistan parts.
Punjab & AJK Adjoining Areas by Sunni's
Balochistan and Gilgit by Shia's
Karachi and Adjoining areas by Mohajir's
Islamabad and adjoining Areas by by seculars, Ahmedi's, minorities & those who believe they are good muslims but watch movies and dance at weddings etc.

All these regions decide that they will limit their beliefs how ever enlightened or barbaric only to their own territories.
All Pakistani's will have a free right to migrate to any part they choose to but if they wish to stay in any particular territory than the must convert to the majorities wishes!
Defence of this Pak EU from external forces will be of the Pak Army and they will be given strategic bases under their command which will follow Armed forces acts.
Each Individual part of the Pak EU can decide their local laws as long as the majority agree whether its barbaric or modern?

Maybe radical but it will make Pakistan survive till the next Prophet arrives to establish muslim ummah?

Bad Idea. Division is never a solution. The differences will continue to exist to the last individual. What is needed in Pakistan is the implementation of the law of the land with the an iron fist so that no party feels that justice is not done.

A better idea would be to distribute executive powers from center, towards state, district and till the village level so that its not held by a coterie of people sitting in Islamabad.
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